Respiratory Flashcards
4 major functions of respiratory system
- Supply oxygen to the body for energy production
- Removing carbon dioxide as a waste product of energy reactions
- Maintaining homeostasis (acid-base balance) of arterial blood
- Maintaining heat exchange (less important in humans)
Control of respirations
involuntary control of respirations is mediated by the respiratory center in the brainstem (pons and medulla)
the major feedback loop is the change in carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in the blood
the normal stimulus to breath for most people is an increase in carbon dioxide in the blood (hypercapnia)
decrease of oxygen in the blood (hypoxemia) also increases respiration but is less effective than hypercapnia
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
too much supplemental oxygen can cause or worsen hypercapnia in COPD patients
reducing the drive to breath
people with healthy lungs rely on high co2 levels to stimulate brain to breathe. People with COPD and high CO2 levels may become “less sensitive” to a high CO2 level
COPD patients
rely more on low oxygen levels to stimulate their breathing
giving too much oxygen removes this stimulus to breathe, thus reduces the removal of CO2 from the lungs
Aging Adult
thorax is less mobile
respiratory muscle strength declines after age 50s and continues to decrease into 50s
older adults are at increased risk for pneumonia due to decreased ability to cough, loss of protective airway reflexes and increased amount of secretions
older lungs
less elastic and more rigid
have fewer functional capillaries
have decreased lung resiliency
(difficulty breathing)
COPD: Cant breathe or can’t take a deep breathe
Anxiety: feel like I am suffocating
Gradual onset seen with lung changes such as emphsema
sudden onset seen with viral or bacterial infections, acute asthma exacerbation, acute MI, pulmonary embolism(blockage of one of the pulmonary arteries in the lungs)
Dyspnea when lying supine=heart failure
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
(severe dyspnea that awakens a person from sleep)=heart failure
Sleep Apnea
Fatigue, snoring and gasping sounds
diminishes the quality of sleep leading to fatigue, depression, irritability, loss of memory, lack of energy and increased risk for MVA or work injuries
Sleep Apnea consequences if left untreated
left untreated it can have serious and life-shortening consequences: high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, depression
continuous coughs are usually associated with acute infections
Early morning coughing
is associated with chronic bronchial inflammation or smoking
Late evening coughing
usually the result of exposure to irritants during the day
Coughing at night
related to postnasal drip or sinusitis
Nonproductive coughs
are usually associated with upper respiratory irritations or early congestive heart failure
White Sputum
seen with colds, viral infections or bronchitis
Yellow or green Sputum
associated with bacterial infections
Brown or black sputum
associated with blood (hemoptysis) and seen in serious respiratory infections
Rust Sputum
colored is seen in TB or pneumoccal pneumonia
Pink Sputum
frothy sputum is seen in pulmonary edema
indicates narrowed airways due to spasm or obstruction
is associated with CHF, asthma or excessive secretions
Nasal flaring
seen with labored respirations especially in small children
indicative of hypoxia
Pursed lip breathing
may be seen in asthma, emphysema or CHF as a physiologic response to slow down expiration and keep the alveoli open longer
Purple complexion
ruddy to purple complexion is seen in patients with COPD or CHF as a result of polycythemia
cyanosis is seen in patients who are cold or hypoxic
Barrel Chest
AP ratio of 1:1 is called barrel chest and is a result of emphysema and the hyperinflation of the lungs
is an increased curve of the thoracic spine seen in older adults caused by a loss of lung resiliency and loss of skeletal muscle
Kyphosis symptoms
can cause significant back pain and limited mobility
severe deformities impair cardiovascular function
example of compensation by hyperextension of head to maintain level of vision
Precuts Carinatum
Forward profusion of the sternum
called pigeon chest
more rare than Pectus Excavatum
requires no treatment, but if severe surgery is an option