Resistance to Social Influence Flashcards
What did conformity in Asch’s subject drop to when the participant was given an ally
Why does social support help in resisting conformity
It breaks the unanimous position of the majority. This raises the possiblity of other legitimate ways of thinking or responding . It makes individuals with an independent assessment of reality feel more confident that they can stand up to the majority
Why does social support help in resisting obedience
Typically obedient behaviour of the majority can make any behaviour the majority partakes in seem acceptable, but if someone is disobedient this perception can change. Individuals are more confident in resisting obedience with an ally, and individuals can use the defiance of peers to extradite themselves from causing harm to someone as a result of obedience. For example, if Milgram’s particpants were given an ally who walked out only 10% continued to the 450V level
What piece of Milgram’s research supports the role of allies in resisting obedience
In one of Milgram’s variations particpants were given allies who walked out, and obedience dropped to the point that only 10% continued to the 450V level
What is locus of control
This is a persons perception of personal control over their own behaviour
How is locus of control measured
Along a dimension from ‘high external’ to ‘high internal’
How does locus of control help in resisting social influence
People with high internal locus of control rely less on the opinions of others and are more likely to display independence in thought and behaviour. This makes them more likely to seek out information helpful to them and less likely to rely on the opinions of others. They tend to be more achievement oriented and consequently more likely to become leaders rather than follow others. Internals are also better able to resist coercion from others
How is leadership style impacted by locus of control
Spector found that internals were more persuasive and goal-oriented than externals
How was internal vs external locus of control tested using a simulated POW camp
In a simulated POW camp situation, internals were better able to resist attempts of the interrogator to gain information. The more intense the pressure the greater the difference between internals and externals
What is a case of social support in the real world
The Rosenstrasse protest in 1943, where a group of German women protested in Rosenstrasse in Berlin where the Gestapo were holding 2000 jewish men, most of whom were married to non-Jewish partners. Despite the Gestapo threatening to open fire, the women prevailed and the jews were set free. These women defied the third reich using collective action and peers
How is social support impacted by response order
A study by Allen and Levine studied the response position of the person providing social support and if this made any difference to the particpant resisting the majority. In one condition the confederate answered first, giving the right answer whilst all of the other confederates gave the same wrong answer. In the second condtion the confederate answered fourth. The participant always answered fifth, and found support was considerably more effective answering first than answering last. Researchers suggest that the correct answer first confirms the participants own judgement and produces an intial commitment to the correct response
What was the anti-nazi protest where wome resisted social influence called
The Rosenstrasse protest
Who studied whether response position of an ally had an impact on resisting social influence
Allen and Levine
What is one criticism of locus of control in resisting social influence
Locus of control is related to normative but not informational influence. Spector measured locus of control and predisposition to normative and informational influence in 157 undergrad students. He found a significant correlation between locus of control and predisposition to normative influence, with externals more likely to conform, but he found no such relationship with informational social influence. He concluded that internals would conform just as much to informational pressure
Explain research support of the relationship between locus of control and different forms of social influence. (not spector)
Avtgis carried out meta analysis of studies of the relationship between locus of control and different forms of social influence, such as conformity. This showed a significant positive correlation between scores of internality/externality and scores on measures of persuasion, social influence and conformity. Analysis showed that individuals who scored higher on external locus of control tend to be more easily persuaded, more easily influenced and more conforming
Who studied normative and inforational influence in relationship to locus of control
Who carried out a meta analysis of locus of control studies