Reproductive/Pregnancy/Women's Health Flashcards
Physiological anemia of pregnancy
Increase of plasma volume when compared to production of RBC’s
Breast development Tanner stage III
Breast, nipples, and areola form one mound
Breast development Tanner stage IV
Breast, nipples, and areola form secondary mound
After 20 weeks gestation, how should fundal height be measured?
Measures the same as the number of weeks of gestation give or take 2 cm
Primary carbohydrate found in breast milk
Full term infants should be back to birth weight at how many weeks?
2 weeks
Infants should lose no more than what percentage of their birth weight?
What Tanner stage indicates the start of puberty?
Tanner stage II
What kind of bacteria is Trichomoniasis?
Protozoan with flagella
What is considered first line treatment for Trich?
Most common cause of female infertility
Ovulation disorders
Where is the fundus located at 12 weeks gestation?
Pubic symphysis
What is precocious puberty
Puberty that occurs before it is supposed to
What is the onset of normal puberty in females and males respectively?
Age 8, age 9
Best method to diagnose Candida albicans infection in primary care setting
Wet smear
Tznack smear
Used to detect herpes infection or SJS
What are presumptive signs of pregnancy?
Symptoms felt by the patient
Best way to diagnose trich infection in primary care setting
Wet smear
What age is recommended to begin cervical cancer screenings?
Over age 21
Cervical cancer screening recommendation for women 21-65
Every 3 years with cytology (pap)
Cervical cancer screening recommendation for women 30-65 who want to lengthen intervals of cancer screening
Every 5 years with cytology and HPV co-test
What should a woman do if she misses two days of BC?
Take two pills immediately, two pills the next day, continue rest of pack
Classic triad of preeclampsia
Hypertension, edema (weight gain), proteinuria
HELLP syndrome
Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count, usually diagnosed after preeclampsia
Chadwick’s sign
Bluish discoloration of the cervix and vagina, present between 6-8 weeks of pregnancy/considered “probable” sign of pregnancy
Hegar’s sign
Softening of the lower uterine segment
Positive Coombs test
Mother has autoantibodies against Rh-positive RBC’s
When mother first feels fetal movement
When does quickening usually occur?
16-20 weeks