Rebellion of The Northern Earls Flashcards
What were the two main reasons for the rebellion?
Political and religious
What year did the Rebellion of the northern earls take place?
When did Mary Queen of Scots arrive in England?
What did England’s Catholics see Mary Qos as?
As an alternative to the Protestant Elizabeth
What were the names of the factions in court who were in favour of mary marrying thomas howard, duke of norfolk?
Sussex and Leicester factions
What were the Sussex and leicester factions in favour of?
Seeing mary marry Thomas howard, Suke of Norfolk
Who did people hate?
William Cecil
What would the marriage hopefully do to william cecil?
Make him lose his political power
Why didn’t people like Cecil?
He meddled in matters traditionally left for the nobility
Why did the Northerners feel excluded?
They felt excluded from office and power and were annoyed at the lack of opportunities at court
Who were the pro Catholic Earls who were being sidelined from the Elizabethan regime?
Earl of Westmorland and Northumberland
What were the Earls of Westmorland and Northumberland sidelined from?
The Elizabethan regime
What were the Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland being passed over for?
For offices traditionally left for them
What religious matters were the north aggravated about?
The treatment of the Catholic faith
What didn’t the North want to give up?
Their Catholic practices as the north was still a very catholic region
Who arranged most of the rebellion?
Earls Northumberland and Westmorland
When did the rebellion start?
November 1569
When was the main rebellion over?
Christmas 1569
However what happened in January 1570?
Another rebellion began as Lord Dacre raised 3000 men before he was defeated in Naworth battle near Carlisle
What happened to Lord Dacre?
He was defeated in the Naworth battle
Why wasn’t the battle near Carlisle a threat?
Because it was too far from london
What was the rebel’s big failure?
Their inability to gain support from the Catholic gentry in Cheshire and Lancashire
How many people died in the Naworth battle?
How many rebels were executed by elizabeth?
What did Earl Westmorland succeed in doing?
When was Earl of Northumberland executed and where?
In 1572 in York
F:What did the rebellion lack?
It lacked a coherent programme and it was poorly planned
F: What was limited?
The rebels’ support was limited geographically
F: What was their big flaw?
Their inability go gain support from the Catholic gentry in Cheshire and Lancashire
F: Where was the rebels’ power, to an extent, confined to?
North Riding and Yorkshire