respiratory 1 Flashcards
watchdog of the lungs
larynx-vocalization is main job, but it protects the lungs from foreign objects and facilitates coughing
Left lung has _____ lobes
Right lung has ____ lobes
Ventilation is:
the movement of air in and out of the lungs
Respiration is
the process of gas exchange between the air and the blood and between the blood and the cells of the body
Compliance is
the elasticity and expandability of the lungs and thoracic structures
high pitched sound (typically on inspiration) that is caused by breathing through a partially blocked upper airway
Clubbing of the fingers
sign of lung disease-chronic hypoxia
temporary pauses of breathing
Barrel Chest
over inflation of the lungs; hallmark sign of emphysema and COPD
Cheyne-Stoke’s Respirations
Regular cycle where the rate and depth increase then decrease until apnea-which can last about 20 seconds; r/t heart failure and damage to respiratory center
Biot’s Respiration
Periods of normal breathing (3-4 breaths) followed by varying periods of apnea (10-60 seconds); can also be called Ataxic breathing; r/t respiratory depression-OD or brain injury
Low pitched, snoring sound-r/t secretions (pneumonia)
high pitched, musical sounds; asthma
Pleural Friction Rub
low pitched rubbing or grating sound; inflammation and loss of lubricating pleural fluid
tidal volume
volume of each breath
minute ventilation
volume of air exchanged per minute- helps in detecting respiratory failure
loss of the voice
Signs of acute laryngitis
aphonia, hoarseness, and severe cough
Hemorrhage from the nose/nose bleed
early sign of laryngeal cancer
if a pt aspirates, consider completing a
swallow test
Normal amount of fluid in the lungs is
Which receptors assist the brain in controlling the respiratory center?
chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, proprioreceptors
If the trachea is shifted, there is a possibility the pt has
a pneumothorax
With epistaxis, the pt is at risk for
hypovolemia, anemia, and aspiration
Rebound congestion (medicamentosa) is caused by
overusing nasal decongestants
alveolar collapse
what do alveoli secrete to prevent collapse?
oxygenated blood from lungs
pulmonary vein
signs of difficult breathing
retractions/accessory muscle use, nasal flaring, head bobbing, grunting
measures concentration of carbon dioxide in exhaled air; critically ill pts or sedated pts
1 protector against disease
complication of ng tube
sinus infection
1st step when pt is having difficulty breathing
elevate the head of the bed
The fluid from a thoracentesis will be tested with
cytology, glucose, culture and sensitivity, gram stain
If a pt shows this symptom with sinusitis, it is a serious indicator of possible brain infection
periorbital edema
With laryngitis, educate your pt to be on
vocal rest
If the O2 sat of your pt decreases while on Bipap, check
seal of the mask, make sure there are no gaps
Ways to help with sleep apnea
weight loss, no alcohol, no sedatives
High resp rate with low O2
Call Rapid Response!!
How to promote sinus drainage
increase fluids, raise head of the bed, warm compress
Funnel Chest
breast bone sinks into chest, can effect both heart and lungs ability to pump effectively
Nuchal rigidity
neck stiffness; can be neurological and from chronic sinusitis; possibly life threatening as it can be a sign of meningitis
How can alcohol withdrawal be life threatening?
can cause respiratory issues, delirium, and tremors
What type of assessment should be completed for someone with respiratory issues?
Nutritional assessment (albumin, glucose, protein, and electrolytes) as malnutrition can cause further difficulty with respiratory system
Sputum sample
no spitting, first thing in the morning. Deep breath and cough to obtain specimen
potential complications of tonsillectomy
infection, hemorrhage, airway obstruction due to swelling
Nasal cannula maxes out at
Fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2)
percent of gas that is oxygen
FIO2 of room air
Nonrebreather mask
for non-stable patients; more than 5L/min and more than 90% FIO2 (low flow)
Simple face mask
> 5L/min, 40-60% FIO2; short term use (low flow)
Venturi Mask
Variable L/min; precise % FIO2
(high flow)
High flow nasal cannula
humidifies and warms; 30-60L/min
CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure)
used for sleep apnea; 1 setting for inhale and exhale
BIPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure)
2 different settings for inhale and exhale
Endotracheal tube
Artificial airway for when pts can’t protect their own; hooked to mechanical ventilator
After placing ET tube,
check for equal breath sounds to ensure the tube is not down one bronchi or the other
Gas exchange occurs at
alveoli; oxygen into blood, CO2 into alveoli
Diminished breath sounds
quiet, shallow or restricted
popping; air moving through mucus, fluid or pus
Best way to determine oxygenation
ABG; arterial line or blood draw
Continuous oxygen measurement with
Pulse ox