Research Methods Flashcards
Used to establish a cause and effect relationship between variables
Manipulated by the researcher; the “cause”
Independent Variable
the people/things that receive treatment in an experiment
Experimental Group
These people receive the placebo or no treatment in an experiment
Control Group
Show behaviors associated with the experimental group after receiving placebo
Placebo Effect
Neither the participant nor the experimenter are aware of which condition people are assigned in an experiment
Double Blind
Measured variable, the effect
Dependent Variable
Operational Definition
Clear, precise, typically quantifiable definition of of variables, allows replication
Error or flaw in a study
assigns participants to either control or experimental group at random
Random Assignment
method for choosing participants
Random Sample
Accurate results
Same results everytime
Observe something in natural setting; no cause and effect
Naturalistic Observation
Identify relationship between two variables; no cause and effect
Variables vary in the same direction
Positive Correlation
Variables vary in opposite direction
Negative Correlation
Studies ONE person in great detail, lots of info; hard to make generalizations
Case Study
Establishes significance
Inferential Statistics
APA Ethical Guidelines
Informed Consent
Deception must be warranted