Reproductive System Flashcards
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
prostate and surrounding tissue grows excessively, puts pressure on urethra, bladder loses ability to fully empty, causes urinary retention
dribbling after urination, excessive nocturnal urination, frequency, sense of incomplete bladder emptying, urine leaking, incontinence, sexual dysfunction
BPH dx
digital rectal exam, urine test to rule out other infection, blood test can indicate kidney problems, increase in Prostate specific antigen (PSA) test
BPH tx
alpha blockers to relax bladder and prostate making urination easier (end in “osin”), 5-alpha reductase inhibitors to shrink prostate by preventing hormonal changes (end in “eride”), tadalafil to relax smooth muscles allowing more blood flow
gynecoid pelvis shape
normal female pelvis, transversely rounded or blunt
anthropoid pelvis shape
oval shaped, adequate outlet, narrow pubic arch
android pelvic shape
angulate or heart shaped, resembles a male pelvis, not favorable for birth or labor
platypelloid pelvis shape
flat with coal inlet, wide transverse diameter, short anteroposterior diameter making birth and labor difficult
hormones released by anterior pituitary gland
FSH (follicle stimulating) and LH (luteinizing); produce changes in ovaries an endometrium, control menstrual cycle
testosterone is produce from
estrogen and progesterone are produce by the
ovaries, progesterone also comes from placenta
oral contraceptives contain
estrogen and progesterone
polycystic ovarian syndrome
ovum begins to develop, but stops before it is fully mature, ovum not released and many build up in ovary, leading cause of infertility, greater risk of cancer later in life
polycystic ovarian syndrome S&S and tx
dysfunctional bleeding, amenorrhea, hirsutism, acne, infertility
Tx: oral contraceptives, antiandrogens, fertility agents
Breast self exam should be done
once a month 3-5 days after menstrual cycle
breast xray to show changes that are too small for pt or HCP to feel
a healthy cervix
will remain tightly closes until a pregnant individual is in labor
tissue similar to tissue that normally lines inside of uterus grows outside the uterus, most commonly involves ovaries, fallopian tubes, and tissue lining pelvis
endometriosis S&S
pain and menstrual irregularities
pain in lower abdomen, back, pelvis, rectum, vagina, occurs during sexual intercourse or while defecating, abnormal/heavy/painful menstruation or spotting, constipation/nausea, abdominal fullness or cramping, infertility (complication)
endometriosis dx
pelvic exam: abnormalities, cysts, scars
U/S, MRI, laproscopy
endometriosis tx
pain management, hormone therapy (contraceptives, gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists and antagonists, aromatase inhibitors (reduce estrogen in body), progestin therapy (pills, IUD, nexplanon)), self care such as heating pad, electrosurgery and laparoscopic surgery
Toxic shock syndrome
accumulation of toxins produce by microorganism staphylococcus aureus. Caused by tampons, cervical caps, diaphragms, can cause build up of microorganisms
Risk factors for STDs
multiple sexual partners, inadequate condom use, breaks in skin integrity, severity of partners infection
gonorrhea; cause, dx, tx
transmitted in oral, anal, vaginal sex or mother to baby during vaginal delivery. Dx: urine, secretions, blood test
Tx: abx
gonorrhea S&S
Female: abdominal pain, vaginal discharge, dysuria, painful intercourse, intermenstrual bleeding
Male: penile discharge, testicular swelling, dysuria, penile inflammation, UTI
syphilis; transmission, dx, tx
stages 1-3, direct contact with lesions or mother to baby, test secretions or blood, tx with abx
syphilis S&S
Stage 1: headache, skin ulcer, muscle pain, weakness, fatigue
Stage 2: rash, mucosal damage, weight loss, heat
Stage 3: dementia and psychotic disorders, internal bleeding, damage to internal organs, resp failure
syphilis is most contagious in stages
1 and 2
chlamydia; transmission, dx, tx
most common in women, oral/anal/vaginal sex or mother to baby during vaginal delivery, urine or genital secretions tested, treated with abx
herpes two types
HSV 1 = cold sores
HSV 2 = genital herpes
herpes transmission, dx, tx
oral/anal/vaginal sex or mother to baby during delivery, presence of sores is dx and confirm with lab tests as needed, treated with antiviral drugs
TORCH syndrome
infections that spread throughout body to baby (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex)
TORCH syndrom S&S
fever, difficulties feeding, hepatomegaly, spleenomegaly, jaundice, hearing impairment, abnormalities of the eyes