Economic World - Global Variation Flashcards
positive change that = improvement in quality of life, standard of living
standard of living
- based on income
- what level of income can buy necessities & luxury items
quality of life
- evaluates general well-being of individuals and societies
- qualitative
why do we map development
how diff things link to level of development, e.g. geographical area
development gap
diffs in standard of living and wellbeing in world’s richest and poorest countries
GNI per head
- total national income/size of pop
- takes into account investments from overseas
birth rate
births per 1000ppl per year
death rate
deaths per 1000ppl per year
infant mortality
no. of deaths of kids under 1yr old per 1000 live births
life expectancy
avg no of years persons expected to live
ppl per doctor
no of ppl cared by 1 doctor
literacy rate
percentage of ppl with basic reading and writing skills
access to safe water
proportion of pop with access to adequate amount of safe drinking water within convenient distance
country’s overall level of development
limitations of indicators
- shoes average - no differences
- some parts of countries develop faster than another
- data can be hard to collect
- GNI data converted yo US$ - currency value changes daily
DTM Stages
demographic transition model
go learn via diagrams - come back once u’ve learnt it
population pyramids
go learn via diagrams - come back once u’ve learnt it
uneven development causes
- location
- climate
- natural resources
- natural hazards
- extreme weather
uneven development causes
- corrupt leaders
- colonialism
- conflict
uneven development causes
- debt
- trade
- poverty
- primary product dependency
consequences of uneven development
- disparities in health
- international migration