Definitions of abnormality
Statistical infrequency
Failure to function adequately
Deviation from ideal social norms
Deviation from ideal mental health
Statistical infrequency
Abnormal is its frequency is 2 or more standard deviations away from the mean.
Represented on a normally- distributed bell curve
Failure to function adequately
If their MH is preventing them from leading a ‘normal life’ then they are considered abnormal
Deviation from social norms
Based upon straying away from the social norms to their culture
Characteristics of phobias (3)
What are the emotional characteristics of depression
Feelings of intense sadness, worthlessness, anger
Describe the behavioural characteristics of depression
Increased or reduced levels in activity.
Sleeping hours may be reduced
Increased or decreased appetite
Describe cognitive characteristics of depression
Negative thoughts cause negative emotions.
Thoughts are irrational
They can be self-fulling, causing failure in the person
How are you phobias initiated through classical conditioning
Neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus. (That causes fear). Causes fear
Describe systematic desensitisation
Treatment of phobias.
Causes relaxation with he phobic stimulus.
Patients are exposed to scenarios that progressively cause more anxiety than the last stage