Reproduction Flashcards
Hispanics believe:
Colostrum is bad for you
BC for diabetic and heart disease pt
Foam with a condom is the safest
Csection 4 hr prior
Relax/distract and deep breathing every 2-4 hours
Circumcision care
Wash warm water every time, report drainage
Temp 101 steps to perform in order for postnatal care?
- lochia specimen culture collect
- Admin IV antibiotics
- offer Tylenol
- chest x-rays
- document temp 30 min after
After the placenta has been expelled out of the body, how big is the size of the uterus?
The size of a grapefruit
What does a fundus that is above the umbilicus and is boggy associated with?
Uterine bleeding
What indicated when the fundus is higher than expected on palpation and is not in the midline?
Bladder distention
How long should the top of the fundus remain at the level of the umbilicus after birth?
a half of a day
What is lochia
The debris that remains after birth that the uterus rids itself of
What is Lochia rubra, and when does it typically occur?
Dark red discharge. It occurs typically for the first 2-3 days and contains epithelial cells, erythrocytes, leukocytes, shreds of decidua, and occasional fetal meconium, lanugo, and vernix
What is lochia serosa, and when does it typically occur?
pinkish color discharge that typically occurs 3-10 days after birth.
What could foul-smelling lochia suggest?
infection and the need for prompt additional assessment
To reverse the overall decline in prolactin level what should the mother do to make sure her milk gets produced properly?
The mother should be encouraged to stimulate her breasts more frequently (every 1.5-2.0 hours)
What is colostrum?
The initial milk that begins to be secreted during midpregnancy and that is immediately available to the baby at birth.
What are meconium stools
Meconium stools are the stools from the colostrum
What factors can impair lactogenesis?
- C-section
- postpartum hemorrhage
- Type 1 DM
- untreated hypothyroidism
- obesity
- retained placenta fragments
- Vit B deficiency
- History of previous breast surgery
- insufficient glandular breast tissue
- significant stress
What is transitional milk?
the milk “coming in”, and it is a light yellow color but more copious than colostrum and contains more fat, lactose, water-soluble vitamins, and calories
When might a temperature of 100.4 F occur in postpartum women and why?
May occur after childbirth as a result of the exertion and dehydration of labor as well as during the first 24 hours after the mother’s milk comes in.
Why might a mother experience shivers after birth?
- the result of the sudden release of pressure on the pelvic nerves after birth
- response to a fetus-to-mother transfusion that occurred during the placental separation
- reaction to maternal adrenaline production during labor and birth
- reaction to epidural anesthesia
How would a pregnant woman relieve nausea and vomiting during the first trimester?
- avoid odors or causative factors
- eat dry crackers or toast before arising in the morning
- have small but frequent meals
- avoid greasy or highly seasoned foods
- take dry meals with fluids between meals
- drink carbonated beverages
How would a pregnant woman relieve urinary frequency
- void when the urge is felt
- increase fluid intake during the day
- decrease fluid intake only in the evening to decrease nocturia
How would a pregnant woman relieve fatigue?
- plan time for a nap or rest period daily
- go to bed early
- seek family support and assistance with responsibilities so that more time is available to rest
how would a pregnant woman relieve ankle edema during the 2 trimesters?
- practice frequent dorsiflexion of feet when prolonged sitting or standing is necessary
- elevate legs when sitting or resting
- avoid tight garters or restrictive bands around legs
How would a pregnant woman relieve hemorrhoids?
- avoid constipation
- apply ice packs, topical ointments, anesthetic agents, warm soaks, or sitz baths
- gently reinsert hemorrhoid into the rectum as necessary
How would a pregnant woman relieve constipation?
- increase fluid intake
- increase fiber in the diet
- increase exercise
- develop regular bowel habits
- use stool softeners as recommended by a healthcare provider
Why is folic acid important for pregnant women?
it is required for normal growth, reproduction, and lactation, and it prevents the macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia of pregnancy.
What types of fish should pregnant women avoid?
seafood with high levels of mercury: swordfish, shark, tilefish, king mackerel
How much of a variety of shellfish and fish should a pregnant woman eat?
Only up to 12 oz/week of fish and shellfish that are LOW in mercury (canned light tuna, shrimp, salmon, catfish, and Pollack)
`How much weight should a pregnant woman gain if they are a normal weight?
1 lb/week in the second and third trimesters= a total of 24-35 lbs in the whole pregnancy
How much weight should a pregnant woman gain during the first trimester?
2-4 lbs
What is done during the initial newborn assessment
- Respirations: 30-60 BPM Irregular
- A- Pulse: 110-160 BPM
- Temp: Skin temp above 97.8 F
- Skin color: Pink with blue extremities
- Umbilical cord: two arteries and one vein
- Gestational age: Should be 37-42 weeks to remain with parents for an extended time
- sole creases: sole creases that involve the heel
What are the components of the APGAR scoring system?
- HR
- Respiratory effort
- muscle tone
- reflex irritability
- skin color
What should immediately be done with the infant after it is born?
- place the newborn on the mother’s abdomen or under the radiant heat unit
- the baby is dried and wet blankets are removed
- The nose and mouth are suctioned with a bulb syringe as needed.
when does the umbilical cord begin to slough off?
within 7-10 days