Intelligence Flashcards
Intelligence Quotient
Sir Francis Galton
-statistician,eugenist MANY things
-many methods
-first person to start studying intelligence
-Darwin’s cousin
-intelligence was charitable and Fixed
Alfred Binet
-test for kids to determine which need help
-malleable intellect
-intelligence like a muscle
-poor marks deficiency not stupidity
Lewis Terman
-adapted tests for America
-standardized them
-thousands of children of diff ages
-bell curve of performances
-Norming- indication of what a group does know
-norming and standardization increase reliability if the test
-realm of eugenics
Simon Binet test
Test for intelligence mostly for kids
With tasks and ability to deal with them at age levels
David Wechsler
Adult intelligence scale
Most commonly used IQ test
Intelligence is multifaceted
Overall score of IQ
Intelligence is changeable
Adult intelligence scale
Verbal comprehension
Visual spatial
Fluid reasoning
Working memory
Processing speed
Bell curve
Standard deviation
Score 70- intellectual disability
Cognitive delays deficits in adaptive funct
Struggle meet community standards
Gifted 130+ (lower mortality rate)
Flynne effect
Intelligence increases over years
Re norm IQ test so that average is 100 every couple years
Raymond Cattel
Fluid intelligence
Working memory
Mental gymnastics
Crystallized intelligence
Stable and increasing intelligence
Accumulate knowledge
Analytical intelligence
Academic problem solving, analysis, compare contrast, what well use midterm (Robert Sternberg)
Creative intelligence
Finding novel solutions to common problems
(Robert Sternberg)
Practical Intelligence
Street Smarts, navigating job interviews, most different from traditional understanding of intelligence, think on feet (Robert Sternberg)
Howard Gardner
Eight intelligences
Intrapersonal, linguistic, interpersonal, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, naturalist
Independent of each other
Plus a 9th later - existential intelligence
Ability to ponder big questions
No measure for each of them
Inter/intra, displays emotional intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
What emotions an event will trigger
Identify, describe and manage their emotions
Know how to use their emotions to improve decisions
Identify other’s emotions
Easy - less neural activity when solving emotional problems
Better social skills
Better romantic and workplace relationships
Happier, healthier, more satisfactions
Intelligence and Culture
Socially constructed
EG boring
Ability to learn from experience,
solve problems,
adapt to new situations
Intelligence measures ability to achieve goals in a
wide range of environmetns
Heritability intelligence
The proportion of the difference in IQ scores that is explained by differences in genes
50 - 70%
Strong genetic component to our intelligence - though not the be all end all
Difference in environment and difference of genes
Twin studies
Monozygotic twins
100% genetics
Dizygotic twins
Parent and biological child
Adoptive parent
Test bias
Cultural bias
IQ tets based on specific cultural knowledge
Geared towards white children
This was taken (1900s) as evidence do why non white races were genetically inferior
Modern IQ tests
deny cultural bias - more technical
Range of reaction theory
Our genes set limit son given characteristics
Our environment determines to which degree our genes are expressed
EX perfectly good identical soil - one no light no water one light and water, same potential different outcomes
Social economic status ladder
Higher numbers = rivher/economic status
Genes correlate strong with intelligence
Lower rung
Env differences are more important
Stress Impairs
Working Memory
Neuroimaging and stress
Prefrontal cortex
Working memory, planning, concentration, executive function lives here
Children in poverty haveless activity in the pre frontal cortex than those not
Impairment was simila rto children whose prefrontal cortext was damaged
Range of reaction theory
Env determines to which degree our genes are expressed
We can improve IQ (before 5)
Early education
Complex env
Social economic status
(before 5)
We can improve IQ (NOW)
Ritalin - increases frontal lobe
Magnet over brain - brain waves
Train brain
IQ test takeaway
Less emphasis on IQ test
Strongest predictors of success
Schools practice IQ in tests
Post school IQ drops
Functions well used as intended - where do you need help?