Edward VI 2: Attacking The Church Flashcards
What were the Royal Injunctions of 1547?
When were the Royal Injunctions introduced?
July 1547.
When was the Chantries Act passed?(Whole section on Chantries Act so little information about it here!!)
It was enforced in 1547.
What year were the 6 Articles repealed?
What had the 6 Articles of 1539 done?
Re-established Catholic doctrines.
When were the 6 Articles passed during Henry VIII’s reign?
What did the repealing of the Six Articles in 1547 mean?
That the Catholic doctrines which were re-established in 1539 were now removed once more.
When were all images removed from churches?
February 1548
Why was the removing of all images from churches symbolic?
Because it had an effect on everyone and these images had been there since the 9th century and now they were being removed.
What was changing because of the removing of all images from churches?
People’s customs were changing and they were too scared to oppose and the Catholic church was also too corrupt.
People now had religion in their own language and they could interpret religion and God’s word themselves for the first time.
When was the First English Prayer Book introduced?
What did the First English Prayer Book of 1549 outline?
The First English Prayer Book of 1549 outlined the liturgy to be followed in services.
When was the Act of Uniformity Passed?
January 1549
What did the Act of Uniformity 1549 do?
It made the Book of Common Prayer the official liturgy
When was the Second Book of Common Prayer introduced?
January 1552
What was the Second Book of Common Prayer January 1552 and who wrote it?
It was a highly Protestant book written by Thomas Cranmer.
What did The Second Book of Common Prayer of January 1552 remove?
Removed all traces of Catholicism, prayers for the dead and the wearing of vestments were also removed.
What did the Second Act of Uniformity of January 1552 enforce?
It enforced the Second Book of Common Prayer
When were the 42 Articles introduced?
What were the 42 Articles based on?
Based on Thomas Cranmer’s strongly Protestant ideas.
What were the 42 Articles of 1552 the basis of?
They were the basis of Elizabeth’s 39 Articles.