Reproductive Physiology Flashcards
What are the male gonads and where are they located?
What is the function of the male gonads?
What are the associated reproductive tracts and accessory sex glands? What is the function of these accessory glands?
what are the different cell types of the male gonads? functions?
general properties of androgens
what are androgens made from
hormones prodcued by the testes, which cells produce them, action and regulation
what are the functions of the cells of the testes
ie sertoli cells, leydig
hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis: gonadotropins-where they are released, cells of the testes-what they release, and levels of regulation.
what is sprematogenisis and where does it happen?
steps involved in spermatogenisis, what are the gametes called as they progress through spermatogenisis
how is spermatogenisis regulated
what is important about spermatogenisis apart from producing mature sperm?
ie how is the pool replenished? how many sperm are produced?
What is spermiogenesis
what are stages of the male sexual response
- erection
- emission
- ejaculation
how is the male sexual response regulated? what is the role of the ANS in the male sexual response?
What is capacitation and the acrosome reaction
what is the female gonad? structures associated with the gonads
function of uterus
what are the different structures of the uterus
what are the different structures found in an ovary
what cell types are present in an ovarian follicle? what is their function? different stages of the ovarian follicle
why is the ovary considered to be an endocrine gland? In what whats are they similar to the testes?
oogenisis - similarities + differences from spermatogenisis
what is ovulation, when does it occur?
what is the hormonal mechanism by which ovulation is regulated?
which hormones are made by the ovaries? where are they made?
time cycle of the ovarian hormones & pattern of secretion
general properties of the ovarian hormones, mechanism of action and their physiological functions?
how are the ovarian hormones regulated?
what is the menstrual cycle? what is the duration of the cycle?
What are the different phases of the menstrual cycle?
How are the phases of the menstrual cycle linked to hormonal levels that control the the cycle and the different changes that occur in the ovary?
Site of fertilization and steps involved
why and how is polyspermy blocked
what happens to the fertilized egg a few days after fertilization
implantation and steps involved? what is a blastocyst and how does it develop?
ie the outer cell layer is the trophoblast and becomes fetal placenta; inner cell mass becomes embryo
placenta and it’s major functions? name hormones it secretes
how does the mother’s body, the placenta and the fetus work together to make hormones
positive-feedback loop in partuition and important hormones
hormones involved in breast development before and after puberty
structure of the aveoli
hormone that helps in milk synthesis, hormone that controls “let down” reponse and how does it work?
suckling reflex
genetic, gonadal and genital sex
how is the male and female sex determined at the time of conception?
sexual differentiation in males and females
mullerian and wolffian ducts
anomalies witnessed during genetic sex determination and sexual differentiation
activation of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis during puberty
What is menopause? What are the hormonal changes associated with menopause
What is andropause?