Henry VIII 4: Acts Flashcards
When was The Act in Restraint of Annates act passed?
Which act was passed in 1532?
The Act in Restraint of Annates
What was the Act in Restraint of Annates of 1532?
It banned payment of all but 5% of annates. Annates were the pope’s main source of income from Henry’s kingdom.
What was the first official step taken to lessen the Pope’s influence in England?
The Act in Restraint of Annates of 1532
What does it mean that The Act in Restraint of Annates of 1532 was conditional?
It meant that it didn’t come into effect until the king activated it, which suggests the measure was part of a programme aimed to make it worth the pope’s while to grant henry’s divorce.
When was the Act in Restraint of Appeals passed?
Which act was passed in 1533?
The Act in Restraint of Appeals.
The drafted the radical measure of the Act in Restraint of Appeals?
Thomas Cromwell.
What did the Act inRestraint of Appeals of 1533 lay down?
It laid down that in the future, the highest Court of Appeal in all religious matters now lay in England and that there would be no outside interference in such matters.
What did the statement of the Act in Restraint of Appeals 1533 declare?
That England was an empire, free from foreign influences.
Because of the Act in Restraint of Appeals 1533 what specific matter could now be dealt with?
The royal divorce between henry and Catherine of Aragon
What could Catherine of Aragon no longer do because of the Act in Restraint of Appeals 1533?
Appeal to the Pope against the divorce.
What did the Act in Restraint of Appeals 1533 lead to?
The excommunication of Henry by Pope Paul III
So all in all, what did the Act in Restraint of Appeals 1533 enable Henry to do?
To get his divorce from Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn before the baby was born.
When was the Act for First Fruit and Tenths passed?
What did the Act for First Fruit and Tenths force everyone who held clerical office to do?
To pay about a years income on appointment and 10% of their income anually.
What happened because of the 1534 Act for First Fruit and Tenths?
Crown revenue increased by about 40%
When was the Act of Supremacy passed?
What did the Act of Supremacy 1534 declare?
That Henry “Justly and rightfully and ought to be Supreme Head of church in England and Wales.”
What did the Act of Supremacy 1534 give Henry?
Enormous influence over the doctrines and beliefs of the church.
When was the Act of Succession passed?
What did the Act of Succession 1534 declare?
That the crown would go to the children of Henry and Anne’s marriage and that Mary I was illegitimate.
What did the Act of Succession 1534 condemn?
It condemned any judgement on the marriage as treason.
When was the Act for the Dissolution of the Monasteries passed?
February 1536.
When was the Act of 10 Articles passed?
July 1536
What did the Act of 10 Articles of July 1536 do?
Rejected the 7 sacraments of Catholic belief, leaving only three: the Eucharist, baptism and penance.
What was the Act of 10 Articles of July 1536? (In general)
A clear move towards Protestantism.
When was the Bishop’s Book published?
July 1537
What did the Bishop’s Book of July 1537 say?
It said what the church believed.
What did the Bishop’s Book of July 1537 emphasise?
The authority of scriptures. This meant that God’s word is what’s important, not the church’s interpretation.
When was the Matthew Bible published?
What was the 1537 Matthew Bible?
A distinctly Protestant version that had the King’s permission.
What did the 1537 Matthew Bible mean people could do for the first time?
Analyse God’s word themselves for the first time.
Who was the King persuaded by to publish the Matthew Bible of 1537?
Thomas Cromwell and Thomas Cranmer.
What were priests now ordered to do after the publishing of the Matthew Bible of 1537?
Preach 4 times a year in the people’s language.
What did the Matthew Bible of 1537 mean people could now do?
People could now question religion.
When was The Act of Six Articles passed?
June 1539
What was The Act of Six Articles of June 1539?
A shift in doctrine.
By 1539, what was happening in the country?
By 1539 the country was divided by religious arguments and disagreements.
What did The Act of Six Articles of June 1539 confirm?
It confir,ed transubstantiation, private masses and the hearing of confession by priests.
What is a possible explanation as to why Henry passed The Act of Six Articles of June 1539?
He was possibly worried of an attack by papal powers.
When was the Act for The Dissolution of Greater Monasteries passed?
June 1539
When was The King’s Book published?
What was The King’s Book of 1543?
A revised Bishop’s Book which defended transubstantiation and the 6 Articles.
What did The King’s Book of 1543 encourage?
Preaching and it attacked the use of images.
When was the Chantries Act passed? (But not enforced)
What did Henry do in 1546?
He named a heavily Protestant Council of Regency for Edward which ensured him a Protestant influenced inheritance.