Approaches Theories Flashcards
Origins of Psychology-Wundt’s lab
Wundt opened his lab in Leipzig, Germany. He introduced structuralism and allowed studied to be done in a controlled environment. This allowed psychology to develop as a science
Evolution of Psychology-17th to 19th Century
Psychology is a branch of philosophy. It is understood as experimental philosophy
Evolution of Psychology-1879
Wundt’s lab opens, Psychology emerges as an independent discipline
Evolution of Psychology-1900’s
Freud developed his psychodynamic approach, empathises the influence of unconscious thoughts on our behaviour
Evolution of Psychology-1913
Watson and Skinner establish the behaviourist approach, this becomes the dominate field in psychology for the next 50 years
Evolution of Psychology-1950’s
Rogers and Maslow develop the humanistic approach which rejects the ideas of the behaviourist and psychodynamic approaches
Evolution of Psychology-1960’s
The cognitive revolution occurs. The digital computer allowed psychologists to have a metaphor for the human mind. The cognitive approach is created
Evolution of Psychology-1960’s 2
Bandura proposes Social Learning Theory, a mixture of behaviourist and cognitive approaches which build a bridge between the two
Evolution of Psychology-1980’s
Due to technological advances, the biological approach is established and becomes the dominant perspective in psychology
Evolution of Psychology-21st Century
Cognitive neuroscience emerges as a link between the cognitive approach and the biological approach. It investigates how biology effects and influences mental states
- All behaviour is observable and learned from experience
- The basic processes are the same in all species
Behaviourism-Classical Conditioning
Created by Pavlov. It involves the association of a Neutral Stimulus with and Unconditioned Response to create a Conditioned Stimulus (The old NS) and a Conditioned Response
Behaviourism-Operant Conditioning
Created by Skinner. It involves the learner learning behaviour by its consequences, in the form of reinforcement
Behaviourism-Operant Conditioning- Positive Reinforcement
Receiving a reward or something positive when the behaviour is done, it increases the likelihood of that behaviour reoccurring
Behaviourism-Operant Conditioning- Negative Reinforcement
Doing a behaviour to prevent a negative thing from happening, it increases the likelihood of that behaviour reoccurring
Behaviourism-Operant Conditioning-Punishment
A unpleasant consequence to the behaviour, this decreases the likelihood of that behaviour reoccurring
Social Learning Theory-Assumptions
- All behaviour is observable and learned from experience
- Learning occurs directly and indirectly
Social Learning Theory-Vicarious Reinforcement
Observation of a same sex role model being rewarded causes that behaviour to be vicariously reinforced, which increases the likelihood of the behaviour being intimated
Social Learning Theory-Identification
We are more likely to imitate role model who we identify with, as they have similar characteristics or features as us
Social Learning Theory-Mediational Processes
These "bridge the gap" between the behaviourist theory and the cognitive theory They are: 1-Attention 2-Retention 3-Motor Reproduction 4-Motivation
Cognitive Theory-Assumptions
- Internal mental processes can be studied scientifically
- These studies are done indirectly by making inferences about the processes
Cognitive Theory-Theoretical and Computer Models
These models state that the mind works like a computer
Cognitive Theory-Roles of Schema
Schemas are beliefs and/or expectations that can affect thoughts and behaviour. They can be inmate or learned, and they act as a mental short cut, which can lead to us not seeing the “whole picture” of a place or event
Cognitive Theory-Cognitive Neuroscience
First studied by Paul Broca, who linked mental states to biological structures. In recent years, due to the advancement of science and technology, we can use brain imaging devices, like fMRI to read and understand the brain
Biological Approach-Assumptions
Biological processes (genes, neurochemistry and the nervous system) can be used to explain our thoughts and behaviour. Everything psychological is at first biological
Biological Approach-Genetic Basis of Behaviour
Twin studies are used to see if behaviour characteristics are inherited in the same way as physical characteristics. Identical twins (monozygotic) share more characteristics with each other than non-identical twins (dizygotic). This is because MZ twins share 100% of the same genes
Biological Approach-Genotype and Phenotype
A person’s genotype is their actual genetic makeup, while their phenotype is how they express those genes
Biological Approach-Evolution and Behaviour
According to Darwin, natural selection of genes based on survival value and reproduction success. It is known as “Survival of the Fittest”
Psychodynamic Approach-Role of the Unconscious
The conscious mind is the “tip of the iceberg”. Majority of mind in unconscious. It is a vast storehouse of biological drives and instincts that influence are behaviour. There are also repressed memories in the unconscious
Psychodynamic Approach-The Personality-id
Operates on the pleasure principal. It is present at birth, and its demands demand instant gratification
Psychodynamic Approach-The Personality-ego
Operates on the reality principal, mediator between the two other parts. Develops at around 2 years and manages the conflict between the id and superego by using ego defence mechanisms
Psychodynamic Approach-The Personality-superego
Operates on the morality principal;, develops at around 5 years. It’s our moral part of our personality
Psychodynamic Approach-Psychosexual Stages-Oral
Occurs at 0-1 years, focus of pleasure is on the mouth with the mothers breasts being the object of desire. If a conflict is not resolved during this period, the child could have a oral fixation to something (smoking), and be sarcastic and critical
Psychodynamic Approach-Psychosexual Stages-Anal
Occurs at 1-3 years, focus of pleasure is the anus. The child gains pleasure from withholding and expelling faeces. If a conflict is not resolved during this period, the child could have an anal retentive or anal expulsive personality
Psychodynamic Approach-Psychosexual Stages-Phallic
Occurs at 3-5 years, focus of pleasure is the genitals. The child goes though the Oedipus or Electra complex as well. If a conflict is not resolved during this period, the child could have a phallic personality
Psychodynamic Approach-Psychosexual Stages-Latency
During this period, any earlier conflict is repressed
Psychodynamic Approach-Psychosexual Stages-Genital
Sexual desires become conscious alongside puberty. If a conflict is not resolved, the child might have difficulty forming heterosexual relationships
Humanistic Psychology-Free Will
People are active agents who are self determining and who are fully in charge of their actions, thoughts and behaviours
Humanistic Psychology-Self Actualisation
Every person has the innate tendency to achieve their full potential. To achieve this, we have to meet all four lower levels of the hierarchy of needs before we can start to achieve our full potential
Humanistic Psychology-Self and Congruence
Personal growth requires our idea self and our current self to be congruent. This means it will be more likely to become our ideal self.
Humanistic Psychology-Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow identified physiological deficiency needs to be satisfied before safety and self-actualisation