Reproductive Embryology II Flashcards
A woman presents to your office complaining of primary amenorrhea. Physical exam shows a shallow vagina and absence of uterus. What structure was likely absent in development?
Paramesonephric ducts
What protein/gene has sometimes been implicated in paramesonephric duct agenesis?
What is responsible for testicular descent?
Testosterone in the gubernaculum
What does the process vaginalis become in a male?
Tunica vaginalis
What is cryptorchidism?
Undescended testicle in the ingunal canal
What gives rise to the phallus?
Genital tubercle at the cranial end of the cloacal membrane
What forms the spongy urethra?
Urogenital folds fusion
What do the corpora cavernosa penis and corpus spongiosium penis develop from?
mesenchyme of the phallus
What do the labioscrotal swellings form?
Scrotum or labia majora
What is the line of fusion of the labioscrotal folds called?
Scrotal raphe
What does Male pseudohermaphroditism mean?
XY micropenis and feminine characteristics
What causes DSD?
Low testosterone or bad MIF
What fails to fuse with Hypospadies?
UG folds
Epithelial cord fails to join spongy urethra
What is epispadias associated with?
Exstrophy of the bladder
What do the urogenital folds become in the female?
Do not fuse, form labia minora
What is a female pseudohermaphrodite?
XX genotype, huge clitoris, fusion of labia from Congenital adrenal hyperplasia