Herbs Side Effects Flashcards
What are some severe GI-related side effects of Aloe Vera leaf/latex and Cassia?
Extreme laxative effects (electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, hematuria, albuminuria, dependency)
Acute GI cramping, colic
Harmless red urine/feces
Pseudomelanosis coli
What herbs can increase bleeding time?
Allium cepa/sativum, Althea officinalis, ***
If you give an IM injection of Aesculus hippocastarnum what can it lead to?
Renal/liver failure
What are the SSx of an OD of Actaea racemosa?
Sedative, Bradycardia, Hypotension, Blurry vision, N/V, HA
What herbs are labeled as toxic?
Aconitum napellus
What are the SSx of an OD of Aconitum napellus?
Parasympathetic drive!
Numb mouth/throat/hands, dizzy, restless, loss of speech, HA, pinpoint pupils, arrhythmia, chest pain, sweats, hypothermia, anxiety, diarrhea, convulsions
What do people typical die of from an Aconitum napellus OD?
Ventricular fibrillation or death from respiratory/cardiac paralysis
What are some side effects from Arnica Montana?
HA, nervous disturbance, gasteroenteritis, altered HR, HTN, mm weakness, dyspnea, drowsiness, CV collapse, convulsions, coma, death
What are Sx of arctostaphylos OD?
tinnitus, vomiting, delirium, convulsions, syncope, death
What herb(s) is associated with this phrase and what other SE are associated… “hot as a hard, red as a beet, dry as a bone, blind as a bat, mad as a hatter”?
Atropa belladonna, Datura
Hyperthermia Flushed face Dry mucus membranes Mydriasis, Blurry vision Giddiness, Loquacity, Delirium, Hallucinations
Tachycardia, Hyperventilation, Sleepiness, Dysphagia, Convulsion, Coma, Death
What is a SE of astragalus?
INC fibrin formation
Outside of GI SE, what’s a severe SE from asclepias tuberosa?
What component of artemisia vulgaris and absinthium causes its SE and what are they?
Emmenogoge, Aborifacient, Convulsions
What are some other SE of Artemisia absinthium that are not d/t Thujone?
Intoxication, vomiting, GI upset, HA, dizziness, impotence, disrupted sleep, convulsions, death
What are common SE of Bacopa?
Thirst, Dry mouth
What are common SE of baptisia?
Tachycardia, Tachypnea
Anorexia, N/V
What are some toxicity SE of baptisia?
Resp. paralysis and death
What are some toxicity SE of Berberis (both)?
Heart failure, Convulsions, Parasthesias
What are some common SE of Berberis (both)?
N/V, mucous membrane irritation, hypotension
What is a SE to just Berberis aquifolium?
Intestinal or vaginal dysbiosis
What is a common SE of Boswellia?
GI upset and pain
What are some SE of Centella?
HA, dizziness
Pruritus, Photosensitivity, Contact Derm
What is a SE of Ceanothus?
INC clotting
What are SE of Caulophyllum?
Dermatitis GI irritation, N HA HTN Pharyngitis, Thirst, Mydriasis Weakness, Incoordination
What are toxicity SE of Caulophyllum?
CV collapse, convulsions
What are SE of capsicum?
Burning sensation
N/V/D, abd pain
What is another severe SE of Cassia outside of its GI related ones?
Uterus reflex –> contraction/miscarriage
What are some acute SE of cannibus?
Dry mouth, impaired short term memory, paranoia, anxiety, panic attacks
What are some chronic SE of cannibus?
DEC LH/FSH, genital dysfunction, infertility
Impaired judgement/concentration, impaired REM sleep
arrest for illegal possession
What are some SE of camellia d/t caffeine content?
Insomnia, agitation, tremors
What are some SE of Bryonia?
Abd pain, N/V/D Hypothermia Bronchial irritation Mydriasis HA, Delirium, Dizziness Cold sweat Jaundice, Kidney irritation Weak pulse Tachycardia
What are some toxicity SE of Bryonia?
Paralysis, CV collapse, Death
What are some SE of Chamaelirium?
N/V, slight anti-PLT activity
What are some SE of Chelidonium?
N/V, abd pain, D
Burning in mouth, topical derm
What are some toxicity SE of Chelidonium?
Stupor, coma, death
What are some toxicity SE of cineraria?
Hepato-veno occlusive dz
Hepatic failure
What does an OD of Cinnamomum essential oil look like?
N/V, convulsions, pulmonary edema, liver damage, kidney damage, coma
What is an odd SE of convallaria and Digitalis and some other not so great ones?
Yellow/green halo around objects in vision
Bradycardia, gynecomastia, death
What are 4 SE of cordyceps?
Constipation, abd distention
Irregular menstruation, Amenorrhea
What are 3 SE of Cordalis?
DEC menstrual flow, HA, fatigue
What are 3 SE of Eletherococcus?
Mild Anxiety
Long term use of Equisetum can deplete what nutrient and cause what illness?
Beri Beri
What is a concern when prescribing Eshscholzia?
What are some SE of Ephedra (2 okay, 3 bad)?
Mild agitation, INC alertness
MI, Cerebral vasculitis, Stroke
What are the OD SX of ephedra?
Sympathomimetic Sx
N, V, Vertigo, Diaphoresis, Tremor, HA, Nervousness, Agitation, Insomnia, Urinary Retention, Tachycardia, Palpitations, Dizziness, Weakness, Seizure, Death