Resp Herbs (PN) Flashcards
Tussilago farfara (actions)
Actions & Indications
i. ) Relaxing Expectorant ii. ) Antispasmodic iii. ) Anticatarrhal
Tussilago farfara (CI)
i. ) Pregnancy/Lactation ii. ) Children iii. ) Long-term use
Tussilago farfara (SE)
Side Effects & Toxicity
i.) Risk of hepatoveno-occlusive disease related to prolonged exposure to unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids
Contraindicated in pregnancy, this herb is often used for bronchitis because it is antispasmodic, an expectorant, and diaphoretic
Asclepius tuberosa
Indicated for spasmodic, wet, and dry coughs
Inula helenium
Aspidosperma tuberosa
1.) Actions & Indications
Stimulating Expectorant
a.) Wet cough
Aspidosperma tuberosa
2.) Contraindications & Interactions
C: Dry cough, pregnancy/lactation, & in infants
Aspidosperma tuberosa (SE)
High doses may irritate the gastrointestinal tract by the same mechanism to which Aspidosperma irritates the respiratory tract. This may result in nausea & vomiting
Symphytum officinale (Actions, Indications)
i. ) Relaxing Expectorant (Dry Cough)
ii. ) Demulcent
iii. ) Topical Vulnerary
a. ) Osseous fractures, dermatitis
Symphytum officinale (CI)
i. ) Wet Cough
ii. ) Pregnancy/Lactation (Topically Safe)
iii. ) Children (Topically safe)
Symphytum officinale (SE)
- ) Side Effects & Toxicity
i. ) Kidney & Liver Damage (hepato-veno-occlusive disease; r/t unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids)
Atropa belladonna
Actions & Indications
i. ) Spasmolytic
a. ) Smooth muscle spasms of all sorts, spastic constipation
b. ) Asthma
c. ) Parkinosnism
ii. ) Secretolytic
a. ) GERD, gastritis, PUD
iii. ) Analgesic
a. ) Pain related to smooth muscl spasms
Atropa belladonna
2.) Contraindications
i. ) Urinary Retention
ii. ) BPH
iii. ) Tachycardia & arrhythmis
iv. ) Glaucoma
v. ) Pulmonary edema
vi. ) Megacolon
vii. ) Pregnancy/Lactation
viii. ) Children
Atropa belladonna
3.) Toxicity & Side Effects
Contains Tropane Alkaloids (that act as anticholinergic agents):
i. ) Xerostomia, dry eyes ii. ) Tachycardia & Hyperventilation iii. ) Mydriasis w/ blurry vision iv. ) Confusion & Hallucinations v. ) Sedation
Larrea tridentata
1.) Actions & Indications
i. ) Antiallergenic (Allergic rhinitis)
ii. ) Antiinflammatory
iii. ) Antioxidant
iv. ) Anti-HSV
Larrea tridentata
2a.) Contraindications
i. ) Over large area of broken skin
ii. ) Liver disease
iii. ) Pregnancy (topical application is safe though)
iv. ) Large doses
Larrea tridentata
2b.) Interactions
i.) Potentiates the toxicity of hepatotoxic medications
Larrea tridentata
3.) Side Effects & Toxicity
i.) Hepatotoxic
Datura stramonium
1.) Actions & Indications
i. ) Antimuscarinic/Anticholinergic -> Spasmolytic, Secretolytic, Analgesia
a. ) Smooth muscle spasms (asthma)
Datura stramonium
2a.) Contraindications
i. ) BPH, urinary retention
ii. ) Glaucoma
iii. ) Tachycardia & Arrhythmias
iv. ) Pulmonary edema
v. ) Megacolon
vi. ) Pregnancy/Lactation/Children
Datura stramonium
3a.) Side Effects
i. ) Xerostomia, Dry eyes
ii. ) Mydriasis & blurry vision
iii. ) Tachycardia
iv. ) Confusion, Sedation
Datura stramonium
3b.) Toxicity
i. ) Convulsions
ii. ) Dysphagia
This herb contains Tropane Alkaloids and is a great herb for asthma
Datura stramonium (Jimson weed leaf) contains Tropane Alkaloids (Scopolamine)
This herb is contraindicated in pregnancy/lactation, in infants, and with a dry cough
Aspidosperma tuberosa
Prunus serotina
1.) Actions & Indications
i.) Antitussive
Prunus serotina
2.) Contraindications & Interactions
C: Avoid in productive and spasmodic coughs
Used as a topical vulnerary for osseous fractures, dermatitis, and small wounds.
Symphytum officinale (Comfrey) contains unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids
This herb is a powerful emetic often used in smoking cessation regimens because it reduces nicotine cravings
Lobelia inflata
This herb is useful in the treatment of asthma as it contains tropane alkaloids that produce a spasmolytic response
Datura stramonium (Jimson weed leaf) contains Tropane Alkaloids (Scopolamine)
Relaxing expectorant and antispasmodic that contains unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids
Tussilago farfara (Colts Foot) containing Unsaturated Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids
This herb is beneficial for all types of cough (Relaxing and stimulating expectorant) but is also very beneficial in the topical treatment of otitis media
Verbascum thapsus (Mullein)
This herb is useful in a spasmodic cough because it is a relaxing expectorant and antispasmodic
Grindelia robusta
Antispasmodic, stimulating expectorant, and lung tonic used in wet and spasmodic coughs. With overdose this herbs possesses respiratory depressant effects
Lobelia inflata
Topically applied to herpes simplex. Internally this herb is used for allergic rhinitis and cancer. It is hepatotoxic though
Larrea tridentata
Stimulating expectorant is used for wet coughs. Too high of a dose may also irritate the gastrointestinal tract and result in nausea and vomiting
Aspidosperma tuberosa
This herb is particularly useful in pleurisy but also ovarian cysts
Bryonia alba
Antitussive herb that contains cyanogenic glycosides (non-toxic)
Prunus serotina
Relaxing expectorant and demulcent used in dry coughs that contains unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids
Symphytum officinale (Comfrey) contains unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids
Diaphoretic, relaxing expectorant, and antispasmodic often used for common colds, pneumonia, and bronchitis
Asclepius tuberosa
Indicated for spasmodic, wet, and dry coughs
Inula helenium
This herb is contraindicated in pregnancy/lactation, in infants, and with a dry cough
Aspidosperma tuberosa
Inula helenium
1.) Actions & Indications
i. ) Relaxing & Stimulating Expectorant
a. ) Asthma, COPD
b. ) All types of cough
ii. ) Anticatarrhal
iii. ) Demulcent
iv. ) Antiparasitic (intestinal)
Lobelia inflata
1.) Actions & Indications
i. ) Stimulating Expectorant & Lung Tonic
a. ) Wet & Spasmodic coughs
b. ) URI, asthma
ii. ) Emetic
iii. ) Nervine (Smoking cessation)
iv. ) Spasmolytic
v. ) Topical Parturifacient
Lobelia inflata
2.) Contraindications
i. ) Dry Cough
ii. ) Bulimia (potential for emetic abuse)
iii. ) Pregnancy, Lactation, Infant
iv. ) High Doses
Lobelia inflata
3.) Side Effects & Toxicity
i. ) Nausea, Vomiting
ii. ) Toxicity results in respiratory depression
Verbascum thapsus
1.) Actions & Indications
i. ) Relaxing Expectorant
a. ) Asthma, COPD, any type of cough
ii. ) Demulcent
iii. ) Topical for Otitis Media
Asclepius tuberosa
1.) Actions & Indications
i. ) Antiinflammatory
ii. ) Diaphoretic
iii. ) Relaxing Expectorant
a. ) Acute Bronchitis, Cough, Pneumonia
iv. ) Antispasmodic
Asclepius tuberosa
2.) Contraindications
C: Pregnancy
Plantago major
1.) Actions & Indications
i. ) Demulcent used in GIT, lungs, & urinary tract
a. ) Gastritis, PUD
b. ) Interstitial cystitis
c. ) Dry cough
ii. ) Topical Vulnerary used in skin ulcers & dermatitis
Plantago major
2.) Contraindications & Interactions
C: wet cough (b/c it’s a demulcent)
1.) Actions & Indications
i. ) Relaxing Expectorant
ii. ) Antispasmodic
a. ) URI, Spasmodic cough, bronchitis