Homeopathy Video Keynotes Flashcards
Name this remedy…
Acute shock and fear. Sudden and acute onset of pain. They feels like they want to run under the covers to get away from the cold and wind. They hate the night. Fresh air and being covered make them feel better.
Aconitum napellus
Name this remedy…
Allergies with nasal d/c that seeps like a faucet, tears and d/c that burns like an onion
Allium cepa
Name this remedy…
Sudden fever with hemorrhage with bright red blood. Feels like they have sand under their eyelids.
Ferrum phosphoricum
Name this remedy…
Persistent N/V without relief
Clean tongue
Name this remedy…
Breast issues including hard lesions, mastitis.
Exam shows LAD and painful red throat with burning sensation
Name this remedy…
Pregnant pt with morning sickness (nausea). Prior to pregnancy had issues with PMS related to hormones. FHx of menopausal Sx.
She craves acidic foods like pickles and vinegar.
During the interview she involuntarily weeps.
Name this remedy…
Pt comes in with URI most likely bronchitis. They recently changed jobs due to feeling dissatisfied and restless in their old situation.
They crave smoked meats and milk.
Name this remedy…
Throbbing R sided toothache with fever, red face.
Name this remedy…
Blind as a bat, red as a beet, hot as a hare, dry as a bone, mad as a hatter
Name this remedy…
Pt is a child that has anal worms with a lot of itching. During the interview they pick their nose and throw a tantrum when mom tells them not to. Pt has a history of convulsions.
Name this remedy…
Pt complains of throat infection with sharp pain that is splintering. They also have boils. Pt is feeling vulnerable across the board.
Hepar sulph
Name this remedy…
Pt has multiple GI and liver issues including hepatitis. Presents with a sore throat. They are superficial in their appearance and cowardly in their actions.
Name this remedy…
Pt profusely sweating in office with a filthy smell and offensive d/c. They are sensitive to the cold.
Name this remedy…
Pt presents for skin issues and diarrhea. They note getting out of bed at 5 AM to go to the bathroom. They tend to run hot and at night stick their feet out of the covers.
The pt comes across as egotistical, but intellectual. They are lazy in their life.
Name this remedy…
Pt presents after episode of shock and collapse following heat exhaustion. While in the AC they get extremely cold to the point of turning blue. All the while they are mumbling religious mania.
Veratrum album
Name this remedy…
Pt presents after a trauma which left them with bruises and muscle pain. They are worse with palpation and feel like the examination table is too hard.
Name this remedy…
Pt presents with severe bloating, indigestion, and gas. They are fanning themselves while vegging out in the waiting room.
Carbo veg.
Name this remedy…
Pt presents with cough, hoarse voice. The cough is violent and caused epistaxis and vomiting. The pt holds their chest while coughing d/t pain and cannot catch their breath during coughing fits.
You suspect whooping cough/pertussis.
Name this remedy…
Pt presents with L sided migraine with throbbing pain that are worse with the sun. They have a Hx of heat stroke and hot flashes.
Name this remedy…
Pt has shooting pains following a nerve injury to the toe, fingers and coccyx
Name this remedy…
Pt has a left sided sore throat that is purple/red. They have a PMHx of L-sided migraines, varicose veins, and circulation issues.
The pt is afraid of snakes. Their therapist says they can lash out at their partner when they get jealous or suspicious of them. They are loquacious in the office visit.
Name this remedy…
Pt presents with a rattling cough. They must hold their chest while coughing. Exam reveals pneumonia.
Hx is significant to TBI leading to meningitis, depression, and chronic bronchitis
Nat sulph
Name this remedy…
Pt presents with painless diarrhea and a gurgling abdomen. They are worse in the morning. You suspect IBS or IBD.
Name this remedy…
Pt states their arthritis is like a rusty hinge. They are better with warm compresses and worse with rest. PMHx of ligament and join injuries. They also have rigidity of mind and somewhat OCD tendancies
Rhus tox
Name this remedy…
Pt has a Hx of sexual abuse. Presents with cystitis today. Exam reveals black crumbling teeth. When they were a child they often threw things when they were mad.
Name this remedy…
Pt presents with N/V and motion sickness that was sudden in onset and precipitated by excess salivation. They are worse with motion and tobacco smell. The pt is constantly clearing their throat during the interview.
Name this remedy…
Pt presents with urticaria and describes it as a prickly feeling on their skin. They have a Hx of 1st degree burns and scalds. They are worse with touch.
Urtica urens
Name this remedy…
Pt reports rattling mucus with little expectoration and has a Hx of resp dz. Pt is drowsy and feels debilitated by this illness. They are sweating.
Antimonium tart
Name this remedy…
Pt presents with anxiety. They have anxiety about the future, inner conflict, and are determined to prove themselves but have a profound inferiority complex.
Name this remedy…
Pt presents rattling mucus w/little expectoration, drowsiness, debility, sweat
They have a tendency towards resp dz
Antimonium tart
Name this remedy…
Allergy to bee sting, swelling, edema, tendency for cystitis
Name this remedy…
Infants and Elderly, Swollen tonsils, Swollen glands, Childish acting, Aneurism
Baryta carb
Name this remedy…
Failed CEO, grief and suicidal ideation, bone pain, heart issues, music
Name this remedy…
GI purge coming out of mouth and buns, burning pain
Fear: of disease, calls doctor for reassurance
Desires: sips of warm water with great thirst
Anxious agitation with weakness that aggravates their anxiety and fear of death, alternates btwn periods of exhaustion and agitation
Name this remedy…
Pain, dry, hacking cough
Name this remedy…
Dyspnea on exertion, swollen glands, obesity, chubby, sour belches. Hx of GI issues and eczema. heat
Calc carb
Name this remedy…
burning pain, scalds, sexual mania, UTI w/urine passing drop by drop
Name this remedy…
Burns, victumized, paralyzed, cannot stand injustice
Name this remedy…
Sick child, 1 cheek pain and 1 cheek red, desire to be held, intense sweating, thirst, fever, Teething, OM, colic, GI conditions
Name this remedy…
Debility from fluid loss, periodic fever, Malaria
Ailments after grief with hysteria, sensation of lump in throat, sighing, spasticity, fear of birds,
Fantastic mania, quarrelsome and obscene
Skin eruptions, ooze like honey, scaly cracked skin, eczema, psoriasis
Doubled over in pain, GB, kidney, GI, perspiration smells like urine, iron band around abdomen, acute abdomen
Enlarged glands, tumor, hardness, emotional hardness, CA, BPH
UTI, Cystitis (urging when bladder is empty, flow of urine drop by drop), incontinence
Freeze d/t fright, 4 Ds (flu with dull, drowsy, droopy, dizzy)
Bone pain with fever, > perspiration
Eye issues, tears burn, nasal d/c bland
Gluey personality. Stick to rigid rules, allergic to beer, mucus sticks to membranes, congesting
Sinusitis with thick, stringy, yellow mucus
Kali Bichrom
Stitching pains, rigid, dogmatic, conservative, proper, loyal
Asthma, chronic sinusitis, respiratory problems
Kali Carb
Low self-esteem, perfectiving appearance, others wouldn’t like me if they knew me
Warts, skin tags
Cough from tickle in suprasternal fossa, violent, exposive, with mucus
Dyspepsia, hangovers, HA, migraine, type A personaity, urge to cough/pee/poo but cannot,
Nux vomica
Sex by the sea, high sex drive, excess in all things
>by seaside
STDs, chronic vaginitis, urethritis, cystitis, GC, warts
Punctured by piece of LED, injuries to eye balls, bites, black eyes, wounded area feels cold
Puncture wounds, tetanus
Grief, watery discharge, infections, bashful kidneys
Urethritis, Vaginitis
Nat mur
Efervescent, Hypersensitive Gullible, Craves cold drinks
Respiratory complaints, pneumonia, asthma
heat/fever d/t sepsis, disparity btwn pulse and temp
Cellulitis, influenza (w/delirium)
Sand in teeth/feet/bowels/bones, bashful stool, constipation w/o urge
Nosode of syphilitic virus
Ulcer of mouth, nose, genitals, skin, abscess
Intense fear w/delirium and fear, night terrors, sun stroke, all symptoms violent, fearful
Febrile seizures
injured part feels if its in a rut, lame, weak
periosteal and tendon injuries, tendonitis, bursitis
Cramping pain, spasms, neuralgia, spasmodic dysmenorrhea/cough, R sided
>heat, pressure
Mag phos
Splinters, stitching pains
>riding in a carriage (car)
Nitricum acidim
Weepy child or female, emotional, no 2 stools alike, changing constantly
OM, cough (at night), bronchitis, teething, URI
>open air
Dry cough, Dry throat, Seal’s bark
Croup, barking cough
Spongia tosta
Arnica of the eye, pain in the periosteum long after injury heals
Eye injury, Fx, blunt trauma to eye
women’s remedy, localized numbness/coldness
Bullae, abscess
Syphilis (secondary)
R sided HA, acute HA, migraines, easy flushing to R side