Describes he purpose of the investigation
what te researcher changes or manipulates
What they record or measure
Extraneous variables
Variables that might interfere with the IV or DV
Should be controlled or removed.
Demand characteristics
Cues that help the participants guess the hypothesis.
Investigator effects
Characteristics/ behaviour that the researcher shows that may influence the results e.g body language.
Using the same procedures and instructions for every particiant.
Independent groups
2 separate groups of participants experience 2 different conditions. Performance would then be compared.
A03 of independent groups
Negative= individual differences.
Positive= demand characteristics and order effect is not a problem.
Repeated measures
All ppts take part in all conditions then are compared to see if there’s a difference
A03 of repeated measures
Negative= order effects. And demand characteristics.
Positive= ppt variables are controlled and fewer are needed.
Matched pairs.
Ppts are paired together.
Each ppt would be allocated to a different condition.
A03 of matched pairs
Time consuming. Expensive.
Order effects are not a problem
Types of experiments
Lab experiments
Highly controlled
Maintaining strict control of extraneous variables
A03 go lab experiments.
+ high control of EV. High internal validity.
+ replication is more possible.
- ppts are aware they are being studied. Demand characteristics.
- doesn’t represent real-life
Field experiments
IV is manipulated in a natural, more everyday setting
A03 of field experiments
+ high external validity
+ natural environment
- loss of control of extraneous variables.
- technical issues as participants dont know they are being studied.
Natural experiments
In a natural setting
Random sample
Taken randomly e.g in a hat
A03 of random sample
Free from researcher bias.
Time consuming
Can be difficult to carry out
Systematic sample
Every nth number of the target population is selected.
A03 of systematic sample
Avoids researcher bias
Fairly representative.
Stratified sample
Sub groups
A03 of stratified sample
Avoids researcher bias
Representative- can be generalised
Cannot reflect all ways- complete representation not possible.
Opportunity sample
Anyone willing are selected
A03 of opportunity sampling
Cheap, quick, convenient
Besearcher bias
Volunteer sample
Select themselves to be part of
Advert or raise hands
A03 of volunteer sampling
Not time consuming
Volunteer bias
Ethical isssues
Arise when conflict exists between rights of participants and goals of research
Informed consent
Making participants aware of the aims of the research. And the procedures, and their rights
Also what their data will be used for so can make a judgement if they want to participate or not.
May make behaviour unnatural or data meaningless.
Dealing with informed consent
Consent letter
Under 16’s need a parental signature
Deliberately misleading or withholding information
Protection from harm
Should be protected from physical, and psychological harm.
Reminded of their right to withdraw
Dealing with deception and protection from harm
Debriefing= made aware of the true aims after the study.
Should be assured hat their behaviour is normal and offer counselling
Privacy and confidentiality
Right to control information about themselves
If privacy is invaded, confidentiality should be protected.
Dealing with privacy and confidentiality
Should be reminded that data is protected.
Brief and debrief
What is a covert observation
P aren’t aware they are being studied
What is an overt observation
P are aware they are being studied
What is a non-participant observation
Observer is separate from P