Resource Managment - Global Water Part 2 Flashcards
water supply strategies
water transfer
- relieves water shortages in an areas
- expensive
- enviornmental impacts
- encourages unsus use of water in recieving area
water supply strategies
dams and resevoirs
- manages, saves and prevents overflow of water in specific regions
- ppl are displaced
- spenny
- habitats are lost
- may trigger an earthquake
- lots of water is lost thru evap
water supply strategies
- **abundant supply of seawater
- provides drinking water in areas**
- costly - only rich countries can afford
- produces many chemicals = env impact
South-North Water Transfer Project
transfer water from yangtze river (south) to yellow river basin (north)
also goes east and west
why was snwtp needed
- 20% of world pop but only 7% water supplies
- shortage of rainfall in northern china
- economic growth concentrated in northern china
- provides reliable water suplly in north
- improves availability of safe water
- industrial growth –> economic development
- irrigation –> economic development
- habitat creation along channels
- droughts in south
- low efficiency
- earthquake risk
- 300,000 ppl displaced on central route
- $17bn over budget - taxpayer money
- altered drainage patterns –> ecosystems disturbed
- polluted water transferred on eastern route
- farmers dont benefit from east or centre
- improving efficiency
- improve water use efficiency
- reduce demand for water by increasing price
- conserving groundwater stocks
- increasing water re-use by better managment on pollution
sus water supplies
water conservation
preservation, control and development of water resources to meet present and future water demands
* reducing domestic use
* stopping leaks
sus water supplies
groundwater managment
regulation of groundwater
sus water supplies
treating sewer water so it can be used for:
* toilet flushing
* irrigation
* drinking
* industry
* groundwater recharge
sus water supplies
grey water
reusing wastewater from people’s homes for beneficial purposes
* toilet flushing
* irrigation
* groundwater recharge
waste water that shouldnt be reused bc high risk of contamination by bacteria, viruses and pathogens
- south of capital city of ethiopia
- hot and dry rural farming
- pop: 174,360
- literacy rate = 37%
why water problem
- hot and dry
- LIC - modern tech not available
- exploitation of farmland
- women have to walk far to get water
gravity flow water supply scheme
- transfer water from 2 springs by gravity to surrounding villages
- supply water to 65,000 ppl
- served 71,000 ppl in 3 yrs
- simple construction
- cheap maintenance
- completely community managed
- long term - 20 yrs and its still providing water
- no misuse of fund
- completed on time and in cost
- unite communites in area
- hygiene & sanitation edu wasnt provided
- agri uses too much water
- hygiene around taps was neglected = more disease
- inward migration threatens the sus
- pipe too costly for replacement - supplied from UK
- initial participation was low
- local government supportive
- local ppl were always included in project
- locals trained in managment, maintenance, repair