Reproductive system terminologies Flashcards
Ring or sphinctor, opening at the end of the digestive system
Final straight portion of intestine normally 12 cm long
Sac-like hollow organ used for the storage of urine.
Urinary bladder: holds 600-800 ml of Urine
A slightly movable cartilaginous joint between the anterior surfaces of the hip bones
Pubic symphysis
The hollow muscular organ in females: role
Uterus also called womb: is the site of menstruation, implantation, development of the fetus.
Tube extends laterally from uterus lied within found of broad ligaments of the uterus. Role:
Uterine tube: provides a route for sperm to reach
Egg receptacles one on either side of the uterus resemble unshelled almonds: role
Ovary: produce gametes that develop into mature ova (eggs) after fertilization and hormones
An erectile organ of the female, located at the anterior junction of the labia minora,
Clitoris: is homologous to the male penis. Like male structure, it is capable of enlargement upon tactile stimulus. It has a role in sexual excitement in the female
Canal lined with mucous membrane, exterior body to cervix.
Vagina: it is the passage for penis, menstrual flow and childbirth. Average 4 inches long
Urine passes through this during urination
External urethral orifice, aka urinary meatus.
Tube connecting urinary bladder to genitals. shorter in females than males. Between clitoris and vagina externally.
Fingerlike structures, especially the lateral ends of the uterine (fallopian) tubes.
Fimbriae: Sex hormones activate fibriae. Oocyte is released from ovary of the cilia of the fibrae sweep the ovam into the Fallopian tube
Large folds in the mucosa of an empty hollow organ, such as the stomach or vagina
Male gonad that produces sperm and the hormones testosterone and inhibin
Testis, also called a testicle.
A dual-chambered protuberance of skin and muscle, present in some male mammals
Scrotum: contains the testicles and is divided by a septum
A comma shaped organ that lies along the posterior border of the testis
Epididymis: contains the ductus epididymis, in which sperm undergo maturation. Plural is epididymides
The duct that carries sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
Ductus (vas) deferens, also called seminal duct
One of a pair of convoluted, pouch-like structures, lying posterior and inferior to the urinary bladder and anterior to the rectum,
Seminal vesicle: secret a component of semen into the ejaculatory ducts. Also termed seminal gland
A tube that transports sperm from the ductus (vas) deferens to the prostatic urethra
Ejaculatory duct
A doughnut-shaped gland inferior to the urinary bladder that surrounds the superior portion of the male urethra
Prostate: secretes a slightly acidic solution that contributes to sperm motility and viability
The widest and most dilatable part of the urethra canal
Prostatic urethra
The intermediate part of male urethra. shortest least dilatable. behind the pubic symphysis
Membranous urethra
the longest part of the male urethra
Spongy urethra, contains corpus spongiosum of the penis. About 15 cm long
One of a pair of glands located inferior to the prostate on either side of the urethra
Bulbourethral gland: secretes an alkaline fluid into the cavernous urethra. Also called a Cowper’s gland
One of a pair of sponge-like regions of erectile tissue
Corpus cavenorum, contain most of the blood in the penis during an erection
Is the mass o spongy tissue surrounding the male urethra within the penis.
Corpus spongiosum.
Slightly enlaraged region at the distal end of the penis.
Glans penis
The loose fitting skin covering the glans of the penis and clitoris
Prepuce also called foreskin
Is the opening or meatus of the urethra. It is the point which at which urine in males and in femles, exits the urethra and also where semen in the male exits the urethra
External urethral orific