Henry VIII 6: European Reformation Promote Relig Change In E&W? Flashcards
What did Henry VIII hate?
Luther and his ideas and his influence was negligible as far as the initial Break with Rome is concerned. (Divorce)
What is difficult to measure?
The influence of people like Luther on the English Reformation.
Where is Luther’s influence seen?
Luther’s influence is seen in people such as Cromwell, Cranmer and Tyndale’s work in England and Salesbury in Wales.
Where was Lutheran influence wide-spread?
Lutheran influence was wide-spread in academic circles for example Oxford and Cambridge.
When can Luther’s influence be seen mor clearly?
Luther’s influence can be seen much more clearly after the Break with Rome.
Other European Protestants played an important part in promoting religious change in England and Wales. Give an example.
We can see this in the Elizabethan Church Settlement and the clear influence of Zwingli and Calvin.
What was translating the bible into English and Welsh partly to do with?
Translating the Bible into English and Welsh was partly to do with European influence > Luther encouraged the Bible to be translated to the language of the people.
On a whole, what did the European Reformation have an indirect influence on?
On a whole, the European Reformation had an indirect influence on religious changes in England and Wales.