Cognition Flashcards
Type of encoding that requires no effort
Automatic encoding
type of encoding that requires attention
Effortful encoding
Attaching images to information makes it easier to remember
We remember better the things we are interested in
Self-referent encoding
Combining different types of encoding aids in memory
Dual encoding
break info into smaller units to aid in memory
Shortcuts to help us remember info easier
The location where something is learned is the best location for memory recall
Context dependent memory
the physical state one experiences when learning is the same state they should experience while testing; drunk learning = drunk testing
State dependent memory
Stores all incoming stimuli that you receive
Sensory Memory
visual memory; lasts .3 seconds
Iconic Memory
Auditory memory, lasts 2-3 seconds
Echoic Memory
info passes from sensory memory to _____________ which lasts 30 seconds and can remember 7 items + or - 2
Short Term Memory
lasts a life time
Long Term Memory
Conscious recollection:
Explicit Long Term Memory
Unconscious recollection:
Classical conditioning
Implicit Long Term Memory
Semantic Networks
Memory Organization
Responsible for memory storage in the hippocampus for most memories
Tendency to remember the beginning and end of a list best
Serial Position Effect
remembering what you have been told without cues
Remember what you’ve been told with cues
Particularly vivid memories for highly important events
Flashbulb Memories
Unconsciously buried memories
Repressed memories
forgetting info because you never encoded it in the first place
Encoding failure
The more closely retrieval cues match the way we learned info, the better we remember the info
Encoding Specificity Principle
Recall decreases rapidly at first, then reaches a plateau after which little more is forgotten
Forgetting curve (EBBINGHAUS)
Old info blocks new info
Proactive interference
New info blocks old info
Retroactive interference
Distortion of memory by suggestion or misinformation
Misinformation effect (Loftus)
Amnesia that moves forward (forgetting new info)
Anterograde amnesia
Amnesia that moves backward (forget old info)
Retrograde Amnesia
Caused by destruction of acetylcholine in hippocampus
Alzheimer’s Disease
Smallest units of sound
Smallest unit of sound that carries meaning
Infants babble 1st stage of speech
Babbling Stage
Kids repeat what they hear but they dont do it perfectly
Grammar mistakes where children over use certain morphemes
Uses reward and punishment to change behavior
Operant Conditioning
NOAM CHOMSKY; language is innate and we are predisposed to learn it
Inborn Universal Grammar
Period of time where something must be learned or else it cannot ever happen
Critical period
Language influences the way we think (WHORF) Hopi people don’t have words for past tense and can’t easily think about it
Linguistic determinism
Short cut strategy
Make inferences based on your experience
Representative Heuristic
Relying on availability to judge the frequency of something
Availability heuristic
Only using one strategy; can’t think outside the box
Functional Fixedness
Tendency of one’s preexisting beliefs to distort logical reasoning by making invalid conclusions
Belief bias
tendency to cling to our beliefs in the face of contrary evidence
Belief perseverance
Data driven decisions, general > specific
Inductive Reasoning
Driven by logic
Deductive reasoning
Ability to think about many different things at once
Divergent thinking