Resources case study Flashcards
What are the impacts of the Trans Alaska pipeline?
270,000 tone oil spill - Dec 2000-Feb 2001
Exxon Valdez 1989 50 million ton oil spill
Roads impermeable- water stagnant mosquitos
Dust blown up- damaging ecosystem
What are the Drilling impacts at Prudhoe Bay?
- > Tundra destroyed
- > Offshore drilling Noise pollution - disturbs marine life
- > Gas flaring 60,000 tones of NO
- > Pump groundwater to surface- Lakes completely freeze through killing fish populations
What is OPEC?
14 members
Control 40% worlds oil exports
72% oil reserves
Cartel by controlling oil price
What are the impacts of OPEC on global energy security?
1973 oil crisis -> Arab countries disputes over Yom Kippur war -> cut off oil supplies price oil increased x4
What factors limiting OPEC influence Energy security?
Russia- 30% crude oil + 40% Gas -> UK
UK has there sources
Tech more countries can produce
More oil though unconventional methods
Why were resources in Alaska not exploited until 1970’s
Challenging/ remote
Legally protected zone ANWR
Lack tech/Infrastructure
What is the Purpose of ANWR + why hasn’t it been exploited?
ANWR creates 1960’s-> bans drilling in 1980’s
However, 2017 Trump tax regulations opened 1002 to drilling
Who is against + for exploiting ANWR?
Arctic power NGO - 10,000 + members
Environments centre for bio diversity 40,000 member some are residents
Where is Alaska oil currently exploited?
Prudhoe Bay Oil field
What are the positives of ANWR?
Create 250,000 jobs
9-16 bn barrels oil
Central Aortic Caribauhed
^3000- 320,00 since 1970’s
What are the negatives of ANWR?
- 8 bn barrels used by USA every day
- ANWR will have no real impact on resource seecurity
- Female PB may amandon dens
Cost $123 billion
oil= $324
What is an example on the strategy to reduce water consumption?
Cape Town “Day Zero”
What is Day zero campaign
H2O supply shut of 75% of homes
25 liters per day per person from 200 H2O stations.
What water saving methods were implanted before?
‘Day zero campain’
Publish names of over users Water management devices such as Taps Water tariffs H2O efficient farming desalination plants Education in schools
What was the result of Cape town day zero?
Called off as Dam capacity reached 75%
Lumwana Copper project
Environmental impacts identified
Contamination of surface water from spillage
Disturbed nearly 9000 ha
Mitigation against environmental impacts
Progressive re-vegetation
Cut off runoff into rivers from areas operating
What were the positive Socioeconomic impacts of the Lumwana Copper project?
Multiplier effect: jobs created and improved standard of living
ECU developed clinics , schools and Energy supply
What were the Negative Socioeconomic impacts of the Lumwana Copper project?
Health issues
Attract outsiders - Job availability for locals down
What were the impacts of the Water diervtion of the Aral sea?
1) Aral sea shrunk by 10%
2) Lack moisture from lake and climate, Extreme
3) Salinity increased and fished died
4) Fishing Boats and villages miles from shore
5) pesticides from cotton farms cause health issues
Why was the Aral Sea diverted?
Soviet Union diverted 2 rivers that fed into the aral sea for irrigation of cotton feilds.
What has been done to improve the Aral Sea?
Kazakhstan Govermnt 13km Dam across remaining sea.
Water up 40% 2007 aral sea
However s-Areal sea shrinking as doesn’t recieve water from north aral sea.
What is an example of water storage?
Where is it located?
Awan High Dam
Across the river niles
Why was the Awan High Dam created?
Hydro electric power
regulate river flooding
What are the socio-economic impactsof Aswab High Dam?
100,000 displaced from Nutira
Lake Nassar irrigate crops
Soil downstream- 25,000 tones of fish per year
Soil no longer fertile from flooding
What are the environmental impacts of the Aswan High Dam?
Nutrients down futher down stream Marine activity down Coastal erosion Up Sediment deposits down Soil salinity up Bilharzia infections up More algae growth due to slower moving water Use of ferillers up
Give an example of a water transfer project
South to North water transfer project, China
What is the South to North water transfer project?
Transfers- 45 billion m3/yer from Yangtze river to the yellow river
cost $62 billion
3 diversons routes central, eastern and western
Why did the South to North water transfer project happen?
Population density up Water table was decreasing 1.5m/year Beijing was sinking 5cm/year Pollution + Over abstraction of major rivers Farm land becoming industrialized Shortage on Beijing and Tianjin
What are the socio-economic impacts of the South to North water transfer project?
1) $62 billion
2) 600,000 jobs per year
3) Agriculture up / GDP up
4) 300,000 displaced due to the Danjiangkou Dam
5) the cost of water to the consumers up
What are the environmental impacts of North to south water transfer project?
Creative of dam raised water up 15 meters damaging ecosystems
Speed of water decreased - increasing about of algil downstream Reduced sediment down stream coastal eroution up Risk of landslides up Increased earthquakes in Qinghai-Tibet
What is an example of a local water conflict?
Coca Cola
What happened in 2000 Coca Cola?
Coca Cola granted permission
6 months later- residents report
Water pollution up
What happened in 2002 Coca Cola?
Protests begin-
Anti Coca Cola Peoples struggles committee
What happened in 2003 coca Cola?
Permanently Panchayat revoke CC licence Kerala High Court sides against PP
What happened between 2003-2005 Coca Cola?
Legal feud continues
What happened in 2005 Coca Cola?
Plachimada declares over exploited under kerala groundater act.
What happened in 2006 Coca Cola?
Coca Cola relocate
What are the impacts of Coca Cola?
irrigation wells dried up + 40% yield
Sludge plants -> contaminated water supplies
^ calcium - lashes- damaged crops
Wells empty- villages walk further
Water table down 35 meter below ground level
Coca Cola effects to improve
2006- 3.66 liters per bottle
2010 2.5 liters per bottle
Restciation ponds- replenish groundwater
Give an example of a national water shortage?
What are the reasons for the water conflict in yemen?
State run water only provided urban areas -> 70% of Yemenis live rurally
State taken water rural by fere -> 80% rural conflits water related.
Gal water sawing policies
What happened in 2002 in yemen?
Licence to drill wells needed - rural pop rely on agriculture livelihood Water down yield down income -> backlash
What are the impacts of water shortages in Yemen?
-> 50% no clean water/difficult access
-> 2017 1.3 million infected Cholera
2800+ died
-> Overabstration
-> girls fetching water
education down
What is an example of an international water conflict?
Tigris- Euphrates
What is the south Anatolia Protect?
22 dams
19 HEP projects Turkey
What are the reasons for the south Anatolia Protect?
down 1+5 water flos by 80% Syria 40% Iraq
1990 Atalarik Dam Reservoir Turkey blocked E flows 1 month = Iraq threatened to bomb dam
Flow rates down Iraq-> saltwater intrusion 50 km inland from persian gulf
Yield down Iraq - lose irrigation water
what counties does Tigris Euphrates involve?
Syria , Iraq and Turkey
What are the attempts of peace with tigris Euphrates?
1877-> agreed minimum flow of 500m3/sec
1990> Syria and Iraq agree to share the river 58% 42%
Oil who is the main producers? exporter and consumers/importers?
Middle East
What factors control patterns of trade? - including physical geography factors.
Geological factors =porous/permeable rocks =Layer of impermeable cap rock =High underground temperatures 110+ =90-160 oil window
=large/shallow reservoirs
=Oil beneath permafrost /deep water
Unconventional reserves
Coal who is the main producers? exporter and consumers/importers?
What factors control patterns of trade? - including physical geography factors.
Geological factors:
=Sedimentary rocks- peatifiction> coalification (heat/pressure)
=Varying qualities dependent on carbon concentration and resultant energy density:
- Anthracite - 86-98% pure carbon
- Bituminous- 70-86%
- Sub- Bituminous 70-76%
- Lignite 65=70%
Environmental concerns
Natural gas who is the main producers? exporter and consumers/importers?
Russia Usa Qatar Iran Canada
What factors control patterns of trade? - including physical geography factors.
Natural gas
Geological factors
=porous/permeable rocks
=Layer of impermeable cap rock
=High underground temperatures 160+
=Infrastructure (pipelines)
=Liquified natural gas
Unconventional resources
What factors control patterns of trade? - including physical geography factors.
Wind speed (min 7-10 mph > Max 50-80mph)
Greater density of air
Prevailing winds are optimum
What factors control patterns of trade? - including physical geography factors.
Most productive in tropical and subtropical area
Snowfall/frequent fog/pollution/rainfall/wind > negatively impact efficiency
More productive at lower air densities as scatters less sunlight (mountain vs sea level)
What factors control patterns of trade? - including physical geography factors.
Drainage basin: power generated = head stream (height water falls) x flo speed x gravity
Why water scarce in the Jordan basin?
Population up Industrial development Permeable limestone = runoff and discharge down Syrian Civil War -> influx in refugees Leakage from old pipes
What are the positive impacts of Jordans water strategy to increase water security?
90% Jordan residents mains water access
Promotes rainwater catchment
What are the negative impacts of Jordans water strategy to increase water security?
H2O supply infrequent -> overabstration
What are the positive impacts of desalination investment of Jordans water strategy to increase water security?
50% of drinking Israel’s water
More water per person
energy effect up though development
What are the negative impacts of desalination investment of Jordans water strategy to increase water security?
Cost of water up
Brine into oceans
transport in parts of Israel
What is Strait Hormuz ?
A Chokepoint
Connects Arabian Sea + Persian Gulf between Oman + Iran
What are the Geopolitical risks to oil supply?
ISIS seising oil facilities
Iran- Chockpoint
dependance Russia- investment Syrian civil war threatened EU relations
Why are there Concerns about Geopolitical issues to do with oil?
2018 21mil barrels oil day
volume world oil supply up
delay transport - oil prices up
no alternative
poor politics with west already UN security council + eu trade sanctions on Iran
What is Royal Dutch Shell?
Nigeria, Niger dealt
46,000 stations
many plants
Where is the Grasberg mine?
When did mining begin?
Papua in Indonesia
What is the scale of the Grasberg mine?
Second largest copper mine in the world.
Produces around 230 000 tines of copper ore every day
What impacts have the grasberg mine had on the environment?
Rock dumping
Toxic waste
How has the Grasberg mine resulted in deforestation?
The main mine is 4km open pit - digging it resulted in deforestation and off of biodiversity
What impacts is rock dumping having in the Grasberg Mine?
Millions of tonnes of rock have been dumped in Lake Wanagon, causing the loss of the aquatic ecosystem.
How is the mining process in the Grasberg Mine damaging the environment?
Rock is broken up during mining, and some types of exposed rick can react with oxygen and water to form acid.
Waste rock at Grasberg is producing strongly acidic solutions, which are killing vegetation
How is the refining process at the Grasberg mine damaging the environment?
Toxic waste from the refining process has been released into the Aghawagon-Otomano-Ajkwa river system, destroying aquatic life.
Copper accumulates in organisms, so this has knock-on effects up the food chain.
Waste is also drained into the Arafura Sea, destroying coastal mangrove forests
How have distribution networks associated with Grasberg mine had environmental impacts?
New infrastructure including a 121km access road and a 109 km pipeline that carries copper slurry from the mine to the poet. This has led to habitat destruction.
The vehicles used to transport the copper and waste from the mine use fossil fuels contributing to global warming and acid rain.