An aim is…….?
What we want to investigate
What is a hypothesis?
A testable statement that sets out our prediction of what we expect to happen
The variable that is manipulated = ?
The variable that is measured = ?
Operationalisation is…..?
Making each variable clear, precise and specific
A statement of no effect/relationship is called a ……….?
Null hypothesis
An extraneous variable is ……?
A variable other than the IV that can effect the DV. They must be controlled
An extraneous variable that is not controlled and effects the results is called….. ?
A confounding variable
Quanititative = ?
Data expressed in numbers
Qualitative = ?
Data expressed in words
The 3 types of experiment
Lab; Field; Natural
Which experiment am I?
+ High control
- Artificial methods
Laboratory experiment
Which experiment is it when the IV is not changed at all by the experimenter?
Natural experiment
Which type of experiment has ethical issues with informed consent?
Field experiment
The 3 types of experimental design = ?
- Independent groups
- Repeated measures
- Matched pairs
Which experimental design am I?
+ Not affected by participant variables
- Affected by order/practise effects
Repeated measures
How can you reduce order effects?
ABBA is used in …..?
The 5 types of sampling method?
- Random
- Volunteer
- Opportunity
- Systematic
- Stratified
Which sampling method is most representative?
The group the researcher wants to study and selects their sample from is called ?
The target population