Learning Flashcards
Brings about response without needing to be learned
Unconditioned Stimulus
Response that occurs naturally without training
Unconditioned Response
Stimulus that normally doesn’t evoke a response
Neutral Response
Once neutral stimulus that now brings about a response
Conditioned Stimulus
response that, after conditioning, follows a Conditioned Stimulus
Conditioned Response
Timing of the pairing (Neutral Response and Conditioned Stimulus must be immediately presented before the Unconditioned Stimulus)
Process of learning the response pairing
Previously conditioned response dies out over time
After a period of time the conditioned response comes back out of nowhere
Spontaneous Recovery
Conditioned REsponse to like stimuli
Conditioned Response to ONLY the Conditioned Stimulus
RESCROLA & WAGNER; states that classical conditioning involves cognitive processes
Contingency Model
JOHN GARCIA; Innate predispositions can allow classical conditioning to occur in one trial
Conditioned Taste Aversion
LITTLE ALBERT AND JOHN WATSON; conditioned fear into a baby only to remove it later
States that behaviors followed by positive outcomes are strengthened and negative outcomes weakened
Law of Effect
Take something away to decrease a negative behavior
Negative Reinforcement
Add something bad to decrease a behavior
Positive Punishment
Take away something good to decrease a behavior
Negative Punishment
Innately satisfying
Primary Reinforcers
Secondary reinforcer- can be exchanged for other stuff
token Reinforcer
Reinforcing behaviors that are intrinsically motivating causes you to stop doing them
Over justification Effect
using successive approximations to train behavior
Tie together several behaviors
Receiving a reward for every response
Continuous Reinforcement Schedule
Reward every X amount of time passed
Fixed Interval Schedule
Reward every X number of responses
Fixed Ratio Schedule
Rewarded after a random number of responses
Variable Ratio Schedule
Rewarded after a random amount of time has passed
Variable Interval Schedule
Psychologist concerned with operant conditioning
Psychologist concerned with social (observational) learning
Children model/imitate behaviors
Modeling Behaviors
Helping behaviors
Mean behaviors
Anti social
(TOLMAN) learning is hidden until useful
Latent learning
Mental representation of an area
Cognitive maps
some learning is through simple intuition
KOHLER— Insight Learning
No matter what you do you never get a positive outcome
earned Helplessness (SELIGMAN)