Integumentary Flashcards
Describe an annular rash
A rash that is ring shaped
Erythema migrans
Associated with Lyme’s disease
Larva migrans
Associated with hook worm infection
Hidradenitis supprativa
Chronic skin condition that affects the axilla and groin/painful purulent nodules
Granuloma inguinale
Caused by STD infection, painless red lump on/near genitals, breaks down into a sore.
Auspitz sign
Associated with with psoriasis scales have been removed and bleeding occurs
Most common type of skin cancer
Basal cell carcinoma
How is basal cell carcinoma described?
Waxy, shiny/pearly appearance. May have ulceration
Classic symptom presentation of roseola infantum
High fever for a few days, break in fever, followed by maculopapular rash
Lacy rash
Associated with Fifth disease
What is another name for Fifth disease?
Erythema infectiosum
“Slapped cheek” appearance
Associated with Fifth disease
What virus causes Fifth disease?
Parvovirus B19
Red rash that is sandpaper in appearance and texture
Associated with Scarlet fever
Lichen sclerosus
Chronic/thin white patches of skin on vaginal area, common in older women
Fever, with rash on ankles, wrists, palms, and moves towards trunk
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Rickettsia rickettsii
Causes Rocky Mountain spotted fever
What is a serpiginous rash?
Creeping or spreading rash
Serpiginous rash is often associated with?
What are the three phases of Fifth disease?
Low grade fever, slapped cheek, lacy appearing rash
What is the progression of Fifth disease rash?
Starts on face, moves to arms and legs
What oral antibiotic is used to treat acne vulgaris?
Oral tetracycline
Superficial vesicle with serous fluid greater than 0.5 cm in diameter
What is an example of a bullae?
A skin blister
von Recklinghausen’s disease
Also known as neurofibromatosis, associated with cafe-au-lait spots
Molluscum contagiosum
Viral infection causing round, firm, painless, flesh colored bumps, highly contagious through skin to skin contact
Another name for tinea cruris
Jock itch
Describe tinea cruris
Itchy macerated areas in groin
Where is candidal intertrigo found?
Areas where skin folds rub together such as the breasts
What is another name for Herpes zoster?
Actinic keratoses
Small, raised skin lesions from extended sun exposure/may be pre-malignant
Thickened, rubbery skin
What is erysipelas?
Bacterial skin infection that is superficial
What causes erysipelas?
Subungual hematoma
Blood collection under the nail
Making a “hole”/treatment for subungual hematoma
First line treatment for acne vulgaris
Topical agents
Eczema is also known as what?
Atopic dermatitis
What causes bullous impetigo?
Staph aureus
Fluid filled blisters that erupt and form honey colored crusts
Bullous impetigo
How do you treat bullous impetigo?
Treat with topical bactroban first, then can move on to a “cillin” or keflex
What organism causes syphilis?
Treponema pallidum
Another name for condyloma acuminata
Genital warts associated with HPV
Condyloma lata
Genital warts associated with syphilis
Small abscess of hair follicle on eyelid
Precursor to squamous cell skin cancer
Actinic keratosis
Paget’s disease of breast
Cancer of the skin of nipple/areola
Mongolian spots
Bluish/green birthmark present on lumbar/sacral area of infant
Shingles vaccine recommended for what age group?
Age 50 or older
Most common location of squamous cell carcinoma
Head, neck, hands
Most common location of basal cell carcnioma
70% on the face, pink or flesh colored papule
Another name for atopic dermatitis
Another name for seborrheic dermatitis
Eczema of scalp
Associated with plaques and slivery scales, autoimmune
Treatment for psoriasis
Topical emollients, topical steroids
Skin condition common in Parkinson’s
Seborrheic dermatitis (eczema of scalp)
Treatment for tinea corporis
First line treatment for genital warts
Cryotherapy/TCA acid
Screening for skin cancer tool
Presentation of Pityriasis rosea
Hallmark “herald patch”, red, itchy, round lesion, covered by scales
First line treatment of tinea capitis
Oral antifungal, w/wo selenium sulfide shampoo
Oral antifungal used to treat tinea capitis
Treatment for non-bullous impetigo
Topical mupirocin
“Herald patch” or “pine tree” like rash
Associated with pityriasis rosea, probably viral cause, usually no treatment
Parotid gland swelling
Often associated with mumps, symptom relief
Treatment of actinic keratosis
5-FU or cryotherapy
“Pasted on” appearance
Seborrheic keratosis, benign
Shiny, waxy, pearly, may have visible veins
Basal cell carcinoma
Dry, pink, scaly lesions in sun exposed areas
Actinic keratoses
Locations of atopic dermatitis (eczema)
Body creases, flexor areas
Treatment for eczema
Topical emollients or topical steroids
“Silvery” scales with plaques
Plaque psoriasis
Treatment of plaque psoriasis
Topical steroids, coal tar
Koebner sign
Associated with new plaque lesions in the presence of skin trauma in plaque psoriasis
Treatment of contact derm
Topical steroids
When can shingles vaccine (Shingrix) be given?
Adults age 50 or older
Scabies treatment
Permethrin cream, usually have to treat twice
Key word description of molluscum cont.
“Impregnated or umbilicated”
Painless black lesion
Anthrax lesion
Treatment of anthrax lesion
Cipro or doxy x 2 months
Treatment of folliculitis
Mild cases topical mupirocin, moderate/severe Keflex or PCN
Red rash that does not “spare the nose”
Treatment of rosacea
Topical Flagyl gel
Mild cellulitis with sharply defined, well demarcated borders
Treatment of erysipelas
Keflex or PCN
When is fifth disease no longer contagious?
At start of rash
All ringworms are
Rule of 9’s for burns of an adult
9% for each arm and the head, 18% for each leg, back and front of trunk