Research Methods Evaluations-AS Only Flashcards
Laboratory Experiments-Strengths
- High control over extraneous -High external validity
- Can be replicated-increases validity of results
Laboratory Experiments-Weaknesses
- Lacks Generalisations-Artificial environment/task
- Participants may behave natural-demand characteristics and low external validity
- Low mundane realism because of not everyday task
Field Experiments-Strengths
- High mundane realism-natural environment
- More valid and natural behaviour-high external validity
Field Experiment-Weaknesses
- Extraneous variables are not controlled-difficult to see cause and effect
- Can’t be fully replicated
- Ethical issues as participants are not fully aware of participation-cannot consent-invasion of privacy?
Natural Experiments-Strengths
- Provides research opportunities for studies that may not happen for ethical reasons
- High external validity-looks at real life issues and problems
Natural Experiments-Weaknesses
- Naturally occurring event may be rare-hard to generalise
- Participants may not be randomly allocated-Unsure if IV affected the DV
Quasi Experiments-Strengths
- High control over extraneous -High external validity
- Can be replicated-increases validity of results
Quasi Experiments-Weaknesses
-Confounding Variables can occur-Cannot randomly allocate participants to conditions
Independent Groups Design-Strength
- No order effects or Demand Characteristics
- Easy to allocate participants to groups-Uses Random Allocation
Independent Groups Design-Weaknesses
- Chance that the groups are unbalanced-could have participant variables
- Less economical-Two different sets of participants
Repeated Measures Design-Strengths
- No participant variables-Same participants in both conditions
- Economical-Only one set of participants are required
Repeated Measures Design-Weaknesses
- Demand Characteristics-Partcipants might predict the aim of the study before the second condition
- Order Effects-Experiment is done twice
- Learning could occur
Matched Pairs Design-Strength
No order effects-Partcipants only experience one condition
Matched Pairs Design-Weaknesses
- Partcipants might not be matched with 100% accuracy-Partcipant variables could still occur
- Matching the participants is time consuming and costly-less economic
Random Sampling-Strength
-Free from researcher bias-The researcher cannot pick the participants for each condition
Random Sampling-Weaknesses
- Difficut and time consuming to fully randomize the participants
- Chance of bias-Due to laws of probability
- Partcipants could refuse to participate
Systematic Sampling-Strengths
- Avoids researcher bias-follows a pattern
- Provides a fairly representative sample
Systematic Sampling-Weaknesses
- Partcipants could work out the pattern if it is not fully random
- The participant could refuse to participate
Stratified Sampling- Strengths
- Avoids researcher bias- They can’t choose the participants
- Provides a representative sample of the target population-Generalisation can occur
Stratified Sampling-Weaknesses
- Complete representation of the target population is not always possible due to individual differences
- Partcipant could refuse to participate
Opportunity Sampling-Strength
-Quick and cheap to get participants
Opportunity Sampling-Weaknessess
- Unrepresentative sample-All participants come from the same area
- Researcher bias-They choose the participants
- Partcipants could refuse to participate
Volunteer Sample-Strengths
-Easy to get a sample- “They come to you”
Volunteer Sample-Weaknesses
- Volunteer bias-a certain type of person may be attracted-affects generalisation
- Partcipants may refuse to participate
Naturalistic Observation-Strength
-High ecological validity as behaviour occurs naturally in its natural environment-Easy to generalize
Naturalistic Observations-Weaknessess
- Hard to replicate-Lack of control
- Uncontrolled Extraneous Variables
Controlled Observations-Strengths
- Replicable- Highly controlled
- Extraneous Variables have little effect
Controlled Observation-Weakness
-Findings cannot be generalised
Covert Observation-Strength
-All natural behaviour is on show as the participants don’t know that they are being observed-Increases the validity
Covert Observation-Weakness
-Ethical issues- Privacy and Consent
Overt Observation-Strength
-Less ethical issues-Partcipants know they are being observed
Overt Observation-Weakness
-As they know that they are being observed-Demand Characteristics and Non natural behaviour could occur
Structured Observation-Strengths
- Easy to record behaviour-Uses behavioural categories
- Produces Quantitative Data-Easy to analyse
Structured Observation-Weaknesses
-Less detailed results
Unstructured Observation-Strength
-Infomation is more detailed
Unstructured Observation-Weaknesses
- Provides qualitative data-harder to analyse
- High chance of observer bias-they pick behaviour to analyse-No behaviour categories
Event Sampling-Strength
-Useful when the event frequently occurs
Event Sampling-Weakness
-Observer may overlook details and behaviours if they are too complex
Time Sampling-Strength
-Reduces the number of investigations that have to occur
Time Sampling-Weakness
-An observed behaviour may unrepresentative of the investigation as a whole
- Cost effective
- Can be completed without a researcher
- Quantitative data produced-Easy to analyse and compare
- Social Desirability Bias-People could lie to be more socially desirable
- Response Bias-A person could just tick the same box
Structured Interview-Strengths
- Straightforward and easy to replicate
- Data is easy to analyse
Structured Interview-Weaknesses
-Interviewer cannot deviate from the set of questions-this annoys and frustrates them
Unstructured Interview-Strength
-More flexibility-follow up questions can be asked
Unstructured Interview-Weaknesses
- Data is harder to analyse
- People may lie on their responses-Social desirability bias
- Can be used as a preliminary tool or as a starting point for research
- Quick and economical
- Can use secondary data
- Can only tell us how variables are related, but not why
- “Third-Variable Problem”-a untested variable affecting one or both co-variables
Qualitative Data-Strengths
- More detail
- More external validity- provides researchers with participants insight
Qualitative Data-Weaknesses
- Harder to analyse
- Patterns can be hard to identify
- Conclusions are based on subjective interpretation
Quantitative Data-Strengths
- Simple to analyse
- Easy to find patterns
- More objective
Quantitative Data-Weaknesses
- Narrower- less detail
- Fails to represent “real-life”
Primary Data-Strengths
- Obtained from the participants themselves
- Collected in multiple ways
Primary Data-Weakness
-Requires time and effort to produce data as experiment has to be done
Secondary Data-Strengths
- Inexpensive and quick to access
- Might be no need to conduct a study as data might be enough
Secondary Data-Weaknesse
-Large variation of quantity of secondary data- it could be out-dated or have many flaws
Peer Review-Strengths
- Established validity in the research
- Makes sure research is accurate
Peer Review-Weaknesses
- Anomity-Other can use it as a chance to get revenge on someone
- Publication Bias- journals only publish works that they like- creates a false impression of the state of psychology
- Burying ground-breaking research-they try to maintain the status-quo within certain areas