Resistance to Norman rule: 1068-1071 Flashcards
what happened in 1068?
revolt of the earls
who was involved in the 1068 rebellions?
edwin and morcar and edgar the aethling
why did edwin and morcar rebel?
they were unhappy because william was taking Anglo saxon land and increasing taxes when he wasn’t supposed to
what promise to edwin did William go back on?
he promised edwin he could marry his daughter
what did edwin and morcar decide to do?
went north to raise a rebellion
what did william do when he realised that edwin and morcar were planning to rebel?
marched north and built castles as he went
what were the first 2 castles that william built?
Warwick and Nottingham
what did edwin and morcar do?
backed down due to the threat of william moving north
what did Edgar do?
went back to Scotland
what did edwin and morcar do after backing down?
begged william for forgiveness
what happened in 1069?
Edgar the Aethling and the rebellion of the north
who did Edgar persuade to support his claim to the throne?
Scottish king Malcolm and Danish king Swein
why was Edgar’s support a threat to william?
three whole armies could unite against him
why did rebellions break out in the North?
the Earl of Northumbria was killed in the streets of Durham because he was a Norman which spurred those in York to kill the Norman governor and many Norman troops
what did Edgar do when he heard of these rebellions?
travelled down from Scotland to join them and launch an attack against William
what did william do when he heard of the rebels?
set off for York with a large army
what did william do when he arrived in York?
slaughtered many of the people
what was Edgar’s reaction to william slaughtering people?
he fled back to Scotland in fear
what did william do after Edgar had fled?
built a castle in York to show his victory and went back to the south
what did King Swein then do?
sent troops across the North Sea to meet with Edgar
what did the potential arrival of the vikings and Edgar lead to in York?
more rebellions
what did william do when he heard of these rebellions?
marched North for the third time that year
what did Edgar do when he realised william was marching North again?
fled back to Scotland and vikings didn’t step foot of their boats once william has arrived
what had william shown through the rebellion failing?
his presence in the North was enough to stop a rebellion
what happened in 1070-71?
hereward the wake rebellions
who brought a fleet to england in 1070?
king swein
where was the fleet based?
why was Ely difficult to attack?
surrounded with marshland
what did hereward lead?
an attack on Peterborough abbey and seized its treasure
how long did hereward hold Ely for?
over 1 year
who joined the rebels i 1071?
how did william bribe swein to go home?
by offering him money
what happened on williams first attempt to cross to Ely?
his bridge collapsed and some of his men drowned
what did william do after his first bridge collapsed?
built another bridge
what did william do to the rebels at Ely?
cut of their limbs to warn others not to rebel