Mental Disorders Flashcards
What are phobias
Categoriesed under ‘anxiety disorders’ in diagnostic manuals, phobias are instances of irrational fears that produce a concious avoidance of the feared object or situation
What are the emotional characteristics of phobias
Primary emotional characteristic is fear that is marked and persistent, and likely excessive and unreasonable. Includes feelings of anxiety and panic, with these feelings cued by the fear object or the anticipantion of the fear object.
What are the behavioural characteristics of phobias
Major behavioural characteristic of phobias is avoidance of the fear object, however other responses like freezing or fainting are possible. Stress responses fight,flight or freeze. Differes from realistic fears as, unlike realistic fears, avoidance of fear object interferes significantly with everyday life
What are the cognitive characterstics of a phobia
Irrational thinking and resistance to rational argument. Person will realise fear is excessive or unreasonalbe, although children may not. Awareness of irrationality is what distinguishes phobias from delusional mental illness where a person is unaware of the unreasonableness of their behavior
What is Depression
Classified as a mood disorder, the DSM-V distinguishes between major depressive disorder and persistent depressive disorder, which is longer term and/or recurring
What are the emotional characteristics of depression
Diagnosis of ‘major depressive disorder’ requires the presence of at least five symptoms, which must include sadness or loss of interest in pleasure activities.
Emotional characteristics:
-Sadness or feeling empty
-feelings of worthlessness
-low self esteem
-Loss of interst in usual hobbies and activites
-feelings of despair
- feeling a lack of control
Anger is also associated with depression, towards other or the self
What are the behavioural characteristics of depression
-Shift in activity level, either reduced or increased
-reduced energy
-increasingly agitated and restless
-sleep difficulties, some sleeping more and other experincing insomnia
-appitite affected, some reduced while others have more
What are the cognitive characteristics of depression
Negative emotions are related with negative thoughts, such as negative self-concept, guilt, sense of worthlessness etc.
Negative view of the world and expectation of things turning out badly, which becomes self-fulfilling and confirms negative beliefs. These thoughts are still irrational
What is OCD
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is classified as an anxiety disorder. Typically begins in young adult life and has two components, obessessions and compulsions.
What are obesessions
Obsessions are persistent thoughts
What are compulsions
Compulsions are repetitive behaviours
What are the emotional characteristics of OCD
Obsessions and compulsions are both a source of stress. Sufferers are aware that their behaviour is excessive and this causes embarrassment and shame. The common obsession of germs can cause feelings of disgust
What are the cognitive characteristics of OCD
Obsessions are recurrent and intrusive thoughts or impulses that are percieved as inappropriate or forbidden, and these may be frightening or embarrassing so the person may not want to share them. These are uncontrollable so create anxiety. They recognise these are products of their own mind and are excessive or unreasonable
What are the behavioural characteristics of OCD
Compulsive behaviours to reduce the anxiety created by obessions. These are repetitive and unconcealed, such as hand washing. Can be mental acts like counting. Behaviours are not connected in a realistic way to what they are designed to neutralise or prevent. Clearly excessive. Some only experience compulsive behaviours with no particular obsessions, for example compulsively avoid certain objects
Why do people with OCD perform compulsive behaviours
Patients feel they must perform these actions or something bad may happen, creating anxiety.
Is it possible to experience compulsive behaviours with no particular obsessions
Yes, some only experience compulsive behaviours with no particularr obsessions, for example compulsively avoid certain objects