Religious Changes Henry VIII Flashcards
What did Henry feel was essential to secure a peaceful and strong progression and ensure the survival of the tudor dynasty?
A male heir
What did Henry decide about his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, his brother Arthur’s wife?
That is was against the law
Why did Henry desperately want a male heir?
- secure a peaceful and strong progression
- ensure survival of Tudor dynasty
Why didn’t Henry like the idea of a Queen ruling?
Thought it would lead to disaster
What was Henry convinced of by 1527?
His need to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon
What did Henry become obsessed with?
The idea that his marriage to Catherine of Aragon was, and always had been against God’s law
What did the passage in Leviticus state?
“If a man shall take his brother’s wife…they shall be childless.”
What did Henry feel he had done by marrying Catherine?
What did Henry feel that leaving his daughter to succeed him would lead to?
Political anarchy and instability
What can Anne Boleyn be considered as?
Historical prime cause number one for the reformation
What did Henry see a divorce as?
The answer to all of his problems
When did Henry VIII ask Pope Clement VII for an annulment?
When did Holy Roman Emperor Charles V sack Rome?
May 1527
What happened to Pope Clement VII in May 1527?
He was taken prisoner by Charles V
Why did Pope Clement VII’s imprisonment in 1527 severely limit his ability to negotiate a settlement with HVIII?
Charles V was Catherine of Aragon’s nephew and he was in no position to agree to HVIIIs divorce to his aunt
Why didn’t Charles V want to accept Henry’s divorce from his aunt?
He wanted to keep the peace and didn’t want to bring shame upon the family
What did Anne Boleyn give to henry in 1530?
William Tyndale’s book: ‘On The Obedience of a Christian Man’
What did Tyndale’s book state?
That the Pope’s writ dod not run in England
Seeing as the Pope had failed to agree to HVIIIs divorce, what was the only way to get the divorce which Henry thought the country needed for future security?
By ending Papal jurisdiction in England and transfer the ability to deal with such matters to the King and his ministers.
When was the Reformation Parliament called?
What was the Reformation Parliament of 1529 used for?
To put pressure on the Pope to grant a divorce.
What did an anti clerical group of MPs within the Reformation Parliament do?
Set up a committee to put forward measures which were designed as attacks on the clergy
What was laid against some of the clergy in 1530?
When Convocation met in 1531 to deal with the attacks, what did they agree on?
They agreed to pay Henry off and accept that he was ‘The Supreme Head of Church’ in England and Wales.
What would the anti clerical feelings of the parliament be used for?
To destroy the independence of the church
How did Henry manage to threaten the pope?
Through statutes and by showing that the people who counted in the kingdom were behind him
What happened when parliament met in 1532?
They were angered. Under Cromwell’s guidance they attacked harshly upon the church and papacy.
What was the Supplication against the Prdinates 1532?
An attack on the church’s independent laws and the courts in particular.
What was the church becoming?
Less and less independent
What did Cromwell and the king call for?
An undivided allegiance, meaning people had to choose between their King or the Pope.
What did Convocation do in 1532?
Surrendered to the King by accepting his demands in a document called ‘Submission of the Clergy’
What did the Conditional Restraint of Annates Act of 1532 do?
Suspended the Pope receiving one third of the episcopacy’s income.
What was the Conditional Restraint of Annates Act a form of?
Economic blackmail
Clement did not surrender, and he threatened to do what?
Excommunicate Henry if he went on with the divorce
Therefore with these laws what did the King manage to do?
Claim supremacy over the church in england and wales and abolished one of the Pope’s main sources of income.
Why did the divorce need to be rushed?
Anne Boleyn was pregnant
What was the Act in restraint of Appeals 1533?
Forebode appeals from English Church Courts to Rome
What did the Act in restraint of appeals include?
Marital appeals, meaning Catherine of Aragon could not appeal to the pope regarding the divorce
What did the act in restraint of appeals 1533 mean?
That appeals now went to the king
What did the act in restraint of appeals allow?
It allowed henry to get his divorce.
What was the Fruit and Tenths act of 1534?
Higher taxes on the clergy. The crown’s income increased by about 40%
What was the succession act of 1534?
The crown would go to the children on Henry and Anne, and not to Mary who was now illegitimate.
What was the Act of Supremacy of 1534?
It fixed Henry’s rights in a statute. “Justly and rightfully and ought to be supreme head of church.”
What year were the ten Articles?
What were the Ten Articles?
The seven sacraments of Catholic doctrine were rejected, leaving a belief in 3: baptism, Eucharist and penance. A clear move towards Protestantism
What was the Bishops’ Book of 1537?
The four lost sacraments were rediscovered but of lesser value
What did the Bishops’ Book emphasise?
The authority of scriptures. God’s word is what’s important not the Church’s analysis.
Why was the English Bible of 1537 a huge change for people?
It was extremely Protestant.
People could now analyse God’s word for themselves for the first time without relying on the Church’s analysis.
Who was the. King persuaded by in 1536 to allow he English Bible?
The secret Protestants, Thomas Cromwell and Thomas Cranmer
What were the clergy ordered to do four times a day?
Preach in the people’s language, they now understood what was being said.
What were the 6 Articles of 1539?
A radical shift in doctrine.
Confirmed transubstantiation
Banned marriage of priests
What is supposedly the main reason for the 6 Articles?
Henry’s fear that a campaign had been launched by Catholic powers against England.