Research Exam Flashcards
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True positive
Those with the disease who get a positive test result
False positive
Those without the disease who get a positive test result
True negative
Those without the disease who get a negative result
False negative
Those with the disease who get a negative result
Ability of a test to correctly classify a positive result
Ability of a test to correclty classify a negative result
Measure of ability to get the same value repeatedly, reliablility
Measure of ability to get the correct value, validity
Quantity measure over time, time is most often measured in person years
Incidence rate
Probability of developing a disease over a period of time
Person years
A measure of theoretical person per year, either 1 person per year or 2 people for 6 months each, etc.
Incidence x average duration
New diagnoses made in a year
The number of people who currently have the condition
Prevalence and incidence are….
…inversely related
Mortality and incidence relationship
Mortality=incidence x fatality rate
What are ways we look for reliability of a journal article? Specifically, what things do we look for in the author/journal/references/relevancy
Author - background, employment, history
Journal - well known, who funds and reviews?
References - who are they citing and why, any conflict of interest?
Relevance - must be addressing something related to what you are exploring
A brief summary of intro, purpsoe, methods, results, and findings - quick place to assess relevancy
Critical appraisal of article
specifically looking at the study design and if the conclusions are supported by the results, best done using the FRISBE acronym
Follow up - were patients outcomes accounted for at end of study
Randomization - Equal chance being assigned to experimental or control group
Intention to treat analysis - are the results analyzed based on intended original treatment
Similar baseline characteristics - did patients have characteristics that could cause even outocome distribution
Blinding - study blinded
Equal treatment - controlling for any other confounding variables not being tested