Research Methods Flashcards
We can gain accurate knowledge through observing something
Clinging on beliefs even in the absence of proof or contradictory evidence
The Scientific Method
A procedure for finding information using empirical (observable) evidence
Ways of knowing
personal experience (anecdote)
A true or unreliable / unverified story
accessing /aquiring knowledge in the absence of conscious reasoning
The scientific method
Repeatable observations across many individuals
Lead to the same conclusion
??? missed a line
Use it to test theories
Orginizations of our obsewrvations of natural phenomena
Proposed explanations for why the phenomena occur(ed/s)
Bystander effect
Ppl less likely to help in emergency cayse of others. Others reduce amount of personal responsibility
Testable prediction (hypothesis)
In emergency situation the more people that are present, the longer it wil ltake before someone wull help
Theories organize understanding of phenomena
Hyptheses test the tenability of our theories in the … missed it
Theories -hypothesis - research observation (goes back to theories)
organize understanding of phenomena
test the testability of our theories in the real world
Observation to theory
inductive reasoning
start with an observation use to generate a theory
start with a theory use to test a hypothesis
Theories must
be able to be proved wrong
Testable prediction -
in an emergency situation, the more people that are present the longer it will take before someone helps
Theory - the more people in an emergency the less responsibility people feel to help -> the more in ambiguous emerg less rep to help
Research methods
Casse study
Naturalistic observation
Archival research ( read through twice**)
Longitudinal and cross sectional research
Case Studies
When we hav every rare disorders
Conduct in depth interviews to gain insight to a rare disorder
Can provide profound insight into the workings of the brain
Eg the case of H.M., phinneas gage
Hyperthymesia - incredible autobiographical memory: 60 people in the world
Conjoined twins
Covid 19 case studies when only some people had it
Incredible detail on studied phenomena
Cases are so rare we cant take the data and generalize it to the population, application of gained knowledge is limited
Naturalistic Observation
Observe behavior in its natural habitat
Researcher needs to be inconspicuous
If people are aware of being watched they will change their behaviour
High on ecological validity: expect natural behavior in a natural setting - findings = very generalizable
Difficult to set up - ex what if no one shows up to the situation
Observer bias -researchers seeing what they want to see ( get around this by getting multiple people watching the same behavior and then compare notes to see reliability)