Research Flashcards
type I error
false +
you see a difference but there really isn’t one
overcalling it
type II error
didn’t get a difference but there should have been one
p value affects
*establish likelihood of type I error
*smaller p value=more likely a true accurate difference
under calling it
narrow = less variable data
correlation coefficient
1=better correlation
measure of true +
false negative = 1-SN
use a negative test to rule out
associated with -LR
measure of true negative
use a + SP to rule in
false + = 1-SP
PPV- positive predictive value
patients who test positive who actually have the disease
NPV- negative predictive value
patients who test negative who actually don’t have disease
rate of new cases in specific time
RATE OF CHANGE to express risk of disease
of cases at a specific time
CANT predict probability because it’s not a rate of change
likelihood ratios
closer to 1 = less useful
+LR = Sn / (1-Sp)
-LR = (1-Sn) / Sp
odds ratio
odds of event in control group / odds in experimental
P vs alpha value- stat significance
P value must be lower than alpha to be statistically significant
level I evidence
high quality from RCT, diagnostic studies, prospective studies
level II evidence
lesser quality diagnostic studies, prospective studies, RCT
such as improper randomization, <80% f/u, no blinding
level III evidence
case control study or retrospective