Heme Onc Flashcards
cell marker for hematopoetic stem cell
lines of zahn
thrombosis (fibrin lines with RBCs in between them)
marker for immature neutrophils
decreased Fc and decreased CD16 (seen in neutrophilia)
how to differentiate between AML and ALL
ALL is tdt+ (terminal deoxynuceltidyl transferyase)
distinguishing feacture of AML histologically
Auer rods (crystallized myeloperioxidase)
What syndrome increases risk of ALL and AML
down syndrome
Down syndrome after 5
Down syndrome before 5
Where does ALL like to spread
CSF and testes
better prognosis for ALL, responsive to therapy
Philadelphia chromosome seen in CML (most commonly) and ALL (less commonly) poor prognosis
BCR-ABL hybrid, upregulator of TYROSINE KINASE
thymic mass teenager, medistinum, CD 2-8 positive
APML, deficient retinoic acid receptor which will lead to accumulation of promyelocytes…responds to all trans retinoic acid (m3 AML)
smudge cells
Richter transformation
CLL can transform into aggressive lymphoma (most likely diffuse large b cell lymphoma)
defining feature of hairy cell leukemia
+TRAP (tartrate resistant aci dphosphattase)….causes marrow fibrosis (dry tap) and enlargement of spleen RED PULP
treatment for hairy cell
cladribine, pentostatin
adenosine deaminase inhibitor
lytic bone lesions with hypercalcemia and cutaneous lesions
adult t cell lymphoma (RULE OUT MULTIPLE MYELOMA)
associated with HTLV from japan, west africa, and caribbean
mature T cells in skin causing abscesses
Pautrier abscesses from mycosis fungoides
“cerebriform nuclei” in blood
mycoises fungoides spreading to blood (sezary syndrome)
what antibody can help treat CML and its target
imantinib (CD20)
how to differentiate between CML and leukomoid reaction from infection
CML cells will have a transforrmation
CML cells will be low on LAP
JAK2 mutations
polycythemia vera, myelofibrosis, essential thrombocythemia
teardrop RBCs
myelofibrosis (bone marrow is crying because it’s fibrosed and is a dry tap)
how to differentiate pri,ary polycythemia vera from reactive polycythemia
PCV will have LOW epo
as opposed to secondary lung disease (incerease EPO to meet O2 demand) or renal cell carcinioma (exogenous EPO)
polycythemia vera GI complication
)budd chiari (hypercoagulable state in hepatic vein_
ddx painless LAD
lymphoma, chronic inflammation, metastatic cancer
Burkitt lymphoma, associated with EBV,
two locations of t(8;14)
african burkitt - jaw
sporadic burkitt -abdomen/pelvis
BCL2 overexpression (inhibits apoptosis -> uncontrolled growth) FOLLICULAR CELL LYMPHOMA
mant"11"e ce"11" "11"ymphoma cyc11in D1(1) overexpression leads to increased phosphorylation a11ows ce11s to go from G1(1) to S phase
marginal cell lmyphoma
asociated with chronic imflammation (Srogen) or MALToma from h pylori
“marginally” associated with inflammation
most common type of nonhodgkin lymphoma
diffuse large b cell
AGGRESSIVE!!!! and poorly differentiated
Bcl2 and Bcl6
histologic hallmark and cell marker for hodgkin lymphoma
reed sternberg cells
CD15/CD30….do not express CD20 even though they involve B cells
mixed cellular type hodgkin lymphoma
which hodgkin lymphoma has best and worse prognosis
best - lymphocyte rich
worst - lymphocyte depleted
most common hodgkin lymphoma
nodular sclerosis