Ch. 26 & 27 - Unit 8b: Interwar Years & WW|| Flashcards


Belief in Progress shattered


-Starting w/Scientific Rev. & into Enlightenment, science has solved many f our collective problems as human beings & so at turn of cen. we were basically on precipice of Utopian civilization
*WW| confirmed belief that humans were violent & irrational animals incapale of creating sane & rational world (NOT PROGRESSING)
–> shattering of belief in progress had started before WW| but mainly confined to artists & handful of elite folk
–> Great Depression & growth of fascist movements based on violence & degredation of individual rights added to uncertainty

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New Physics


-Newton’s publishment of laws of physics thought to be triumphant b/c now we know how world works, nature governed by immutable laws that could never be changed, same when in early 19th cen. John Dalton articulated theory of atoms & how these bits of matter constituted basic building blocks of everything, so now we know how everything works & can focus on other things
–> In early & mid 20th cen. new scientists shattered all these allusions

-Albert Einstein: *Worked help us see time & space are not fixed realities at all, instead in his theory of relativity Einstein discovered time & space are actually relative to the observer

-Werner Heisenberg: *Built on work of previous physicists who has discovered atom was not in fact not the smallest unit of reality
–> Had discovered subatomic particles like electrons, but everyone believed electrons behaved predictably, but Heisenberg discovered the act of observing an electron w/light, changes the behavior of an electron

-Enrico Fermi & Niels Bohr: Both were amble to harness explosive power of splitting atoms & that discovery led to development of atomic bomb which killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese by end of WW|| & created ripe mess in international relations during Cold War

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-We like to think that we act according to our rational nature & calmly reason out what to do next when presented w/stimuli from world BUT then Sigmund Freud said no
–> He argued that under the surface human beings are completely irrational, instead of making decisions based on reasoned analysis , Freud argued that we actually behave mostly on unknown impulses deep within our psyche(?)

OVERALL: whether it was understanding of how the world worked or how us human beings work, emerging science of 20th cen was undermining all our beliefs of a certain & predictable universe

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Society in 20th Cen


-Thanks to WW| a whole generation of those who came of age during war were saddled w/disillusionment
-Writer Gertudo Stein called them the Lost Generation
*all of a sudden they felt a dirft in a post-war culture, the values & morals that they had inherited from parents no longer seemed to work in the world that the war had created
–> Can see this especially in writings of Ernest Hemingway & F Scott Fitzgerald

-Additionally women experienced profound change in 20s
*Political & economic uncertainties paralleled by social insecurities –> WW| broke down traditional middle-class attitudes, women’s appearance changed (showed more of their skin & body, makeup, etc) new ideas abt sexuality
*Hundreds of thousands of women joined the military to serve in auxiliary positions like nurses & office workers
–> In addition b/c the men had to go off & fight the war, women took up domestic jobs as well, many of them in factories too world wars & this new found liberty outside the home led to rise in efforts of women to gain right to vote (slowly & surely it happened)

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Expansion of Mass Culture & Leisure


-1920’s: *Roaring 20’s, exuberant pop culture, especially known for dance crazes (Josephine Baker = American dancer & singer, well known in europe too, wonderful symbol of popular “flapper” = unconventional & lively young woman of 1920’s)
*Jazz Age (spread thru-out Western world)

-Radios: *Prepared way for revolution in mass communications (Guglielmo Marion’s discovery of “wireless” radio waves, June 16 1920 = radio broadcast, concert, 4 mass audience attempted)
*US, Europe, Japan constructed permanent broadcasting facilities during 1921 & 22, mass production of radios began in 1926
*Politically used 2 reach masses, Nazi regime encouraged radio listening (urged manufacturers to produce cheap ones –> loudspeaker pillars 4 communal radio listening)

-Movies/Films: *Cinema = new form of entertainment 4 masses (present before as short movies in 1890’s)
*Increased size of audience & ability to radio & cinema = new dimensions, actors/actresses = public adoration or scrutiny
*Propaganda potential, encouraged by Joseph Goebbels (Propaganda minister) –> docs & films to spread Nazi message

-Mass Leisure: *More free time b/c of new work patterns after WW|
*Sports (professional)
*Tourism (aircraft use in WW| bettered planes but more for wealthy, trains buses & cars used too, paid vacations, tourism in colonies)
*Provided Fascist & Nazi regimes w/new ways to control their populations (Like Italian Dopolavoro who enabled the gov to provide recreational activities & supervise, or the Nazi “Kraft durch Freude” who’s work was to coordinate free time of working class by offering variety of leisure time activities

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Art & Music


-GERMAN EXPRESSIONISTS: *World War I, had a devastating impact on a group of German Expressionist artists who focused on suffering & shattered lives caused by war
-THE DADA MOVEMENT: *Dadaism attempted to enshrine purposelessness of life, Revolted by insanity of life, Dadaists tried to give it expression by creating ‘‘anti-art.’
-SURREALISM: *sought a reality beyond material, sensible world & found it in world of unconscious thru portrayal of fantasies, dreams, or nightmares.
*Employing logic to portray illogical, Surrealists created disturbing & evocative images
-FUNCTIONALISM IN MODERN ARCHITECTURE: *Became more widespread in 1920s & 1930s, 1st conceived near end of 19th cen, functionalism meant that buildings, like products of machines, should be ‘‘functional’’ or useful, fulfilling purpose for which they were constructed
*Art and engineering were to be unified, & all unnecessary ornamentation was to be stripped away –> based on architects’ belief that art had a social function & could help create a new civilization
*Especially important in spread of functionalism was Bauhaus, School of art, architecture, & design, founded in 1919 at Weimar, Germany, by Berlin architect
Walter Gropius (1883–1969)
*Bauhaus teaching staff consisted of architects, artists, & designers who worked together to blend study of fine arts
(painting & sculpture) w/applied arts (printing, weaving, & furniture making)
*Gropius urged followers to foster new union of arts & crafts to create buildings &
objects of the future
-A POPULAR AUDIENCE: *Important to development of artistic expression between wars was search for a new popular audience. *To attract a wider audience, artists &
musicians began to involve themselves in new mass culture
-ART IN NAZI GERMANY AND THE SOVIET UNION: *Hitler & Nazis rejected modern art as ‘‘degenerate’’ or ‘‘Jewish’’ art, believed that they had laid foundation for a new & genuine German art, which would glorify the strong, the healthy, & the heroic—all supposedly attributes of the Aryan race
–> new German art was actually old
19th cen genre art w/emphasis on realistic
scenes of everyday life
–> After bold experimentalism of
1920s, Stalinist era imposed a stifling uniformity on artistic creativity, like German painting, Soviet painting was expected to focus on 19th cen pictorial style aimed at realistic presentation, Both new German art &
socialist realism were intended to inculcate social values useful to ruling regimes
-A NEW STYLE IN MUSIC: *Revolution in music parallel to revolution in art had begun w/work of Igor Stravinsky, but he still wrote music in a definite key
*Viennese composer Arnold Schönberg began to experiment w/radically new style by creating musical pieces in which tonality is completely abandoned, a system that he called atonal music –> Since use of traditional forms was virtually impossible in atonal, music, Schönberg created new system of composition, twelve-tone composition, which used scale of twelve notes independent of any tonal key
*Resistance to modern music was even greater than to modern painting, & atonal music
did not begin to win favor until after WW||

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Causes of the Great Depression


-Treaty of Versailles = Germany pays reparations, & first year after WW| Germany paid what they owed, but they next year they were like “we’re broke lol!” so the Germany policy at that point was was to just print paper money like crazy which led to severe hyperinflation
*By 1984, realizing the German situation was deteriorating profoundly, an international commission cobbled together the Dawes Plan
–> Decreed Germany pay only reparations it could afford to pay
–> Invested metric buttload of U.S. $$ into Germany recovery
*As a result Europe experienced a season of upward recovery & prosperity
-Chief illustration of how good everyone was feeling = Signing of Kellogg Briand Pact which essentially renounced war as an instrument of foreign policy
(This is all context!!)

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Causes of Great Depression


-War Debt: ALL major powers in war had borrowed $ to finance their participation & that became a significant economic burden
-Nationalistic Tariff Policies: Many nations placed high tariffs in place in order to protect their own domestic industries, but in cutting of the flow of free trade among nations, unemployment rose significantly
-Overproduction: Since WW| was a total war, many industries at any given state ramped up their production to meet demand for war-time necessities, but when war ended in 1918 farmed didn’t increase their production & thus saturated market w/goods for which there were no buyers (drove prices way down & caused sig economic suffering in farming industry b4 great economic collapse)
-Speculation: Problem that happened in US but soon had global implications, for most part 1920s were prosperous decade for US & as a result many ppl borrowed money to buy into stock market, practice known as speculation

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U.S. Stock Market Crash


-Much of economic recovery & prosperity that Europe was experiencing from 19241929 was due to monetary investments from US
-There was already trouble in horizon in late 20s when American investors began diverting $ from European recovery & especially German recovery to invest in US stock market
-But then in October of 1929 for many interrelated reasons, US stock market crashed & when it didn’t rebound like everyone thought it would, the Great Depression officially began in US but since US all of a sudden lacked extra $ to invest in European recovery, it soon spread there too
-As economies collapsed across Europe unemployment rose significantly & by 1932 25% of labor force in GB was unable to find work & almost 40% of German workers could find no jobs (however these unemployment rates more skewed to male workers as women were more able to find work & lower-paying jobs than men –> in some cases led to a reversal of domestic gender roles that many men resented)

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Responses to Great Depression


-Western democracies did their best to remedy their problems & one of the major economic innovations of this period came from british economist John Maynard Keynes
*Keynesian system of economics argued that government spending is the mechanism which will increase consumer demand & thus lift an economy out of depression (key to this system! Gov is responsible for spending money in order to correct economy regardless of budgets) also called the “New Deal”
–> This system did not take home in Gb but certainly did in US under Roosevelt (there federal gov spend a bunch of money to put Americans to work on gov projects) –> this was one new way of thinking abt gov involvement in economics in order to solve problem of Great Depression

-Another method to deal w/depression was thru Cooperative social action & this happened mainly in Scandinavian states
*In decades before WW|, socialist parties had gained an increasing amount of influence & in the years between war socialists came to power in Scandinavian states of Sweden, Norway, & Finland & these socialist governments created favorable conditions of development of cooperative enterprises (kind of mixture of communism & capitalism that sought to avoid pitfalls of either )
–> In addition to this Scandinavian states greatly expanded welfare state which was paid for by higher taxes & created social safety nets 4 citizens

-Political alliances also formed to respond to depression: *In GB National Gov was alliance between conservative & liberal parties (who had previously been bitter enemies, didn’t rlly stop hating each other but united to cooperate on solving unemployment problems & other national crises)
*Popular front in France, & few years following war France did better than anyone else but by 1932, effects of Great Depression hit them as well & into the economic & political chaos, leftist parties of France joined together & created popular front gov, in this gov there was mixture of socialists & champions of democracy but the one thing they could not agree on is that France could not be taken over by right wing folks who were advocating for fascist policies & although they popular front did make some gains, they ultimately failed to solve France’s economic crises & thus France was left vulnerable to deal w/Germany
-Political Repercussions: *Govs seemed powerless to deal w/crisis, classical liberal remedy for depression, deflationary policy of balanced budgets, which involved cutting costs by lowering wages & raising tariffs to exclude other countries’ goods from home markets, only served to worsen crisis & cause greater mass discontent
–> led to serious political repercussions, Increased gov activity in economy was one reaction, even in countries like US that had strong laissez-faire tradition
–> Another effect was renewed interest in Marxist doctrines, since Marx had predicted that capitalism would destroy itself thru overproduction, Communism took on
new popularity, especially among workers & intellectuals
*Finally,Great Depression increased attractiveness of simplistic dictatorial solutions, especially from new movement known as fascism, Everywhere in Europe, democracy
seemed on the defensive in 1930s

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Europe after WWI– Economic Crisis


-High debt from WWI: *Countries borrowed money to fund war or pay for recovery at very high interest rates, now they have to pay that money back
-Depreciated currency & extremely high inflation
-Used protective tariffs to protect domestic economics (taxes on importing foreign goods)
-Countries involved in WWI unable to maintain trade relationships: *Disrupted global trade patterns (new competitors took over)
-US Great Depression: *US cuts off flow of capital to European countries after stock market crash in 1929
*Many EU countries had been dependent on US capital for investment, now what?
-Mass unemployment: *Poverty, decreased marriages, birth rates
-Internal tensions still high, democracies threatened w/extremist movements

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Weimar Republic-Germany post WWI


-Weimar Republic: German government 1919-1933: *Kaiser Wilhelm II forced to abdicate near end of war
*Leadership struggles to put down rebellions within the country
*Forced to sign Treaty of Versailles (not popular)
-Massive economic issues: *Hyperinflation
*Reparations payments
-Significant loss of territories: *13% of EU territory
–> Had 16% of coal & 48% of iron production
*10% of population (6.5-7 million)
-Some improvement by late 1920s, but then Great Depression
*People lost faith in republican government
*Not able to recover

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The Rise of Extremism


Stalin in Russia: -Responsible for sending over a million political dissidents to forced labor camps called Gulags & had no qualms abt allowing torture to gain false confessions out of his enemies
-Took over power after death of Vladimir Lenin
-Immediately started working on securing his own power (not really about the party)
*Executions, arrests, indoctrination, etc.
*Intense industrialization program (at the expense of the people)
–> Five Year Plan: centrally controlled plan for industrial expansion (rapidly modernize/industrialize Soviet Union)
~During Lenin’s time, wealthy group of landowners called Kulaks emerged & emplyed peasants to work their land, Stalin however believed that such a class were nothing but dirty capitalists & had no place in Soviet Union –> implemented Forced collectivization of Russian agriculture, land taken away from these landowners & placed under authority of state (war on kulaks-wealthy peasants), happened in many places but most severe in Ukraine, which was Soviet Union’s most abundant producer of grain, since Ukranian Kulaks so deeply resented Stalin’s collectivization program & worked hard to resist & undermine it, Stalin responded w/policy that would lead to starvation & death of roughly 7 million ppl in Ukraine alone (dubbed the Holodomor which means death by hunger), Stalin literally cut off their food supply, tortured, executed any farmer who withheld food for themselves & blocked Ukrainians from leaving their region to buy bread elsewhere
~Growth of industrialization was staggering & consequences of 5 year plan were devastating to Russian ppl, millions of workers flooded into these new industrial centers & b/c Stalin wasn’t much interested in providing decent housing for them, they lived in squalid conditions & wages rapidly decreasing b/c Stalin told them, thru an elaborate propaganda campaign, they were working for progress of socialist Utopia promised in the revolution
*After first 5-year plan failed criticism against Stalin reached fever pitch & many in Communist party called for his removal, notably the luminary of Lenin’s regime Leon Trotsky
–> In response Stalin authorized the Great Purge = systematic removal of all Stalin’s enemies from the state which eventually filtered down to some Russian citizens as well, Purge carried out by Stalin’s secret police who imprisoned, tortured & executed those who disagreed w/Stalin
*Resulted in nearly 20 millions deaths (either from execution, arrests, or famine & destruction of crops)
*Soviet Union emerged in the 1930s as an industrial power

The rise of Fascism
-Fascism: a government system in which individuals are more loyal to the state (nation) or a common community than to themselves
*“Destroy the notion of the individual & instead push for a common community”
*extreme nationalism & racism (Aryan race in Germany) → extreme community identity (no individuality)
*Mussolini in Italy & Hilter in Nazi Germany
-Confidence in democracy faltering during Great Depression
-Fascism offered hope & a means to rebuild
-Favored strong, charismatic leaders
-Anti-socialist & communist (massive fear of spread of communism throughout Europe)
-Anti-Semitism (Jews often blamed for corruption of culture, economic issues, etc)
*Did not fit in the arch-nationalistic identity (racial anti-semitism)

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Causes of Fascism


-Post WW| Bitterness: *B/c of immense need for wartime production, working class grew in power during war while middle class power & influence declines b/c of suffering of consumer industries
*Bitterness among gender roles, many women had gone to work while men fighting & appreciated their new found importance in work life , & once men came back they were expected to go back to housekeeping & they did not like that
-Rise of Communism: To many folks in Europe, communism especially in Russia, represented a fearful situation should it come to dominate other states in Europe
-Economic Instability: Great Depression!, Europeans felt strong insecurity & anxiety, so when strong fascist leaders style themselves as saviors from these conditions & put blame for those conditions in all the right places & tapped into powerful sense of victimization ppl felt, for many ppl they wanted such ruler

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Development of Fascism


-Fascism = Political philosophy that emphasizes obedience to authoritarian leader & which leverages all resources of state to fulfill leader’s ambitions

Mussolini [Il Duce] in Italy
-Mussolini abandoned socialist ideas during *WWI in favor of fascist ideas
*Used violence, fear, terror to put down opposing threats (esp Socialists, communists)
–> Used the Blackshirts→ Mussolini police force
*Promised simple solutions to complex situations (jobs)
*October 1922 led March on Rome with 25,000 Blackshirts
*King Victor Emmanuel III does not quell the violence or chaos
*Mussolini invited to serve in coalition government
*By 1925, Mussolini seized dictatorial power
*Created single party, single leader system
–> Limited freedom of speech & press
–> Massive indoctrination efforts in schools & families (large families,
children learn loyalty to nation [& Mussolini] first)
*Economics=capitalism under state control, all business supported power of the state
-Totalitarian Tactics: *Used Modern tech & propaganda to spread his message to all Italians (glorified war, exposed dangers of democracy & communism, & demonstrated how Fascism was answer to political & economic instability of post WW|)
*Use of Secret Police which in Italy was known as Blackshirts (For Mussolini, violence was key)

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Rise of Fascism in Italy


-Not due to economic collapse, happened prior to GD of 1929
*Frustrated w/lack of “winnings” from war, had really wanted to gain territory in the former Austrian-Hungarian empire (several native Italian speakers in the region).
*legislature use proportional representation to allocate seats→ led to development of mass parties (like Mussolini’s fascist party) & fear of communism (labor strikes)
*Party formed paramilitary guards (Blackshirts) to fight lefists orgs. → earned support from wealthier citizens who donated
*Started to earn some seats in legislature, but not a majority–Mussolini didn’t care & demanded the King VE III give him & other fascist leaders positions in govt→ this led to march on Rome
*Was “parliamentary” leader for a few months & then made constitutional changes to eliminate democracy




-Weimar Republic was losing confidence of ppl & really struggling, Paul von Hindenburg, more of an authoritarian leader, monarchist, became President in mid 1920s, Replaced the more socialist leaders of Germany, Selected Heinrich Brunin as Chancellor–moderate, Catholic party→ he invoked Article 48 of the Constitution which allowed him to essentially run the govt as President. \
-Bruning decided to hold parliamentary elections in 1930–middle of a massive economic crisis, this gave rise to two extremist parties→ Nazi & Communist parties.
-By 1932 Nazi party won a majority of seats in the Reichstag & by 1933, Hindenburg asked Hitler to become Chancellor of Germany

-Why/How did Nazi’s become popular?
*At the time they made a lot of promises that were attractive to Jewish people, Revenger for Versailles, Dolchstosslegenda (stabbing in the back legend)=idea that Germans were facing such hardships b/c it was “stabbed in the back” by various hated groups, Jewish, communists, big business, etc. They also offered some limited social reforms→ increasing workers wages, improving common well-being) & they provided someone to blame for all of Germany’s problems. They also claimed that Germans were superior simply by virtue of being German.

Hitler Info
-Austrian, attempted to study art at Academy of Fine Arts, but failed, Developed anti-semtic views while in Vienna→ hated the multi-ethnic Austria-Hungarian empire
-Fought in WWI for Germans
-1919 joined National Socialist German Workers Party–encouraged a revolt when he thought party was strong enough, wasn’t successful→ he went to jail
-While in jail in late 1920s he wrote Mein Kampf (my struggle), outlined extremist views
-Failure of attempted revolt led Hitler to believe that he would need to use existing political structure to take over & achieve power–used democratic system

Nazi Rise
-Also had paramilitary guard–Brownshirts→ become SS
-Often incited violence–used to control their own meetings, also to interrupt opponents, Almost all political groups had “guard” & lots of fighting. Nazi’s claimed to be “law & order” party
-Fire at Reichstag–Feb 1933–just after Hitler became chancellor, Not sure who set the fire, but the Nazi’s blamed the communist & used this as an opportunity to consolidate power
-Hitler convinced Reichstag to vote to give him emergency powers→ allowed to eliminate virtually all human rights, giving executive branch almost total control
-In last election held in Germ (until end of WWII) Nazi only received 44% of vote, but Hitler enacted Enabling Act which allowed party to have emergency powers & combined authority of chancellor w/president→ Fuhrer (leader)
-Summer 1933, all political parties banned (except Nazi)


Development of Fascism


-Rise of Hitler & National Socialist (Nazi) Party (1930s)
-By 1932, the Nazi Party wins a majority of the seats in the Germany Reichstag… How?
*Unemployment & economic instability
*Fear of communism (attracted support of middle class)
*Youth indoctrination
–> Bored & looking for radical change
–> As they grow more powerful, influence education to teach fascist ideals (youth organizations)
*Avenge the Treaty of Versailles (Lebensraum→ living space, regain territory)
*Police force & terror (Brownshirts→ SS, AKA secret police, SS used terror to anyone who opposed Hitler & it was all organized by a guy named Heinrich Himmler who was the architect of murder & oppression, organizer of concentration camps & main proponent of purifying races of Germany)
*Aryan nationalism & identity (Anti-semitism, pro-Germany)
–> Scapegoating: Jewish People & Communist
*1933 Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany, by 1934 declared himself dictator


Nazi Propaganda


-Ministry of Propaganda created to promote Nazi agenda
*Joseph Goebbels
*Germany had history of several social programs→ Nazi’s took advantage of this & created organizations that could be under state control
*Hitler Youth was massive organization & very important to Nazi program
-Hitler used radio, video, & television to broadcast his speeches which were positively overflowing w/nationalist messages & anti-Semitic claims & plans to restore glory of Germany


Spanish Civil War


-B/c of economic & political turmoil in the years after the war, Spain went into tailsman, there the GD ultimately led to collapse of parliamentary democracy & that is when competing factions began fighting for dominance
-By 1936, group of leftists called the Popular Front took control & their group represented interests of workers & communists
-General Francisco Franco led group (violent uprising against popular front) of Army officers & took control of large parts of Spain
-Believed republic (Popular Front gains control in 1936 and established socialist programs) would fall quickly→ it did not
-Germany & Italy step in to support Franco
*Wanted to test out new armements & support growing fascist movement
-Guernica: *Italian & German planes bombed & strafed civilian
*Was purely a terror target–no military significance
-Spain forced to seek to support from Soviet Union (France & GB refused to support republic)
-Nationalists (Franco) able to take over republic


Road to WWII


-Violating the Treaty of Versailles: Part of Hilter’s promise & rise to power
*Remilitarization & Strengthening of State
–> 1935: German rearmament → no response from France or Britain
–> 1936: remilitarized Rhineland → kind of like a test, no response from France or Britain = weak democracies
–> 1936: Berlin Olympics → major propaganda for Germany
–>1936: Rome-Berlin Axis → alliance between Germany & Italy (eventually Japan too)

-Territorial Expansion
*1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia which happened to be 1 out of 2 African states that had never been colonized by Europeans, ultimately successful & that victory made GB a lil sweaty & nervous b/c it threatened their control of the Suez Canal in Egypt, however no one wants to start a war so Mussolini only faces a few economic sanctions imposed by League of Nations
*1938: Germany invades Austria (many Austrians celebrated Hitler & attacked Jewish neighborhoods) Hitler annexed them (Anschluss) & when German troops arrived they held vote to hear from Austrians whether or not they wanted to be absorbed into German right –> 99% of the mfs said yes BUT thats what makes this sus –> it was a rigged vote!!
*1938-1939: Germany invades Czechoslovakia
–> Begins w/annexing Sudetenland (mostly Germans)
–> Continues to invade other parts of Czech lands in 1939
–> France promised to defend Czech….
*In all of this GB & France essentially did nothing to stop it but instead gathered at a meeting & created Munich agreement

*Neville Chamberlain (British PM 1937-1940) → realized that events in 1936 were bad, but didn’t think GB could rearm sufficiently to defeat combined strength of Germany & Italy
*Recognized Italian annexation of Ethiopia, German invasion of Austria
*Munich Agreement
–> Meeting between Germany, Italy, France, GB to decide fate of Czechoslovakia
–> Agreed to transfer all Sudeten territories to Germany
–> Hitler promised to respect sovereignty of Czechoslovakia

-Germany & the Soviet Union
*Soviet Union was authoritarian communist state & was diametrically opposed to U.S. & Western Europe which represented capitalist democracies
*1939: Non-Aggression Pact: Germany & Soviet Union agree not to fight (USSR had tried to form alliance with French & GB, but they didn’t trust Stalin)
*Germany now free to invade Poland
–> Poland–born out of Versailles, once part of German empire,
–> French & British had agreement to respond if Poland’s borders were threatened
*Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact overview: –> Neither would attack other for a decade following agreement
–> Agreed to split Poland between two powers (Gave Hitler confidence to invade Poland knowing Soviet Union would not oppose) & In 1939 that is exactly what Hitler did & why wouldn’t he? Despite his promise to not take anymore territory he was still doing so & no one cared so Poland would be no different right? NOPE it = last straw for GB & France & they declared war on Germany




-European Theater (1939-1945)
*Allied Powers = GB France, Soviet Union + US, Axis Powers = Germany, Italy, Japan
*Poland invaded Sept 1, 1939 → within the month they were destroyed & occupied by Germans (intense policy of anti-semitism and segregation of Jewish citizens, development of Nazi concentration camps)
*Blitzkrieg: swift attacks using tanks & highly mobile units, supported by planes
*April 1940: German aggression, invade Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, & finally France (ultimate goal)

*Fall of France
–> 6 weeks
–> Fought w/WWI tactics, Maginot Line to hold stalemate → easily bypassed by Germans
Dunkirk (highly recommend this movie too)
–> Vichy France : New govt led by Marshal Petain, end to Third Republic, pulled France out of the war
–> Charles de Gaulle, French general, issued call to French soldiers (colonial soldiers) to form new French army & fight: Labeled traitor by Vichy govt who supported Germany

*Great Britain
–> Hitler thought GB shared several traits w/German Aryans→ thought they would see folly of their ways & make peace w/Germany after fall of France
–> Winston Churchill replaced Chamberlain as PM → committed nation to continue the war no matter what
–> Battle of Britain (turning point): ~Luftwaffe (german air force) led heavy attack on Britain
~British used radar to track & cracked Germany military codes, able to fend off some of the attack
~Luftwaffe shifted focus to bombing cities after British bombing of Berlin–terrible for people, but air force able to rebuild; force Hilter to give up on dream of invading Great Britain

*Soviet Union
–> June 2, 1941: Operation Barbarossa → German attack on Soviet Union (turning point)
–> By 1942 Germans reached cities of Leningrad & Stalingrad, but stopped by fortifications & sacrifices of civilians
–> US, Great Britain, France form alliance w/Soviet Union
–> Siege of Stalingrad: During this campaign Soviet civilians & military endured brutal conditions but would not surrender, ultimately Germans endured 3/4 of a million causalities & were never able to control Soviet Stronghold (shows how Axis powers came strong in beginning but eventually tides changed)




Pacific Theater (1941-1945)
-Driven by policies of aggressive expansionism Japan has won victories against China & Russia & acquired, many territories in Southeast Asia & because Japan was also subject to fascist leaders, there was natural affinity between them & Germany/Italy
-Japan joined Axis Powers: Italy, Germany, Japan
-War on the Pacific essentially began in 1937 when Chinese & Japanese forces clashed over seizure of Manchuria (?)
-December 7, 1941: Bombing of Pearl Harbor
*US declared war on Japan, Germany declared war on US, etc.
-US battled Japanese forces in Pacific
*Island hopping: obtaining strategic island positions to better attack mainland Japan & japanese forces
*Intense fighting, kamikaze strategy, japanese refuse to surrender

US also joins war in Europe
-U.S. president Franklin D Roosevelt could see that if GB fell to Germans = bad situation for US so the US has been supplying GB w/weapons of war thru their Cash & Carry Program & their destroyers for Bases program etc & even though they hadn’t officially declared it, it was clear where they stood
*This loyalty abundantly clear to Japan who realized America’s friendship w/GB would eventually bring the Industrial giant into war, & thus wanted to prevent this
*November, 1943: meeting at Tehran, planned invasion of Europe
*June 6, 1944: D-Day invasion on beaches of Normandy, successful in liberating France in Nazi occupation
-Successful invasion of Europe & Soviet resistance at Leningrad in 1944 signaled the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany
*May 8, 1945: Germany surrendered unconditionally

Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki
-US making progress in war in Pacific, nearing mainland Japan
*Could invade & defeat or could drop atomic bomb
-President Truman decided to drop bomb to end war more quickly & avoid loss of life
*Also showed power to Soviet Union (here comes the Cold War…)
-Aug 6, 1945: Hiroshima bombed, Aug 9, 1945: Nagasaki bombed
-Japan surrendered Aug 14, 1945

-Battle of Midway: American forces dominated the Japanese Navy & engaged in Island Hopping campaign to cut off Japanese supply line

-Ultimately allies closed in on Berlin more & more & Hitler moved into a bunker still blaming Jews & committed suicide, German gov. surrendered on May 7th –> VE Day, European theater closed

World War II was officially over, but at what cost


WW|| New Tech


-Incendiary Bombs: bombs cased in a wood housing that were meant only not to explode but to start fires as well
-Most devastating = Atomic Bomb


What were conditions like on the
home front for Japan & the major Western nations involved in World War II?


-GB: *Mobilized their resources more
thoroughly than allies or even Germany
–> By summer of 1944, fully 55% of British ppl were in armed forces or civilian ‘‘war work”
–> Make use of women (civil work, war work, agriculture etc)
*‘‘Dig for Victory’’ campaign to increase food production, fields normally reserved for
athletic events were turned over to citizens to plant gardens in ‘‘Grow Your Own Food’’ campaigns
–> Britain still faced a shortage of food as
German submarines continued to sink hundreds of British merchant vessels = intensified Food rationing
*Many ppl spent their hours after work in wartime activities as ‘‘Dig for Victory,’’ Civil Defence, or the Home Guard = founded in 1940 to fight off German invaders (Even elderly people were expected to help manufacture airplane parts in their homes!)
*British placed much emphasis on a
planned economy –> ppl more accepting of total war policies

-SOVIET UNION: *Joseph Stalin created system of ‘‘supercentralization,’’ by which he directed military & political affairs, All civil & military organizations were subjected to control of Communist Party & Soviet police
*Initial defeats led to drastic emergency mobilization measures that affected the civilian population
*Widespread military, industrial, & economic mobilization created yet another industrial revolution for Soviet Union, Stalin labeled it a ‘‘battle of machines”
*Soviet women played a major role in the war effort (worked in factories, mines, & railroads, only country in WWII to use women as combatants)
*Soviet peasants asked to bear enormous burdens –> furnish 60 percent of the military
forces, expected to feed Red Army & Soviet people under very trying conditions, shortage of labor & equipment hindered effort to expand agricultural production, Bc farm tractors & trucks were requisitioned to carry
guns for military, women & children were literally harnessed to do plowing, & everywhere peasants worked long hours on collective farms for no pay


What were conditions like on the
home front for Japan & the major Western nations involved in World War II?


-US: *Immediate impact of mobilization was a dramatic expansion of American economy, which ultimately brought an end to Great Depression
*American industry supplied not only U.S. armed forces but also other Allies w/ huge quantities of tanks, trucks, jeeps, and airplanes needed to win war
*Industrial mobilization led to an increased gov role in economy + social problems
–>Construction of new factories created
boomtowns where thousands came to work but then faced shortage of houses, health facilities, & schools
–>Dramatic transformation of small towns into large cities often brought a
breakdown in traditional social mores, especially evident in increase in teenage prostitution
–> Also led to widespread movement of people, which in turn created new social tensions

-Germany: *To maintain the morale of home front during first two years of war, Hitler refused to convert production from consumer goods to armaments
*After German defeats on Soviet & American entry into the war, economic situation
changed, Early in 1942, Hitler finally ordered a massive increase in armaments production & size of the army
–> Despite personal architect’s (Speer) pleas for total mobilization, Hitler, fearful of civilian morale problems that would undermine the home front, refused any dramatic cuts in production of consumer goods
–> Total mobilization of economy was not implemented until 1944, when schools, theaters, & cafe´s were closed & Speer was finally permitted to use all remaining resources for production of a few basic military items, but in vain bc they still lost lol
* War produced a reversal in Nazi attitudes toward women, Nazi resistance to female employment declined as war progressed & more & more men were called up for military service

-JAPAN: *Wartime Japan was a highly mobilized society, To ensure its control over all national resources, gov set up a planning board to control prices, wages, utilization of labor, & allocation of resources
*Code of bushido was revived during nationalistic fervor of the 1930s, emphasized
obligation to honor & defend emperor, country, & family & to sacrifice one’s life if one failed in this sacred mission
*Women’s rights, too to be sacrificed to greater national cause
–> fulfill their patriotic duty by bearing more children & by espousing slogans of Greater Japanese Women’s Association, Nevertheless, Japan was extremely reluctant to mobilize women on behalf of war effort




-Extremely destructive
*Civilian deaths majority of 50-60 million deaths from war
*Cities leveled
*Firebombing of Dresden (killed 50,000)

-Displaced persons
*Survivors of the Holocaust
*Fleeing Germans (from formerly occupied territories–now occupied for Soviet Union or GB, French, US)

-United Nations
*International organization, needed to be stronger than League of Nations to be effective
*Based in NYC so US would participate

-US rises as super power (no more isolationism)
*Aid to Europe (Marshall Plan)
*Reemergence of democratic governments in Western Europe


A New Racial Order


-When the turd Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany he made no attempt to hide the racialist motivations that drove his actions
*Came to find Great Comfort in the fact that modern Germans were descendants of ancient group of Germanic speaking ppls known as Aryans (to him & those who thought like him, the Aryan race = master race of earth)
*Hitler trained his mind to believe that the most virulent threat to flourishing of modern master race was Jewish pop. of Europe
–> one he came into power he began implementing policies to establish new racial order


The Holocaust


-1933: Nuremberg Laws
*Revoked Jewish citizenship (only ppl of pure German blood could be citizens)
*Forced identification (wear Star of David)
*Marriage & sex between Jews & Gentiles (non-Jewish)/pureblood Germans forbidden/illegal
*Encouraged emigration
–> In 1939 Hitlers’ policies shifted towards Jewish emigration, most robust plan coming out of this idea was to ship all Jews to African island of Madagascar, however when WW|| started Hitler did not have time/attention to manage complexities of such plans, this is when things turn much darker
–> In 1942 Wannsee Conference was held in which Nazi leaders Reinhard Heydrich, Heinrich Himmler, & Adolf Hitler articulated what was known as final solution

-November 9, 1938: Kristallnacht (night of broken glass)
*Jewish stores, homes, synagogues destroyed
*German intent of eliminating Jews
–> Hundreds killed
–> 30,000 sent to concentration camps

-Concentration Camps & Death Camps
*Jews forced to leave homes and shipped to camps
–> Work camps→ forced into extreme labor
–> Death camps→ immediate (ish) execution

-Final Solution
*Complete annihilation of Jewish people
*Heinrich Himmler & SS put in charge of this action
*Used mobile killing squads that followed army
*Eventually turned to use of systematic annihilation in death camps


The Holocaust


-Not just Jewish populations
*Targeted any groups w/perceived racial or biological inferiority:
–> Roma (Gypsies)
–> People with disabilities
–> Some of the Slavic peoples (Poles, Russians, & others)
–> Soviet prisoners of war
–> Black people
*Other groups were persecuted on political, ideological, & behavioral grounds:
–> Communists
–> Socialists
–>Jehovah’s Witnesses
–> Homosexuals

-Awareness & Resistance
*Debate amongst historians as to what extent people knew what was happening during the Holocaust
*Much of what we know was uncovered upon liberation of concentration camps
*Jewish resistance
–> Armed insurrection in ghettos
–> Recording experiences (in ghettos, camps, etc)
–> Hiding Jewish children
–> Assisting in escape (flee to other countries)


Liberation & Nuremberg Trials


-Allied troops liberated Nazi camps as military advanced in German occupied territory

-Freed prisoners now begin long journey to finding home, family, peace, etc (Tattooist of Auschwitz & We Were the Lucky Ones provide good insight on this process)

-Palestine & Israel
*Palestine: under British control since end of WWI under League of Nations Mandate System (allied, victorious countries controlled former land or territories of losing countries)
*Jewish population felt they had been promised area in Palestine, fought against British control for recognition & land
*1947 UN agrees to partition of Palestine
–> Israel for Jewish population
–> Palestine for Arab population
*British withdrew from Palestine
*Fighting between Arab nations & Jews in Israel began (continues to this day)

-Nuremberg Trials
*Fall 1946, military tribunals, led by Allied powers, used international law & laws of war to presecute Nazi government officials & officers involved in the Holocaust
*Led to turning point in international law
–> Creation of International Criminal Court
–> Development of Convention on the Prevention & Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (via UN)