Miscellaneous Flashcards
Cullen’s Sign
Bluish discoloration found near umbilicus/acute pancreatitis
Rosving’s Sign
Indicative of appendicitis, pain is referred to RLQ when LLQ is palpated.
Obturator Sign
Indicative of appendicitis, pain is experienced with flexion of the hip while patient is supine.
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
Tumors that can cause increase in gastrin/if untreated may cause ulceration of stomach or duodenum.
Murphy’s Sign
Indicative of gallbladder issue/firm and deep palpation of RUQ while patient is holding breath.
Iliopsoas Muscle Test
May be indicative of appendicitis. Is elicited when patient flex’s thigh at the hip.
Elevated alkaline phosphate may be a normal finding in what age group?
Children and adolescents due to skeletal growth.
First line treatment for mild to moderate C-Diff?
Normal range of liver mass
6-15 cm midclavicular line.
Wheat, barley, and rye should be avoided in patients with what disease?
Enterobiasis infection is another name for?
Pinworm infection.
Scotch tape test
Used to diagnose enterobiasis/pinworm infection.
What time of day is the scotch tape test best done?
In the morning.
Classic triad of Meniere’s disease
Episodic vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss.
What A1C percentage range indicates pre-diabetes?
Is regular insulin short, intermediate, or long acting?
Short acting
Is NPH insulin short, intermediate, or long acting?
What two electrolytes problems are seen in Addison’s disease?
Increased potassium and decreased sodium.
A craving of “salty foods” may be a symptom of what disease?
Addison’s disease.
The adrenal cortex is affected by what disease?
Addison’s disease.
Somogyi phenomenon
Nocturnal hypoglycemia caused by too much insulin or missing a snack in the evening.
“Rebound effect”
When the liver is stimulated to make glucose from nocturnal hypoglycemia, happens as a result of the somogyi phenomenon.
Refers to thickened skin changes seen in severe hypothyroidism.
Anti-thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin antibodies are confirmatory for what disease?
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States, and is autoimmune.
Blue dot sign/torsion of testicular appendage
Tender nodule underneath skin of testicle, looks like a bluish mass. Most common cause of testicular pain in younger males.
Most common cause of non-gonococcal urethritis/inflammation of urethra
Chlamydia trachomatis
Orchitis is caused by what viral infection?
Inflammation of the testicles
Yeast infection of the glans of the penis.
Sensitive test that measures and monitors kidney function and evaluates CKD
Kegel exercises should be done at what frequency to help stress incontinence?
10 exercises TID
What two antibiotics are best to treat non-gonococcal urethritis?
1 gram of azithromycin, or 100 mg doxycycline BID x 7 days.
In conductive hearing loss, which is greater? Bone conduction or air conduction?
Bone conduction.
What part of the eye is responsible for color vision?
What part of the eye is good for night vision and low light?
What is the most common pathogen in otitis externa?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Triangular growth on sclera that extends onto the cornea.
Corneal arcus
White/grayish halo around cornea.
Benign growth on conjunctiva/thick yellow.
Abnormal skin growth/cauliflower like in middle ear
Test to diagnose glaucoma
Fordyce spots
Enlarged sebaceous glands on lips or genitalia.
Torus palatinus
Bony growth on hard/soft palate.
Fishtail uvula
Forked uvula
Ishihara chart
Evaluates color blindness
Sandpaper rash
Associated with scarlet fever
Strawberry tongue
Associated with scarlet fever/Kawasaki’s
Fovea of the macula
Responsible for 20/20 vision
First teeth to erupt
The posterior fontanelle should be closed by what age?
3 months
What are the first permanent teeth that start to erupt?
The first molars
At what age do the first permanent teeth erupt?
6 years
Chvostek’s sign
Facial contraction when facial nerve is tapped briskly in front of the ear.
What imbalance is Chvostek’s sign associated with?
Weber test
Detects unilateral hearing loss
Arcus senilis is caused by what?
Lipid deposits around the edge of the cornea
Is the effect on platelets from aspirin reversible or irreversible?
Gold standard to diagnose thalassemia
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Pernicious anemia is associated with what?
B12 deficiency, lack of intrinsic factor
“Spoon-shaped” nails, associated with iron deficiency anemia
What is the normal size range of the spleen?
11-20 cm
Alpha fetoprotein is produced mainly by what?
A growing fetal liver
Lead poisoning can cause what kind of anemia?
Microcytic anemia
Cancer of the plasma cells
Multiple myeloma
What is another name for sentinel nodes?
Virchow’s nodes
Where are sentinel/Virchow’s nodes located?
Supraclavicular area of chest, troublesome for cancer and other pathology.
Alpha thalassemia is more common in what ethnicity?
Beta thalassemia is more common in what ethnicity?
Malar rash is also known as what?
Butterfly rash
What is the malar rash/butterfly rash associated with?
What is the best test for lupus?
ANA test
At what age is it acceptable to begin whole milk?
At age 12 months or older
Klinefelter’s syndrome
Gynecomastia, long limbs, lack of secondary sex characteristics, small testes. Caused by an extra X chromosome.
Faun tail nevus is associated with what?
Spina bifida
Folic acid is used to prevent?
Neural tube defects
Markle test
Indicative of peritonitis associated with appendicitis, elicited when patient hops on one foot
Internal tibial torsion
Inward twisting of tibia, benign finding in children, causes in-toeing
Supernumerary nipples
Extra nipple/nipples
Inflammation of lip mucosa due to excessive moisture
DPT and DT vaccines should not be given beyond what age?
Age 7
What kind of anemia is anemia of chronic disease?
Normocytic, normochromic
What kind of blood cells may be seen in thalassemia?
Nucleated RBC’s, “target” cells, variation in size and shape
Polys and lymph counts that are close together
Think viral
Polys and lymph counts that are far apart
Think bacterial
How long after infection do monocytes show up?
> 24 hours
Grey Turner’s sign
Associated with pancreatitis, bluish discoloration on flank
Thayer Martin culture
Used to diagnose gonorrheal pharyngitis
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
Associated with destruction of spirochetes after antibiotic reaction, immune mediated reaction
Most common cause of atypical pneumonia “walking pneumonia” milder than other forms of pneumonia
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Diagnostic test to rule out diverticulitis
CT scan
ALT/AST liver elevation think
Think liver injury, acute liver failure,
ALP liver elevation think
Bone disease, liver diease
First line medication treatment for pyelonephritis
Levaquin or cipro
Lazy eye
Blumberg sign
Rebound tenderness in appendicitis
Trousseau’s sign
Associated with hypocalcemia, BP cuff is inflated and patient’s arm contracts with no control
Most common leukemia in younger adults
Most common leukemia in older adults
Most common leukemia in children
Impacted stool and atrophic vaginitis can exacerbate what?
Urinary incontinence
Patients with polycythemia vera that receive regular phlebotomies should avoid what supplementation?