Which part of the brain helps co-ordinate balance and movement and is one of the last parts to develop
The cerebellum
Which part of the brain isin each hemisphere and acts as an information hub
What does the cerebral cortex do?
Thinking and processing
Name 3 examples of nurture that can affect a baby’s development in the womb
Smoking; voices; infection
What is a schema
A mental framework of beliefs about one thing!
Adapting an existing schema = ?
What are Piaget’s 4 stages in order?
- Sensorimotor
- Pre-operational
- Concrete-operational
- Formal-operational
In which of Piaget’s stages does a child develop object permanence
In which of Piaget’s stages does a child show egocentrism and an inability to conserve?
At what age does Piaget think a child can perform abstract reasoning?
Who’s study challenges (and supports) Piaget’s theory of conservation?
McGarrigle and Donaldson’s naughty teddy study
What is conservation
The ability to realise quantity remains the same even when appearance changes
Name 2 tests Piaget used to test conservation?
- Water ‘volume’ task
- Counters ‘number’ task
What does the mountains task test?
Egocentrism (de-centring)
Name 2 or more ways that Piaget’s theory has been applied to education.
- Child must be READY
- DISCOVERY learning is good!
- Learning should be INDIVIDUALISED
- Learning should match the STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT
What are Dweck’s 2 mindsets?
Fixed and Growth
According to Dweck we should praise ………….. and not achievement.
What is self-efficacy?
A person’s understanding of their own abilities
High self-efficacy can improve m………………………?
Three main learning styles = VVK?
- Verbalisers
- Visualisers
- Kinaesthetic
What does Willingham say about praise?
Only unexpected praise is effective for learning
Which 2 things does Willingham say improves memory?
Retrieval practise (ie. this!!) and cues help to improve memory
Why doesn’t Willingham value learning styles?
As there is no scientific evidence that they improve learning