HEENT Flashcards
Neck Pain
can be due to muscular or cervical spinal cord problems
stress and tension may increase neck pain
Sudden head and neck pain with elevated temperature and neck stiffness
may be a sign of meningeal inflammation
Sudden trouble with vision
Sudden trouble with vision in one or both eyes or sudden trouble walking, dizziness or loss of balance or coordination may be a sign of impending stroke
Lumps or lesions on head/neck
lumps or lesions that do not heal may be a sign of cancer
an enlarged thyroid gland or swelling at the base of the neck
also experience a tight feeling in the throat, a hoarse voice, cough, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, or difficulty breathing
Change in skin, hair, nails, energy levels, sleep, and emotional stability?
thyroid function
Hyperthyroidism vs Hypothyroidism
Hypo: constipation, Bradycardia, weight gain, pale dry skin, slowed reflexes, cold intolerance, coarse hair, skin feels cold, no goiter, constipation, puffiness in periorbital region
hyperthyroidism: diarrhea, tachycardia, weight loss, moist skin, heightened reflexes, heat intolerance, fine hair with hair loss, skin feels warm, goiter, frequent bowel movements, exophthalmos (protruding)
Most common type of headaches
- Vascular (migraines)
- Muscle contraction (tension)
- traction or inflammatory causes
Sudden headache with unknown cause
Hormone fluctuations and headaches
women are more prone to migraines than men usually provoked by hormone fluctuations
severe headache with stiff neck, vomiting and light sensitivity
Headache following a head injury
slow bleed
Headaches with numbness or tingling in the arms or legs
headache lasting for more than 24 hours in someone without a history of headaches
Sinus headaches
deep, constant throbbing pain
pressure like pain in one specific area of face or head and is tender to touch
When does sinus headaches occur?
with or after a cold or acute sinusitis or febrile illness with purulent discharge from nose
Location of sinus headaches
one area of face or along eyebrow ridge and below the cheek bone
Duration, severity, and pattern of sinus headaches
Duration: last until associated condition improves
severity: moderately severe and not debilitating
pattern: gets worse when they change their position as well as sudden temperature changes
Associated factors with sinus headaches
nasal drainage, congestion, fever, foul-smelling breath
Cluster headache
Stabbing pain
may be accompanied by tearing, eyelid drooping, reddened eye or runny nose
may be precipitated by ingesting alcohol
walking and moving around makes it feel better opposite of migraine headaches
Location of cluster headaches
localized in the eye or orbit and radiating to the facial and temporal regions
pain is always unilateral and always on the same side
Cluster duration, severity, and pattern
Typically occurs in the late evening or night
severity is intense
pattern is movement or walking back and forth may relieve the discomfort
Associated factors of cluster headaches
occurs more in young males
occur in cyclical patterns or clusters
may have eye reddening, tearing and nasal congestion
Tension Headaches
Dull, tight, diffuse
occurs simultaneously with stress, anxiety or depression
usually located in the frontal, temporal or occipital region
Tension headaches duration, severity, pattern
Last days, months or years
the severity is aching
relief may be obtained by local heat, massage, analgesics, antidepressants and muscle relaxants
Associated factors of tension headaches
affect women more than men
is the most common type of headache
Migraine headaches
Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to noise and light
onset: aura might occur before or during migraines , can be precipitated by emotional disturbances or follow ingestion of alcohol
location: around eyes, cheeks, or forehead
- may affect only one side of the face
Migraine duration, severity, and pattern
Duration lasts up to 3 days
Severity is throbbing and severe
Rest may bring relief
Associated factors of migraines
Occurs more often in women
headaches especially migraines tend to run in families
Tumor-related headaches
Aching and steady. Neurologic and mental symptoms as well as nausea and vomiting may develop
may develop when coughing, sneezing or sudden movement of the head
location varies with location of the tumor
Tumor related headaches duration, severity, and pattern
duration is commonly occurs in the morning and last for several hours
severity is different in tensity
pattern usually subsides later in the day
an abnormally small head
Skull and facial bones are larger and thicker
Paget disease
Acorn shape, enlarged skull and bones
Neurological disorders
may cause horizontal jerking movement
Involuntary nodding movement
may be seen with aortic insufficiency
Head tilted to one side
may indicate unilateral vision or hearing deficiencies
Drooping, weakness, or paralysis on side
may result from a stroke and is usually seen with paralysis or weakness of other parts of the body
can be a result of bell palsy
Mask-like face
can be seen with Parkinson
Sunken face with depressed eyes and hollow cheek
typical of cachexia (emaciation)
Tightened-hard face
with thinning facial skin seen in scleroderma
Temporal arteritis
When the temporal artery is hard, thick, and tender
can lead to blindness
acute and urgent
Swelling, enlarged masses
may indicate an enlarged thyroid gland, inflammation of the lump nodes or a tumor
Palpating the trachea
find the sternal notch and verify the trachea is midline
Trachea pulled to an affected side
Large atelectasis
fibrosis or pleural adhesions
Trachea pushed to the unaffected side
in case of: tumor
enlarged thyroid lobe
aortic aneurysm
Palpating the Thyroid
Usually not palpable
if rapid enlargement of a single nodule-consider malignancy
diffuse enlargement think hyperthyroidism
Auscultate Thyroid
bruit over the thyroid lobes is often heard with hyperthyroidism
Lymph Nodes
enlarged nodes are abnormal
swelling, tenderness, hardness and immobility are abnormal
Metastasis from a malignancy in the abdomen and thorax
an enlarged, hard, contender node in the supraclavicular area
Hodgkin Lymphoma
cancer of the lymphatic system
in front of the ear
Posterior auricular
superficial to mastoid process behind the ear
at the base of the skull
midline, behind the tip of the mandible
halfway between the angle and the tip of the mandible
under the angle of the mandible
Superficial cervical
overlies the sternomastoid muscle
deep cervical
deep under the sternomastoid muscle
Posterior cervical
in the posterior triangle along the edge of the trapezius muscle
just above and behind the clavicle at the sternomastoid muscle
Red flags for Lymph Nodes
have appeared for no apparent reason
continue to enlarge or have been present for two to four weeks
feels hard or rubbery, or doesn’t move when you push on them
accompanied by persistent fever, night swears or unexplained weight loss
Sudden changes of vision
are associated with acute problems such as head trauma or increased intracranial pressure
Gradual changes of vision
may be related to aging, diabetes, hypertension or neurologic disorders
blind spot that is surrounded by either normal or slightly diminished peripheral vision and may be a sign of glaucoma
Intermittent blind spots
can be associated with vascular spasms (ophthalmic migraines), pressure on the optic nerve from a tumor or increased ICP
Consistent blind spots
may indicated retinal detachment
report of blind spots is an immediate referral
Most common causes of decreased vision in older adults
Cataract formation (lens opacity)
glaucoma from increased intraocular pressure
macular degeneration
Macular degeneration
breakdown of cells in macula of retina
irreversible central vision loss
most common cause of blindness
Halos or rings around lights?
associated with narrow angle glaucoma
Do you have trouble seeing at night?
night blindness is associated with optic atrophy, glaucoma and vitamin A deficiency
DO you experience double vision ?
may indicated increased ICP due to injury or a tumor