Homeopathy Indications and More (CK) Flashcards
Name the remedy…
Sore throat (not strep with hyperthermia), Laryngitis with croupy cough, OM
< night (midnight), sudden sharp cold, dry wind
> fresh air, being covered, onset of sweating in acute febrile states
Name the remedy…
Allergic/Infectious Rhinitis
Laryngitis (laryngeal tearing w/every coughing fit)
open air, coolness of open air
Allium cepa
Name the remedy…
Main remedy for poison ivy (tremendous itching)
Violent pruritis w/eruptions
Name the remedy…
Heat stroke, sun stroke w/ DRY red skin
Name the remedy…
Heat stroke, sun stroke w/ WET/Sweaty red skin
Name the remedy…
Trigeminal neuralgia w/severe pain, tingling/numbness, >exposed to cold and wind
Name the remedy…
Flatulent colic (colicky pain with garlic-smelling gas)
Allium cepa
Name the remedy…
Dyspepsia improved w/eating
PUD/gastritis improved w/eating
< Intellectual work, empty stomach
> eating (Sx reappear 2 hrs later)
Name the remedy….
Bulimia in obese individuals (regulate appetite)
Memory Loss, sudden loss for names and things, tiredness, and HA
Name the remedy…
Neuritis and neuralgia (thread-like shooting neuralgic pains along traumatized or severed nerves)
open air, coolness of open air
Allium cepa
Name the remedy…
Angina w/fear of death, chest tightness, paresthesia of L arm
HTN w/tachycardia, face with 1 cheek red, other cheek pale
Name the remedy…
Insomnia after falling asleep, wake btwn 12-1 AM, have anxiety, irritable heart w/sensation of heat throughout body, recall nightmare
Name the remedy…
Constriction/band around affected parts
Painful pressure/plug or blunted instrument arund temples, eyes,or in muscles
Name the remedy….
HA during coryza
open air, coolness of open air
Etiology: airborne allergens
Allium cepa
Name the remedy…
Sudden fright, HTN, or abrupt temp changes
Unbearable acute pain, neurlagia, N/T
Name the remedy…
Sudden INC in internal body temp, tachycardia, dry burning red skin, intense thirst for large quantities of cold water, anxious agitation
Name the remedy…
lacrimination that stings eyes or non-irritant lacrimation
Horase, spasmodic cough d/t laryngeal tickling w/tearing pain (compresses throat with hands d/t pain)
Allium cepa
Name the remedy…
Angel on 1 shoulder, devil on the other
Name the remedy…
Hardness, anger, violence towards animals/people
Irresitible desire to curse/swear after taking bad news
Exhaustion after intellectual overexertion
Name the remedy…
Intellectual overexertion in adolescents during exams
Inferiority complex, low self-esteem, feeling worthless, discouraged with indecision
Name the remedy….
Profuse bland lacrimation, nasal d/c that is sharp, acrid, harsh (excoriate nose or upper lip)
Allium cepa
Name the remedy…
Excitation, acute anxiety and agitation, fear of dying d/t intensity of pain, vigorous/high strength persons (energetic, young, and in good health)
Name the remedy…
Respiratory disease: acute bronchial dz, bronchiolitis, COPD, asthma
expectoration, sitting position
Ant tart
Name the remedy…
Derm: edema or allergy or infalmm, insect stings/bites, first-degree burn, sunburn, angioedema, urticaria (allergic - food, meds, plants)
name the remedy…
Vascular: cap fragility (petechia, hematoma, ecchymosis), painful varicose veings (worse when tired)
< touch (slightest), jolts, movement
name the remedy…
Musculo: ache/stiffness after heavy work and mm exertion, hoarseness in singers after overwork of vocal chords, mm pain after stress
name the remedy…
ENT: pharyngitis and non-strep sore throat w/bag like swelling of uvula
Name the remedy…
Febrile conditions, herpes zoster, mumps, pleurisy, pericarditis, meningitis (severe HA)
cold applications
Name the remedy…
Pustular acne, scars from chickenpox, Purulent Pustular eruptions
aversion to touch
Ant tart
Name the remedy…
Cystitis (burning, scalding pain during urination)
Glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome w/edema of entire body
Pain w/ovarian cysts (R > L)
Name the remedy…
pre/post surgery, concussion, fall, wounds, accidents, minor hemorrhage
Name the remedy…
during serious cases, feel well and is adament that they do not need to see a doc, irritable and averse to company (esp w/pain), every feels too hard even pillow/bed
Name this remedy..
Sensation: burning/stinging pain
Skin: reddish-pink edema w/sudden onset, stinging pain, burns, swelling around eyes (too swollen to open), urticaria w/burning pain
Name this remedy..
coarse, rattling mucus in chest/larynx, Sputum thick, difficult to loosen, tongue white colored and coated like fur, overwhelming fatigue during cough, breathing difficult, sml amount of thick mucus feels like it can be coughed out but impossible, cyanosis of lips
Ant Tart
Name this remedy..
Irritable, peevish children who cannot bear to be touched or looked at; aversion to touch
Ant tart
Name this remedy..
Psych: active, busy, vital persons
Serous memb: inflammatory, edematous, exudative rxn w/rapid onset on pleural effusions, pericardial effusion, synovial effusion, or cerebral/meningeal edema
Name this remedy..
Febrile: lack of thirst, high fever that alternates btwn dry heat and sweat
Name this remedy…
postop pts for pain and promost healing (dental work too), restlessin bed, no comfortable position, afraid of being touched
name this remedy…
blunt trauma to eye/orbit, FB to eye/orbit, epistaxis while washing face/cough/trauma
Musculo: acute sprains, bruises, myalgias, arthritis
Sensation: ache and muscular pain
name this remedy…
gastritis, PUD, burning in esophagus/stomach w/desire to sip on water, gastroenteritis (diarrhea that burns and is foul smelling), diarrhea (
name this remedy…
HTN, Failed CEO, grief after business problems, financial losses
name this remedy…
enlarged tonsils that may occlude the throat, prevention of recurring tonsilitis, chronic inflammation, swollen cervical glands, freq. colds
Baryta carb
name this remedy…
difficulty w/school work, delayed intellectual progression, school phobia
Sensations: tendency to be chilly
Desires: eggs, sweets
Aversion to: fruit
Baryta carb
name this remedy…
severe depression with SI (relieved by thoughts of suicide, jumping from a height or into oncoming traffic), seasonal affective do, children w/violent bouts of anger
name this remedy…
GI: alcoholism
Ortho: bone pains (open air, summer, music
name this remedy…
eczema w/dry skin & intense burning/itching
R sided coryza
recurrent vaginitis, metritis
asthma (<12-2 AM)
heat (all forms - food, drinks, compress)
name this remedy…
burning neuralgia >heat, insomania (wakes from 12-1 AM), anxiety about health (calling the Dr for reassurance), Panic attacks (12-2 AM)
name this remedy…
fever 12-2 AM, etiology from great restlessness, anxiety, chilliness, thirst for sml quantities often
name this remedy…
reactive HTN, Aneurism
sml in general w/lrg head and abdomen, slight musculature, atrophy or sml genitalia, testes, ovaries, uterus
Baryta carb
name this remedy…
slow, shy, hide when strangers are around; slow in memory/comprehension, lack self-confidence, elderly are prematurely senile, poor memory, w/childish behavior
Baryta carb
name this remedy…
Etilogy: HTN, chronic alcoholism
Sensation: violent palpitations w/great anxiety (
name this remedy…
sudden variations of activity and emotions, alternates btwn hyperactive and cheery (s/t forced) to hidden depression, freq. and violent tendency to anger (triggered by slightest contradiction)
name this remedy…
thirsty w/fever, drinks little sips, but often, liquids poorly tolerated and vomited immediately
Anxious for health, fear of death
Rhythm: alternation in 1 day btwn weakness and excess force, pessimism and optimism
Repetitive timing of Sx
Name this remedy…
very attentive, concerned about accuracy/details, worried about appearance, anxious, thinking about their fear of death
Name this remedy….
sadness, despair, lacks self-confidence, feeling of failure, highly discouraged
Intensity of setting high goals, when frustrated become irritable then depression and SI
Fears: failure
Name this remedy…
nervous biting of nails; needs reassurance, sense of inferiority; delayed mental development; anxiety d/o (incompetent feeling, needs reassurance)
Baryta carb
Name this remedy…
Fears of people, agoraphobia, being laughed at
Baryta carb
Name this remedy…
Anxious agitation with weakness that aggravates their anxiety and fear of death, alternates btwn periods of exhaustion and agitation
Etiology: abrupt and intense, weak, tired, anemic, sensitive to cold, fear the fatal outcome of Sx
Name this remedy…
all infx w/aute fever, sore throat, OM
Etiology: sudden rxn of circulatory/nervous systems
Name this remedy…
rhinitis (dry mucosa)
Bronchitis (dry, painful cough, chest pain improved by compression thorax to keep from moving)
Seeks to remain immobile to relieve pain
Name this remedy…
GI: Constipation
Desires: eggs, sweets, candy
Fears: heights, mice, rats, going insane
Calc carb
Name this remedy…
throbbing HA induced by spasmodic HTN with tachycardia
General: HA starts or peaks at 3 PM (may start at 11 AM), congested eardrum, flushes of heat, cold hands and feet but face is hot
Name this remedy…
Fever (progressive onset, constant)
HA (frontal,
Name this remedy…
Gyn: menopausal hot flashes
>pressure, rest
Mucosal: intense dryness of mucous memb, dysphagia d/t lack of saliva in mouth/pharynx, dry/painful cough d/t nasal mucosa/trachea dry, DEC lacrimation and dry conjunctiva
Name this remedy…
GU: metorrhagia (esp during menopausea)
Extrem: nails brittle and break
hard working, burned out to exhaustion, mind is weak, may go insane
Calc Carb
Name this remedy…
Bones: decalcification and deformation
Exretions: sour, acidic odor
Aggravated from going upstairs or hills d/t being out of shape (lacks endurance, Dyspnea on exertion)
Calc Carb
Name this remedy…
intense photophobia, conjunctivitis, dry eyes
Heat stroke, sun stroke w/ WET/sweating red skin
HA starts or peaks at 3 PM (may start at 11 AM), congested eardrum, flushes of heat, cold hands and feet but face is hot
Name this remedy…
RA (stiffness of mm, jts), painful joints
constipation (dry, hard stool, dryness of rectum)
Appendicitis (pt lies on R side, heat)
Name this remedy…
intense dryness of mucous membranes (resp and GI), sweating relieves, R hand side dominates
> rest, lying on painful side, strong pressure, sweating
Name this remedy…
sweat - cold to occiput during 1st periord of sleep in infants or in evening or during sleep
Obese, gains weight quick/easy, generally chilly but wants cold drinks
Calc Carb
Name this remedy…
Cold, clammy extrem (feet/hands) must wear socks to bed
heat, dry weather
Calc Carb
Name this remedy…
Craves: lemonade, lemon
Fear: dogs
Delirium w/hallucinations (esp when falling asleep), febrile convulsions (alt of fatigue and agitation)
GU: UTI (urine passing drop by drop), permanent intense burning and hematuria, burning and cutting pains before/during urination worse at end
Resp: pneumonia, COPD, asthma, pertussis, CHF
GI: gastritis/heartburn (belching)
Carbo Veg
Resp: pleural effusion w/burning in chest, thick mucous, expelled w/difficulty, SOB
Ophthal: Keratoconjunctivitis w/burning sensation
GI: aphthous oral ulcers (burning sens), gastritis (burning, hydrophobia but w/extreme thirst)
Neuro: cold-induced facial paralysis
paralysis of vocal cords (after exertion or intubation),
paralysis of flexor mm on right
eye ptosis, paralysis of limbs, tongue, SM, dysphagia
ENT: non-strep necrotic, ulcerating sore throat w/burning
Derm: eczema w/vesicles, necrosis by exfoliation
2nd degree burns (scalding, sunburn)
Musculo: arthralgia (stiffness of joints
Mentals anxiety w/anger or great irritability, even aggressiveness, w/sexual mania (no relief from coition)
Etiology: after debilitating illness where person never recovered, resp failure, overeating food/EtOH leading to dyspepsia
Carbo Veg
Mentals: sympathetic, cannot tolerated other’s suffering, anger over injustices, rebellious, political activist, sincere
Mentals: great indifference and aptahy w/harsh remarks, always negative and depressed, irritability (esp to family)
Carbo Veg
Burning/stabbing abd pain heat
cold or cold applications
Fear: something bad will happen
Craves: salty, bacon, smoked meats
Averse: sweet, sugar
Children: easily upset (fear dark, ghost, dogs, animals)
Generals: bloating, indigestion, freq belching, gas that’s fanned, belching
Carbo Veg
Foul-smelling dysenteric stool, rectal tenesmus, bloody diarrhea, burning
Burning/itching labia
cold or cold applications
Generals: burning/numbing pains, retracted tendons and muscular contracture, soreness/rawness of mucous memb
cloudy, wet, rainy, cough w/cold drinks
Venous stasis, coldness (esp of extremities). averse to being covered but wants to be fanned
Craves: sweets and salt
Carbo Veg
cough (desire to clear throat, must cough deeper to reach mucous)
Cancer, BPH, Breast cancer (hard and w/axillary LN),fibrocystic breasts, vertigo (< w/eye movment)
Sexual difficulties, impotence, premature ejaculation
Enlarged glands, tumor, hardness, emotional hardness, adenopathy, hypertrophic tonsils, paralysis ofmotor/sensory nerves progressive and acending, visual disturbance w/photophobia
Acute abodmen
Epigastric cramping pain, hepatic colic, painful diarrhea w/violent tenesmus, dysmenorrhea - cramping like feeling, renal colic
facial neuralgia (unbearable L sided pain, triggered w/touch and motion), sciatic/femoral neuralgia worse on R (shooting cramping pain)
> strong pressure on painful area, bending double, heat
Doubled over in pain, GB, kidney, GI, perspiration smells like urine, iron band around abdomen
Extreme agitation and irritable during painful phase, aversion for all food, paroxysmal pains following confrontational situations which would provoke an annoying feeling and anger, sens of constriction - as if in an iron cramp
Malaria, Influenza
Gallbladder dz
Insomania (d/t excited thoughts and heroic fantasies)
Hemorrhages (sml/med ranging from epistaxis, bleeding of gums, prevent hemorrhage w/surgery)
>hard pressure, scalp sens to touch, even touch of hair (sens to odors), neuralgic HA
< fluid loss (hemorrhage, diarrhea), light/superficial touch, cold drafts, fog, damp weather, after eating fruit, from milk
>hard/strong pressure, bending double (colic), heat
Periodicity: q/other day or q/7 days
Etiology: after prolonged debilitating fevers, after fluid loss (sweat, lactation, hemorrhage, diarrhea)
Mentals: irritable, sensitive, touchy, fantasies of heroic deeds
Chills/shivering alt w/heat (pt covers up then uncovers)
Fears: animals, even domestic
Bitter taste in mouth, food/tobacco tastes bitter
Sweats w/intense thirst
Diarrhea (
Gastroenteritis w/abd cramping
Worms/Pinworms in stool (itchy rectum
Convulsions/Tantrums from being disciplined or touched
Tendency to yawn
Constant need to bore finger into nose (nasal pruritis)
Children: angry, pinch at people, frustrated, do not like parental authority, screams when first picked up, relax w/carried (like to be rocked)
Pale face w/blue discoloration around mouth/eyes, sees colors
cold, diarrhe during that is “cut like grass/spinach” w/rotten egg smell, related bronchitis OM or gastroenteritis, unbearable d/t teething
from passive moement (being rocked, in car, in train)
Agitation, anger, irritable
Children m/b violent, scream, break things, inconsolable, demand things then throws it at someone once receiving it, aversion to being touched, must be carried
Adults m/b aggressive despite usually courteous an respectful
Fear: wind
Abn sensitive to pain (hyperalgesic), pain w/sensation of numbness, spasmodic
Extremities feel hot, get rid of covers at night
hot sweats (on head/face), intense thirst, 1 cheek red/warm other pale/cold