Respiratory Anatomy 2 - Review Flashcards
what is the fibromuscular tube that forms the upper airway and upper digestive tract, transmits air from the nasal cavity to the trachea and food from the oral cavity to the esophagus
- pharynx
what extends from the base of the skull to the inferior aspect of the cricoid cartilage of the larynx
- pharynx
the pharynx is divided into which regions?
- nasopharynx
- oropharynx
- laryngopharynx (hypopharynx)
what lies posterior to the nasal cavity and above the soft palate?
- nasopharynx
what are located along the superior/posterior wall of the nasopharynx
- pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids)
what connects to the middle ear cavity and can be observed with the overlying torus
- pharyngotympanic tube
what lies posterior to the oral cavity between the soft palate and the tip of the epiglottis
- oropharynx
what is located between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal folds?
- palatine tonsil
what is the space between the epiglottis and the tongue base
- valleculae
what lies posterior to the larynx and extends from the epiglottis to the inferior aspect of the cricoid cartilage, where it narrows and is continuous with the esophagus
- laryngopharynx
what helps the laryngopharynx communicate with the larynx
- laryngeal inlet
which tonsils are located at the roof and posterior wall of the pharynx
- pharyngeal tonsils
which tonsils are located near the orifice of the pharyngotympanic tube
- tubal tonsils
which tonsils are located on the posterior surface of the tongue?
- lingual tonsils
what is the name of the ring around the pharynx collectively formed by the tonsils?
- Waldeyer’s ring
what surgical procedure involves the removal of the tonsil from the underlying tonsil bed
- tonsillectomy
what is a common postoperative complication from a tonsillectomy
- bleeding because of its rich vascular suppply
what courses just beneath the thin tonsillar bed and is vulnerable to surgical injury during a tonsillectomy
- the lingual branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve
what happens if the lingual branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve is injured during a tonsillectomy? what symptoms are experienced
- taste/sensory disturbances to the posterior 1/3rd of the tongue
the muscular pharynx actually consists of a series of
- circular muscle
- longitudinal muscles
pharyngeal muscles function during
- swallowing
the circular pharyngeal muscles that propel food downward from the oropharynx to the laryngopharynx
- superior
- middle
- inferior
all of the pharyngeal muscles are innervated by which nerve
except for
which is innervated by which nerve
- vagus
- stylopharyngeus
- innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve
what are the small mucosa lined fossa along the lateral walls of the larynx
- piriform recesses
what are common sites for food/small foreign bodies to lodge
- piriform recesses
what happens when the mucosa of the piriform recesses gets irritated
- feels like you have something stuck in your throat
what innervates the nasopharynx
- maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve (V2)
what innervates the oropharynx
- glossopharyngeal nerve
- cranial nerve 9
what innervates the laryngopharynx
- vagus nerve
- cranial nerve 10
two sets of lymph nodes in the head and neck
- superficial nodes
- deep nodes
what forms a ring around the head and drains lymph from the face and scalp region
- superficial nodes
division of the superficial nodes
- occipital nodes
- mastoid nodes
- parotid nodes
- submandibular nodes
- submental nodes
all of the superficial nodes eventually drain into the
- deep cervical node
what nodes drain lymph from deeper structures within the head and neck
- deep cervical nodes
two groups of deep lymph nodes along the IVJ
- superior deep cervical nodes
- inferior deep cervical nodes
which group of deep lymph nodes lie near the angle of the mandible
- superior deep cervical nodes
which group of deep lymph nodes are associated with the lower portion of the IJV
- inferior deep cervical nodes
the deep cervical nodes drain their lymph into the venous system at the _______ at the base of the neck
- jugulosubclavian junction (venous angle)
deep cervical nodes positioned along the right IJV drain into the ____________ at the right venous angle
- right lymphatic duct
deep cervical nodes positioned along the left IJV drain into the ________ at the left venous angle
- thoracic duct
3 layers of the cervical fascia
- investing layer
- prevertebral layer
- pretracheal layer
what layer of the cervical fascia forms a tubular sheath around deeper structures
- investing layer
what layer of the cervical fascia is the tubular sheath around the vertebral column and associated muscles
- prevertebral layer
what layer of the cervical fascia surrounds the thyroid gland, trachea, and esophagus
- pretrachael layer
the posterior extension of the pretracheal layer
- buccopharyngeal fascia
what is the thin extension of deep fascia that divides the region between the prevertebral fascia and the buccopharyngeal fascia into two spaces?
- alar fascia
what are the two spaces the alar fascia divides into
- retropharyngeal space
- danger space
where is the area that represents a major pathway for the spread of infection between the neck and thorax
- area between the prevertebral fascia and buccopharyngeal fascia
which part of the laryngeal skeleton is the largest and consists of the anterior prominence or Adam’s apple
- thyroid
which part of the laryngeal skeleton is the only part which forms a complete ring that is narrow anteriorly and tall posteriorly
- cricoid cartilage
which part of the laryngeal skeleton is a leaf shaped cartilage which attaches to the thyroid cartilage
- epiglottis
which part of the laryngeal skeleton are pyramidal shaped and articulate with the cricoid
- arytenoid cartilage
which membrane of the larynx attaches the thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone
- thyrohyoid membrane
which membrane of the larynx connects the cricoid cartilage to the thyroid cartilage
- cricothyroid membrane
the lateral portions of the cricothyroid membrane extend superiorly deeper inside the thyroid cartilage as the __________
- conus elasticus
the superior portion of the conus elasticus forms the
- vocal ligament
what ligament attaches to the arytenoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage
- vocal ligament
what ligament contributes to the true vocal cord
- vocal ligament
what fold is the vocal ligament covered with mucosa and known as the true vocal cord
- vocal fold
what fold is the false vocal cord
- vestibular fold
what is the quadrate shaped membrane covered with mucosa above the vestibular fold
- quadrangular membrane
what is the superior free margin of the quadrangular membrane
- aryepiglottic fold
what is the mucosa covered conus elasticus below the vocal fold
- triangular membrane
what space of the larynx lies above the vestibular folds
- supraglottic space
what space of the larynx lies below the vocal folds
- subglottic space
what is the space in between the vestibular fold and vocal fold
- ventricle
what is the aperture between the two vocal folds
- rima glottidis
how is sound produced?
- as air passes through the laryngeal cavity between the vocal folds
variations in ________ arises from changes in the position, tension, and length of vocal folds
- sound
role of vestibular folds
- protect airway
- no role in sound production
what muscles of the larynx are attached to the hyoid bone and move the hyoid bone and larynx together
- extrinsic muscles
extrinsic muscles of the larynx include the
- suprahyoid muscles
- infrahyoid muscles
what muscles elevate the larynx
- suprahyoid muscles
what muscles depress the larynx
- infrahyoid muscles
what muscles move the laryngeal cartilages thereby changing the length and tension of the vocal ligaments/cords and the opening/closing of the rima glottidis
- intrinsic muscles
what muscle of the larynx is a small intrinsic muscle located along the anterolateral aspect of the larynx
- cricothyroid
what muscle of the larynx tenses or stretches the vocal cord by tipping the thyroid cartilage on the underlying cricoid thereby producing higher pitch sounds
- cricothyroid
what is the only muscle of the larynx that abducts (opens) the vocal cords
- posterior cricoarytenoid
what nerve provides all the motor and sensory innervation to the larynx
- vagus nerve
- cranial nerve 10
the vagus nerve gives rise to which branches
- superior laryngeal nerve
- recurrent laryngeal nerve
which nerve recurs around the right subclavian artery
- right recurrent laryngeal nerve
which nerve recurs around the aortic arch
- left recurrent laryngeal nerve
which branch of the superior laryngeal nerve innervates the cricothyroid muscle
- external branch
which branch of the superior laryngeal nerve pierces the thyroid membrane then innervates the mucosa within the larynx ABOVE the vocal cords
- internal branch
which nerve ascends along the trachea and ultimately provides sensory innervation to the mucus membranes within the larynx BELOW the vocal cords and provides motor innervation to all the remaining intrinsic muscles of the larynx
- recurrent laryngeal nerve
what can affect the recurrent laryngeal nerve resulting in paralysis of the local cord and hoarseness
- aortic aneurysm