Musculoskeletal Flashcards
McMurray’s sign
Associated with a meniscal knee injury
Thiazide diuretics have been shown to do what for bone health?
Decrease calcium excretion by the kidneys/stimulate osteoblasts production
What T-score is indicative of osteoporosis?
Less than -2.5
Anterior drawer sign
Associated with ACL injury
What T-score range shows osteopenia?
-1.0 to -2.5
Where are Bouchard’s nodules found?
Proximal fingers
Where are Heberden’s nodes found?
Distal fingers
Autoimmune disease that causes inflammation, pain, and stiffness in spinal joints
Ankylosing spondylitis
What lab value may be elevated in patients with ankylosing spondylitis?
Podagra is another name for what?
Lachman test
Used to diagnose ACL injury/knee instability
Straight leg test
Used to determine underlying nerve root sensitivity
What is saddle anethesia?
Numbness of the perineal area
Morton’s neuroma
Pain, burning, or numbness between toes
What classic description is given for Morton’s neuroma?
“Pebble in shoe”
Best type of aerobic exercise for patients with RA?
Posterior drawer sign
Indicative of instability of the knee
Gold standard test for torn meniscus or joint abnormalities
Phalen test
Tests for inflammation of median nerve
Bouchard’s nodes can be found in what?
Osteoarthritis and RA, think B as in both
Heberden’s nodes can be found in what?
Osgood-Schlatter disease
Pain over tibial tuberosity upon palpation/found in children and adolescents
What kind of cast is used to stabilize a scaphoid bone fracture?
Thumb spica
Pes planus
Flat feet
Pain in knee with “locking up” or hears a “popping” sound while attempting to straighten leg
Suggestive of injury to meniscus
First line medication treatment for OA
Impingement syndrome and rotator cuff injury (two most common) common complaint
Anterior shoulder pain with overhead activity
Common cause of posterior shoulder pain
Cervical strain
Positive Finklestein
Associated with DeQuervains, cardinal symptom is thumb pain
Tenderness in “anatomical snuffbox”
Associated with scaphoid fracture
Most common cause of low back pain
Lumbar strain
90 % of low back pain cases have resolution by how many weeks?
4-6 weeks, consider x-ray at this point (unless worrisome presentation then x ray at time of complaint)
Hallmark finding of plantar fasciitis
Heel point tenderness
MTP squeeze test
Associated with Morton’s neuroma, foot is squeezed together by clinician, elicits pain
Valgus test
MCL injury
Test the L4 nerve root
“Squat and rise”
Positive “squat and rise”
Knee jerk diminished
Test the L5 nerve root
“Heel walking”
Positive “heel walking”
Numbness in great toe
Test the S1 nerve root
“Walk on toes”
Positive “walk on toes”
Absent ankle jerk
Apley scratch test
Used to assess for possible rotator cuff injury, assess integrity of glenohumeral joint