Religious Wars (From Ch. 15) Flashcards
-Philip || (1556-1598): Habsburg Ruler (son of Charles V)=staunch catholic –> wanted to reimpose Catholicism in Western Europe (Especially Netherlands & England –> rid of Protestantism & restore Catholic Unity!)
-Ruler during Spain’s “Golden Age” (however attemts to make Spain great power = large debts & taxes b/c of involvement w/political and social issues)
-Successful War against Ottoman Empire in Mediterranean to secure area for Catholicism: Stopped Ottoman Empire expansion into Central & Eastern Europe w/help of Poland & Duke of Lorraine
The Dutch Revolt: 1568-1648 (Still with Spain)
-Philip || wanted to expand/strengthen control over Netherlands (nobles angry abt unjust rule & taxes being use for Spanish interest) provinces w/no real political bond except ruler Philip || = foreigner out of touch w/local situation
-Growing Calvinist Contention in Netherlands; When they began destroying Catholic religious images (Inconoclasm) Phillip || unleashed targeted persecution on them
-William of Orange (diff from Glorious Rev. Guy) leads revolt against Spanish Inquisition in Netherlands, Philip || wanted to suppress and stop revolt
-United Provinces of Netherlands (Dutch Republic) united 1581
Elizabeth | (England) sends aid to support new republic
-Spanish Netherlands (southern-now Belgium) remain Spanish
Spanish Armada (1588)
-Mary Tudor (married Philip || before he was king to keep alliance) reimposed Catholicism in England
-Elizabeth | reversed & returned England to Protestantism, refused to marry Philip ||, sent aid to Protestants in Dutch Republic
-Philip wants revenge; sends Spanish fleet to England=disaster for Spain–> massive storm wipes out most of fleet, England has better navy
France: The 3 Henry’s
-Henry ||| of Valois: did not have male heir & upon his death, throne would transfer to Bourbon Line, but Catherine De Medici (momma France) wanted to Keep France Catholic (Valois Line)
-Henry of Bourbon (King of Navarre, French region): French nobles=Huguenots (40-50% mostly Bourbon line), Bourbons next in line for throne if Valois didn’t produce male heir
-Henri of Lorraine ||| deude Guise: Guise family=Catholic, anti-Calvinist, opponent to Catherine de Medici, assassinated by Henry |||’s body guard during war
France: St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572, August)
-Margaret of Valois (Catholic) married Bourbon Henry(Calvinist)=supposed to be symbol of unity/reconciliation
-Henry of Guise has Huguenots leader murdered night B4 wedding —> rioting
-Catherine de Medici ordered massacre of Huguenots (20,000 Huguenots killed by October)
-Initiated War of 3 Henry’s: Henry ||| vs. Henri of Guise vs. Bourbon Henry–> Bourbons won! Henry |V became first Bourbon King
Henry IV (Bourbon)
-Calvinist (remained privately so); converted to Catholicism to please Paris = “Paris is worth a mass”
-Politique (Machiavellian)
-Edict of Nantes, 1598= Some religious tolerance to Huguenots, Private worship, None in Paris; super Catholic places, Allowed, universities, public offices, Protection for Huguenots more than religious freedom
The 30 Years War (1618-1648)
-In Holy Roman Empire, Protestants vs. Catholics: German Lutherans wanted religious Freedom, Emperor of HRE Charles V rejected Idea
-Peace of Augsburg 1555: temporarily resolved conflict, German princes/Princes of HRE had power to choose Catholicism or Lutheranism within states in the HRE, Peace lasted for a bit, but ultimately failed
- Bohemian Phase (1618-1625)
-When Catholic Ferdinand became king in Calvinist territory of Bohemia (HRE Emperor) & started re-catholicizing Bohemia, Calvinist Nobility were upset
-Defenestration of Prague sparked war: 2 Catholic leaders thrown out window, they survived 70 ft fall, claimed divine intervention & spread idea
-Emperor takes revenge (no Calvinists in Bohemia)–> Protestants defeated, Bohemia Catholic
2 Danish Phase: (1625-1629)
–King Christian |V of Denmark took up Protestant cause not least b/c involved w/Anti-Catholic or Anti-Habsburg alliance with England BUT
-Height of Catholic power during war
-Defeated Protestants in Northern Germany
-Edict of Restitution (1629): emperor declared all church territories secularized since 1552 to be restored to the Catholic church
3 Swedish Phase: (1629-1635)
-War begins to extend beyond HRE borders
-Gustavus Adolphus (1611-1632): Led Protestant, Swedish army against Catholics, Able to push Catholics back to Bohemia (Military Genius) & received financial help from France!! (Religious character turned political bc they are Catholic!?!? Just wanted to weaken Habsburgs influence even if Protestants are against them lol), Ended any hope of united, Catholic HRE
-Emperor revoked Edict of Restitution
-Swedish Army defeated in 1634
-France very concerned of Catholic dominance by HRE
4 Franco-Swedish (French) Phase: (1635-1648)
-France was worried about HRE victory
-Cardinal Richelieu (regent for King Louis XIII & XIV) allied with Protestant Swedes to protect French interests
-If Habsburgs win–empire becomes far more powerful, just on France’s border
Treaty of Westphalia (1648)
-countries agreed to stop the religious conflict
-Reenacted Treaty of Augsburg (added Calvinism): German princes determine religion of state→Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist
-HRE begins to fall apart: Germany remains divided politically & religiously (North-Protestant, South-Catholic)
-Netherlands & Switzerland gain independence from Spain
-France, Sweden, Brandenburg (Prussia) gain territory & power on continent
-Habsburgs weakened: Spanish Habsburgs decline incredibly quickly, Austrian Habsburg lose much influence over German territories, Individual Rulers of states Strong
Consequences of 30 Years War
-Destruction & devastation: Germany esp suffered; ⅓-½ population died, territory destroyed, disunity
-Balance of Power: France becomes dominant power in Europe; England, Netherlands, Prussia also rise, New system of diplomacy (more on this later??)
Witch Craft Crises
-transformed into heresy when church connected witches to devil in medieval ages
-increase in # of trials & executions in 16th & 17th cen.
-Religious uncertainty –> more trials/executions in Protestant victory areas & Protestant vs Catholic ongoing areas
-Women Primary Victims, & Witchcraft=disrupt social order (b/c of fear)
Military Revolution
-rulers pressured to build effective military (power)
-armies larger, more expensive=war heavy economic burden b/c of heavier taxes to maintain armies
-better disciplined & trained (education offices in military school)
-Increased use of firearms & bigger warships, more cannons
-rebellions & civil wars stemmed from discontent of nobles & commoners
-To increase power, monarchs tried to extend authority @ expense of powerful elements who resisted rulers’ efforts
-Gov. Incrased taxes & created hardships –> divided loyalties (opposition)