renal Flashcards
parts of developing kidny
pronephors, degen at 4 weeksmesonephros (interim kdiney)
metanephros (permanent)
when does metanephros appear
5th week
how does glomerulus through to DCT form
utereric bud interacts with metanephric mesenchyme which induces differentaiton
last part of uro system to canalize
ureteropelvic junction MOST COMMON SITE OBSTRUCTION
potter sequence etiology
anything that causes OLIGOhydramnios
ARPKD, obstructive uropathy (posterior urethral valves), bilateral renal agensis
cause of death in potter sequence
pulmonary hypoplasia
symptoms of potter sequence
all compression related POTTER Pulmonary hypoplasia oligohydramnios twisted face twisted skin extremity deformities renal failure in urtero
etiology horsehoe kidney
abnormal fusion of inferior poles of both kidneys
what does the horshoe kidney get stuck under as it ascends from pelvis during dvlpmt
thats why they remain low in abdomen
complications of horshoe kidney
kidney function NORMAL but
can develop hyronephrosis (uteropelvic junction), renal stones, infection,
unilateral renal ageneiss vs multicystic dysplastic kidney
unilateral - complete absence of kidney and ureter
multicystic - nonfunctional kidney is just a bunch of cysts and connective tissue
y shaped bifid ureter
duplex collecting system
assocaitd with vesicoureteral reflux or ureteral obsrution
MCC cause of bladder outlet obstruction in male infants
posterior urethral valvues
presents with hydronephrosis
ureters travel under what structures
female - uterine artery
male - vas deferens
water under bridge
renal blood flow from renal artery to venous outflow
renal artery segmental artery interlobar artery arcuate artery interlobular artery afferent arteriole glomerulus efferent arteriole vasa recta/peritubular capillaries venous outflow
GFR barrier composed of….
fenestrated capillary endothelium
basement membrane with type IV collagen
epithelial layer of PODOCYTES
which is a better filter fenestrated capillary epithelium or podycyte foot processes
podocyte foot processes forms slit diaphragm chich presvents 50-60 nm molecules
fenestrated capillary prevenst greater than 100
charge of GFR barier
negatively charge glycoproteins (prevent postiive charged molecule entry)
where does AT II target on nephron
PCT - stimulates Na/H exchange (inrease Na reabsorption, h20, and hc03 reabs) permitting contraction alkalosis
how does angiotensin II affect RBF
constricts efferent arteriole
ANP stimulated by what
increases in atrial pressure…will increasee GFR and NA filtration with no reabsorption…Na loss and water loss (brake on RAAAS system)`
how is EPO released
releasd by intertitial cells in peritubular cap bed in response to hypoxia
formula correlating RBF and RPF
RBF = RPF/1-Hct
every time GFR halves serum creatinine will
double (creatinine not a sensitive indicator of kidney function when GFR is normal)
which part of nephron is impermeabl to water despite adh
thick ascending loop
winters formula
predicted Pco2 =( hco3x1.5) + 8 +/-2
what part of nephron is Mg and Ca reabsorbed
Thick ascending loop
distal RTA type 1
distal tubule cannot acidify urine (urine ph high) assocaited with hypokalemia
low bicarb
assocaited symptoms of distal RTA type 1
alkalinized urine increases risk for calcium phosphae kidney stones
an rickets
how to calculate URINE anion gap
Na + K - Cl
what is the Cl in urine anion gap a good approx for?
Nh4 (Nh4 leaves with Cl)
Urine anion gap in setting of GI acidosis like diarrhea
UAG becomes negative (more chlorine leaving and NH4)
Urine anion gap in setting of distal RTA?
since urine can’t be acidified, it does not become negative despite acidosis
when given ammonia “challenge” (acid load of NH4Cl) what will RTA urine ph be
would still be greater than 5.3
negative UAG in acidosis vs psoitive UAG in acidosis
negative UAG = GI acidosis
postivie UAG - RTA
autoimmune disease (srogens or RA) presents with bilateral recurrent kidney stones, with high urine pH, hypokalemia, positive UAG
distal RTA
urine pH high or low ins type II proximal RTA
low as it should be
since DCT can still excrete H+
loss of HCO3 resportion in PCT
proximal rta type II
why is proximal rta type II assocaited with hypokalemia
low bi carb, low volume, increase in aldosterone, HYPOKALEMIA
assocaited with fanconi syndrome
type II proximal RTA
hypophosphatemic rickets BUT NO KIDNEY STONES
type II proximal RTA
only RTA with hyperkalemia
type 4 RTA
dysfuction of aldosterone channels
type 4 rta (distal)
dysfunction of distal H/K exchanger
type 1 RTA distal
dysfunction of proximal bicarb channels HCO3
type 2 rta
noninherited cysts in kidnys
dysplastic kidney
inherited defect, BILATERAL enlarged kidneys with cysts in renal cortex AND medulla
Polycystic kidney disease
infant PKD
autosomall recessive
renal failure HTN
ARPKD assocaited with what complications
cysts in kidney- so bad you can get oligohydram-> potter
cysts in LIVER also -> PORTAL HTN -> hepatic fibrosis
ADPKD presents what age
young adults
mutation ADPKD
APKD1 APKD2, cysts develop GRADUALLY over time
why do ADPKD present wiht HTN
can have dysfunctional release of renin
CNS complication of ADPKD
berry aneurysm
cardiac complication ADPKD
medullary cystic kidney disase (kidneys are SHRUNKEN)
shrunken kidneys
medullary cystic kidney disease
prerenal Bun:cr ratio and FeNa, urine osm
FeNa < 1 (tubules still able to resorb Na)
urine osm > 500 (high)
key finding ATN
granular “muddy brown “ casts in urine
Bun cr, FeNa, Urin osm in intrinsic renal
Buncr low
Fe na High
urine osm low
part of nephron most suseptible to injury during renal failure
PCT and thick ascending limb
agents that can cause nephrotoxic injury
aminoglycosies heavy meatlas myoglobinuria (crush injiry) urate (TLS) radiocontrast!
how does ATN afect acidase status and potassium status
metabolic acidosis
how long can oliguria persist in ATN
2-3 weeks before recovery (tuublar cells are stable cells)
drug induced hypersensivitiy reaction of intersitium
acute interstitial nephritis
oligura, fever, RASH, hematuria with Eosinophils
aute interstitial neph
key finding in urine in AIN
drugs tha can induce AIN
P's Pee (diuretics) Pain free (NSAIDS) Penicillins PPi rifamPin
long term aspirin use or phenacitin can cause
acute papillary necrosis
etiologie renal papillary necrosis
SAAD papa with papillary necrosis Sickle cell acute pyelo analgesics (NSAIDS) DM
what is lost in nephrotic syndrome
albumin (3.5 day)
gammaglobulin (incrased infxn
anti thrombin III (hypercoag)
also associated with hyperlipidiema and hypercholesterol
minimal change assocaited with what cancer
hodgkin lymphoma
key findings in minimal change
but EFFACEMENT OF FOOT PROCESSES on electron microscopy
how does hodgkin lymphoma cause amage to kidney
overproduction of CYTOKINEs can efface foot processes
nephrotic syndrome with HIV!?!?!
nephrotic syndrom ein heroin user
nephrotic syndorme in sickle cell
key findings in FSGS
look for local sclerosis of SEGMENTS
effacement of foot processesalso
nephrotic syndomr with Hep B/C
membranous nephropathy
nephrotic syndrome in SLE patient
membranous nephropathy
two hep B renal complications
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (nephritic) membranous nephropathy (nephrotic)
THICKening of membrane on Hand E
membranous nephropathy
any time you see “membran” in front of glomerulo it usually due to
imune complex deposition
so positiev immnofluresent
granular IF
membranous nephropathy
spike and dome appearance on EM
membranous nephropathy
“tram track” appearance
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (due to (proliferation of membranes splits )
two types of membranoproliferative
- subendothelial (HBV/HCV)
2. basement membrane
c3 nephritic factor
type 2 membranoproliferative
function of C3 nephritic factor
IgG antibody that stabilizes c3 convertase which will elad to persistent coplement acivaiotn and lowered C3 levels
first chagneseen inkdiney in DM
high blood glucose caues nonenzymatic gycosylation of vascular basement ;membrane (vessels more permeable and laeky) resulting in hyaline arteriosclerosis which will increse GFR (backup)causing thickening of mesangial cells
key finding in DM glomerfulonephropatyh
esoinophilic nodular glomerulsclerosis MESANGIA EXPAINSION (krimmelsteil wilson lesions
apple green biferingence in congo stain
systemic amyloidosis
where does systemic amyloidosis affectkidney
nephritic syndrme presents with what
RBC casts
htn and salt retntion
perioberital edema
limited proteinuria
what bateria can ca;use nephritic snydorme
GABHS (acute post streptococcal glomerulnephritis)
virulence factor of GABHS causing nephritic
M protein
subepithelial hump on EM, immune complx deposition
acute post strep glomerulnephritis
nephritic syndorme that progresses to RENAL FAILURE in weeks to month
rapidly progressing glomeruloneph (crescentic)
biopsy in rapidly progressive glomer
creseceent in bowman Space Hand E
what makes up “crescent” in crescentic glomerfulnephritis
crescentic glom LINEAR immunofluoresence (antiboddy to basement membraen)
goodpasture syndrome (hematuria and hemoptysis)
granular IF pattern
immuncomplex deposition
PSGN or diffuse proliferative glom
MCC disease that damages kidney in SLE
diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis
negative IF neph *pauci immune)
check ANCA
patient comes in with hemoptysis, hx of sinus infections hematuria,
Wegner’s gran
how to differentiate goodpastureu and wegner’s
wegners - negative IF, nasopharynx involvement
goodpasture - positive IF (linear IF)
microscopic polyangitis vs. churgstrauss
BOTH have p-anca
but only churg strauss has granulomas, asthma, and eosinophils
where does IgA nephropathy deposoit
EPISODIC HEMATURIA, rbc casts, following mucosal infection i childhood
IgA nephropathy (granular IF) due to immune complexes
isoalted hematuria, sensory hearing loss, ocular disturbances
alport syndrome (in a faimily)
dysuria, urinary frequency, urgency, suprapubic pain…NO FEVER OR MALAISE
UTI with alkaline urine and ammonia scent
pyuria with urine culture
chlamydia, neisseria
wbc casts
structural abnoramlity which increses risk UTI
vesiculourethral reflux
cortial scarring blunted calyces (thyroidization) thyroid follicles (eosinophilic protenacious material)
chronic pyelo
IBD assocaited with which kidney stone
calcium oxalate (decreased absorption of oxlate)
how to treat calcium oxalate stones
ca sparin gdiuretic
staghorn calculi renal calyces ADULT
ammonium mag phosphate (struvite) coffin) kebseilla or pretus
which stones aren’t seen on xray
uric acid
which stones precipitate in low pH acidic urine
uric acid stones (esp in DCT)
staghorn calculi in child
cytinuria (treat by alkalinzing urine)
only stone asasociatd with ialkaine urine
ammonioum magneuim phosphate stone
cardiac complication uremia
where is EPO produced
renal peritubular interstitial cells
ESRD chagnes calcium an dphosphate how
failure of vitD hydroxylation
renal osteodystrophy pathogenesis
bad kidney = hypocalcemia = increased PTH = increasd bone turnover
acid base ESRD
metabolic acidosis with uremia
Esrd kidneys will get bigger or shrink
shrink (increased risk of RCC)
angiomyolioma assocaited with what
tuberous sclerosis
hematuria PALPABLE MASS and flank pain
paraneoplastic syndromes associated with RCC
EPO - secondary polycythemia
renin- HTN
ACTH - cushings
PTHrp - hypercalcemia
testicular complciation RCC
left sided varicocele
MCC histologic presentaiotn RCC
clear cytoplasm (clear cell carcinoma) polyganla clear cells
RCC tumors color and filled with what
yellow illed with lipids
risk factor sporadic RCC
hereditary syndrome RCC
VHL on chromosome 3p (AD) inactivation of VHL gene (deletion)
VHL increased risk of what cancers
RCC likes to spread where
invades IVC to invade lung and bone
retroperitoneal lymph nodes
kidney mass child
wilm’s tumor (nephroblastoma)
child large unilateral flank mass and HTN
wilms tumor
wilms tumor mutation
loss of function of tumor suppressor WT1 WT2 onchormosome 11
wilms tumor syndrome
WAGR wilms tumor aninirida (absence of risi) genitourinary malformations Retardation (mental (WT1)
wilms tumor assocaited with what other genetic syndrome
beckwith wiedemann
beckwith wiedemann (WT2 loss of function tumor suppressor)
MCC lower urinary tract
transitional cell (urothelial)
number oen risk factor TCC
also increased with dye use, pehnacitin
painless hematuria
transitional cell carcinoma
risk factors of SCC bladder
schistosoma hemaboium
middle eastern male presents with painless hematuria
squamous cell carcinoma of bladder from schistosoma haebotulum
which diuretic causes acidosis
acetazoalmide (carbonic anhydrase inhibitor) (cannot secrete bicarb) similar to type 2 proximal RTA
what part of loop does furosemide, bumetanide, torsemide worke
thick ASCENDING limb
which transporter do loop diuretics inhibit
Na K 2 cl cotrasnport
cannot concentrate urine
which diuretics increase excretion of calcium
loop diuretics
adverse affects of loop diuretics
OHH DAANG oto toxicicity hypokalemia hypomag dehdyration allergy *sulfa) alkalosis gout
where to thiazide diuretics target
DCT inhibit Na Cl reabsorption (decreaseing Ca exrcretion ) Ca sparin diuretic
diuretics which increase urinary Ca and decrese urinary Ca
increase urinary Ca - loop
decrease - thiazide
adverse effects thiazides
hyperGLUC hypergly hyperlipid hyperuriciema hypercalc
diuretics to treat hypraldosterone
spironlactone, eplerenon, trimaterine, amiloride
target K sparing diurecics
cortical collectin tubule (aldosterone antoagnoists)
which diuretics make you acidotic and alkalotic
acidotic - ccetoazoamide (cabonic anyhdrase) potassioum sparking (spirono, amilordie, triamteren, eplenrone) alkaloti c- loop and thiazide diretics
teratogenic effect ace inhibitor
fetal malofmraiotn
ace inhibitors do what to GFR
constrict efferent ateroiel ACE decreasing egf
increases renin
adverse renal side effect acylovir
which di;uretic assocaited with gyneco mastia (antiandorgen effect
causes metalk
vomiting/nasogastric suctioning
thiazie loop diuretics
mineralcorticoid excess (primary hyperaldosteron) saline UNRESPONSIVE (HTN and high urine Cl
what to values to evaluate metalk
urinary Cl and volume status
why do distal RTA increase risk for ca stones
decerased CITRATE
how is digoxin cleared