Herbs Indications Flashcards
What can Arctium lappa treat topically?
What are some other conditions Arctium lappa is indicated for regarding its alterative properties?
Psoriasis and Eczema
What can Arctium lappa treat using its bitter properties?
Poor digestion, dyspepsia, dyskinesia, anorexia, atonic constipation, gas
Hypochlorhydria, biliary insufficiency
What are some other random conditions that Arctium lappa can treat?
Rheumatism, OA, RA
Blood sugar regulation
What are the main conditions that Angelica sinensis is indicated for?
Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, PMS
Menopause, Endometriosis
Infertility, Estrogen imbalance
What are some other conditions that Angelica sinensis can treat due to it’s liver tonifying properties?
Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Poor digestion
What are some other conditions that Angelica sinensis can treat due to it’s analgesic and sedating properties?
Migraine, HA, Arthritis
What part of Althea officinalis is used and for what system to treat what conditions?
Root - GI - Gastritis, PUD, IBS, Colitis
Leaves - GU - UTI
Leaves - Resp - pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, dry cough, asthma
What is aloe vera gel indicated for topically?
Burns, frostbite, wounds, ulcerations, stretch marks, warts, varicose veins
What is aloe vera gel indicated for internally?
Gastritis, IBD, PUD, IC, UTI
What is aloe vera latex/leaf used for internally?
Atonic constipation
What is one indication for allium sativum alone?
Intestinal parasites
What are some topical uses for allium sativum/cepa?
Dermatophytosis, Onychomycosis, warts, vaginitis, OM, Antifungal
What are some internal uses for allium cepa/sativum using its CVD mechanisms?
HLD, Atherosclerosis, Angina, HTN, DM, Hypercoagulation, Intermittent claudication
What are some internal uses for allium cepa/sativum using its immune modulating and anti microbial properties?
Impotence, Insufficient lactation
Candidiasis, Gastroenteritis (H. Pylori)
What are some indications topically/internally for aconite napellus?
Neuralgia, Pain
What are some topical indications for Aesculus hippocastanum?
Bruising, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, pruritus ani
What are some internal indications for Aesculus hippocastanum?
Venous insufficiency, DVT, Varicose Veins, Thrombophlebitits, Edema
Hemorrhoids, Chronic prostatits
What are the main indications for Actaea racemosa?
PMS, Dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia, Early labor
What are some other indications for Actaea racemosa?
Myalgia, Arthritis, OA, RA
Whooping Cough
What are some indications for achillea millefolium topically?
Wounds, skin ulcers
What are some indications for achillea millefolium regarding hemostatic properties?
Stop bleeding in menorrhagia, menorrhagia, passive hemorrhage, hematuria, hemorrhoids (uterine/anal)
What are some indications for achillea millefolium regarding bitter properties?
Poor digestion, dyspepsia, dyskinesia, anorexia, atonic constipation, gas
Hypochlorhydria, biliary insufficiency
What are some indications for achillea millefolium regarding anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic properties?
Cystitis, Leukorrhea, UTI, Joint pain
What’s the indication for arctostaphylos uva ursi?
UTI (alkali)
Chronic bladder irritation (pain, tenesmus, blood, mucus)
What’s the indication for arnica montana?
Topical for bruises, sprains, strains, myalgias
Skin ulcers, Small skin wounds
What are indications for Artemisia absinthium and vulgaris d/t their bitter qualities?
Poor digestion (hypochlorhydria, dyspepsia, biliary insufficiency, dyskinesia, anorexia, atonic constipation, gas)
What are indications for Artemisia absinthium outside of its bitter qualities?
Intestinal roundworms, pinworms, depression, colds, influenza
What are indications for Artemisia annua?
Malaria, parasites, cancer
What are indications for Artemisia vulgaris outside of its bitter qualities?
Depression, amenorrhea
What are indications for asclepias tuberosa?
resp tract congestion - bronchitis, pleurisy, pertussis, pneumonia, cough, common cold, flu
What are indications for aspidosperma quebracho?
dyspnea, asthma, emphysema, TB, hemoptysis, wet cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, periodic fevers
What are indications for astragalus membranaceus?
Depressed immune system
Infx (viral myocardiopathy, pharyngitis, tonsilitis)
Male infertility
What are indications for strops belladonna?
SM spasms - spastic constipation, asthma, Parkinson’s, tremors
Pain from SM contraction - PMS, dysmenorrhea, GERD, PUD, gastritis, hyperchlorhydria
What are indications for avena sativa?
Topical: eczema, inflammed skin, seborrhea
Internal: fatigue, anxiety, general debility
HLD, cardiac rheumatism
Nicotine/Opiate withdrawal (codeine, hydrocodone, morphine, oxycodone, methadone)
What are indications for bacopa?
Poor memory, Cognition
What are indications for Baptisia?
Upper resp infx with catarrh Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis Mastitis Delirium with fever Chronic fatigue
What are indications for Berberis aquifolium?
Chronic skin issues (psoriasis, acne), candida, mastitis
Gastroenteritis, H pylori, Hepatitis
Lower UTI, Vaginitis
Poor digestion (Hypochlorhydria, dyspepsia, biliary insufficiency, dyskinesia, anorexia, atonic constipation, gas)
What are indications for Berberis vulgaris?
Liver dz, chronic hepatitis, gallstones, GB dz, jaundice, gastritis, gastroenteritis, h pylori
Malaria, splenomegaly
Poor digestion (Hypochlorhydria, dyspepsia, biliary insufficiency, dyskinesia, anorexia, atonic constipation, gas)
What are indications for Boswellia?
Asthma OA, RA IBD Chronic prostatitis Inflammation
What are indications for Bryonia d/t its anodyne action?
Pain from ovarian cysts, Rheumatism
What are indications for Bryonia d/t its immune and antiviral actions?
Asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy
What are indications for Calendula topically?
Topical: dermatitis, wounds, skin ulcerations, chronic prostatitis, peridontal dz, gingivitis, conjunctivitis
What are indications for Calendula internally?
Internal: PUD, indigestion, hepatic congestion
What are indications for Camellia?
Cancer prevention Asthma Infx Cavity prevention Wt loss Memory enhancement, stimulant
What are indications for cannabis?
CA (cachexia, pain), pain, neuropathy Glaucoma MS, cerebral palsy HTN Anxiety, depression, insomnia N/V AIDS Asthma
What are indications for Capsella?
Mild menorrhagia, metorrhagia, mild post-partum hemorrhage, hemorrhoids
What are topical indications for Capsicum?
Topical: diabetic neuropathy prurutis OA, RA psoriasis migraines
What are internal indications for Capsicum?
Internal: hypochlorhydria, H pylori, maldigestion, dyspepsia, biliary insufficiency, atonic constipation atherosclerosis GI/Resp infx hypercoagulation stimulant capillary atony
What is the SINGLE indication for Cassia?
atonic constipation
What is the indications for caulophyllum?
Late PG, facilitate labor, amenorrhea, menorhagia, metorrhagia dysmenorrhea, cyclic mastalgia, female infertility, rheumatism, OA, RA
What are the indications for Ceanothus?
fatty liver, hepatitis, NAFLD, splenomegaly LAD bronchitis, asthma, cough, TB dysentery, GI bleeding malaria, thalassemia, sickle-cell anemia non-hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic mononucleosis, skin conditions
What are the indications for Centella?
nervous insomnia or gen. insomnia poor memory chronic venous insufficiency, mycobacterial infx, sore throat, tonsillitis, cystitis, hepatitis, measles, wounds (scars, keloids, ulcers), leprosy, eczema, syphilis, varicose veins
What are the indications for Chamaelirium?
Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Endometriosis, Uterine prolapse, Menopause, Ovarian cysts, Leiomyomas, PMS
Leucorrhea, Estrogen imbalance, Female infertility, Uterine infx
Threatened miscarriage, premature labor
MR CC guarantees deliveries
What are the indications for Chelidonium topically?
Warts, Eczema, Corns, Malignant Tumors
What are the indications for Chelidonium internally?
Biliary insufficiency, Gallstone prevention, Whooping cough, Asthma
What are the indications for Chionathus topically?
Wounds, inflammation
What are the indications for Chionathus internally?
Liver/GB conditions, jaundice, hepatomegaly, biliary insufficiency, gallstones
Chronic skin conditions
Constipation, dyspepsia
Typhoid fever, malaria
What is the single indication for Cineraria?
Cataracts (topically)
What are some topical indications for Cinnamomum?
Fungal infx, Along spine for cough, relaxation
What are some internal indications for Cinnamomum in the GI system?
Diarrhea, Hypochlorhydria, Dyspepsia, H pylori PUD, maldigestion, biliary insufficiency, dyskinesia, anorexia, atonic constipation, gas
What are some internal indications for Cinnamomum in the regards to its astringen action?
Hemorrhage, Menorrhagia, Menorrhagia, Hemoptysis
What are some internal indications for Cinnamomum in the Metabolic system?
DM and metabolic syndrome
What are some indications for Coleus in the CV system?
Dilated cardiomyopathy, HTN
What are some indications for Coleus in the Resp system?
Asthma, Bronchial irritation, dry cough
What are some other indications for Coleus outside of resp and CV?
Allergies, Hypothyroidism, Glaucoma, Obesity, Hoarseness, Weakness/Debility
What are some indications for Commiphora mukul (4)?
Nodulocystic Acne
What are some indications for Commiphora myrrha?
Excess mucus, Leucorrhea
Infx (vaginitis, gastroenteritis)
Dyspepsia, Apthous stomatitis
What are some indications for Convallaria (3)?
Atrial arrthythmias
What are some indications for cordyceps in the resp system?
Asthma, bronchitis, chronic cough
What are some other indications for Cordyceps outside of resp (5)?
Acute infx Anemia Protect bone marrow Fatigue/Debility Impotence
What are some indications for cordalis d/t its analgesic properties?
Pain management
Protection against NSAID ulcers
What are some other indications for Cordalis that are not d/t analgesia?
H pylori Angina Arrhythmias Parasites Gastritis
What are some indications for Crataegus?
CHF, Angina, Arrhythmias, Cardiac weakness, Capillary fragility, Mild HTN
What are some indications for Curcuma in the GI system?
Protection of NSAID induced ulcers, IBS, hepatitis, jaundice, gallstone prevention
What are some other indications for Curcuma outside of GI?
OA, RA, Inflammation
Prevention of Stroke/MI
Skin d/o and asthma
What are some indications for Cynara d/t its bitter properties?
Poor digestion (hypochlorhydria, dyspepsia, biliary insufficiency, dyskinesia, anorexia, atonic constipation, gas)
What are 2 other indications for Cynara outside of its bitter properties?
Liver/GB do
What are some indications for Datura in the resp sys?
Acute asthma, Whooping cough, Pertussis
What are indications for Datura in the neuro sys?
Epilepsy, Delirium
What are indications for Datura outside of neuro and resp?
Spasms, pain
What are indications for Digitalis? (2)
Atrial arrhythmias
What are indications for Dioscorea in the repro sys?
Dysmenorrhea Endometriosis PMS Threatened Miscarriage Premature labor
What are indications for Dioscorea regarding antispasmodic action (not repro related)?
Smooth mm spasms Intestinal colic Myalgia Neuralgia OA, RA, Acute Rheumatism
What are indications for Echinacea spp?
INFX! (URI, Influenza, Pharyngitis, Tonsilitis, Vaginitis, Mastitis, Mycobacterial)
Wounds, Skin ulcers, Acne, Chronic Skin Dz
What are indications for Eleutherococcus?
Hypoadrenocorticism Angina Fatigue/Insomnia Cancer, Chronic inflammation Infx, Pharyngitis/Tonsilitis
What are indications for Ephedra in the resp syst?
Bronchitis, COPD
What are indications for Ephedra in the EENT syst?
Allergic rhinitis
What are indications for Ephedra (not resp or EENT)?
Weight loss
Urinary incontinence
What are 2 areas that Equisetum targets in the body and conditions it tx?
What else can it tx?
Skin - acne, chronic skin dz
GU - lower UTI, urolithiasis, enuresis
What are indications for Eschscholzia in the psych realm?
Anxiety, Panic attacks
What are indications for Eschscholzia in the non-psych world?