religion peace and conflict Flashcards
violence in the bible
violence is present in the bible from the very beginning when cain murders abel. it is from cains own sinful heart that violence comes, and god condemns it and punishes him
verse in bible that says murder is forbidden
exodus 20;13 where the sixth commandment is given
you shall not murder
where does god condone violence
in parts of the old testament, god condones the use of violence within the context of wars, these wars fought by Israelites are ordered by god
these wars are either to claim or to protect land that god has promised to them
many Christians interpret these events in the old testament as giving justification for war to defend peoples and nations.
some believe that Jesus’ teachings makes it wrong to use violence in any context so they would always look for peaceful solutions
causes of terrorism
often those involved in terrorism feel that there is no alternative they believe that
their actions have the potential to force change
their use of terror is an appropriate response to the given situation
why do terrorist groups develop overtime
social reasons such as marginilisation of minority groups such groups may recive fewer rights or feel that their culture is being attacked and destroyed
for some terrorist organisations it is their fight for independence or international recognition and land that causes them to use violence. there may also be religious reasons for terrorism
when religious freedoms are violated some extremists choose to use violence in an effort to address the issue
different Christian attitudes towards terrorism
the catholic church accepts that sometimes a just war is an appropriate response to terrorism
the church of england accepts the use of lethal force asa last resort in dealing with terrorists
the church believes that creating stronger communities will help to combat some of the causes of terrorism
what is a just war
a war that meets certain criteria which make It justifiable
what three areas for just war
jus ad bellum
jus in bello
jus post bellum
what is jus ad bellum and what are the five criteria
this is the consideration of whether it is right to go to war
the five criteria are
the war must be started by the proper authority eg government
the reason to go to war must be just eg to protect people
everything must be done to make sure good instead of evil results from the war
the war must be the last resort every othe way of solving the situation mustve been tried and failed
the force used must be nomore than is necessary to ein and civillians or those not posing a threat should not be targeted
what is jus in bello
this concers the actions taken within a war making sure the correct conduct is followed
what is jus post bellum
this is referring to the actions taken after the war
Christians attitudes towards a just war
Christians do not believe that war can be easily justified. unless a proposed war meets all the criteria of a just war they usually feel it should be avoided
Christians believe that the bible teaches the need to aim for peace and to maintain justice through at times war may be necessary to achieve this
catholics and Anglicans agree that war is always regretful as it signals that other peaceful means of solving a situation have failed.
what is holy war.
holy war is an argument that states that physical violence is sometimes necessary to defend religion, the causes for a holy war may be include the claiming of land for the religion, the spreading of the faith or the defence of religious believers
neither the catholic nor Anglican churches have called on believers to fight in a holy war since the time of crusaders
what are the three elements for holy wars
the achievement of a religious goal
being authorised by a religious leader such as the pope
the promise of a spiritual reward for those who take part
does god support holy wars
it is usually believed that god himself is in favour of the holy war
this is supported by references to accounts in the bible when god sent his people into battle for example in the book of joshua
evidence of holy war in the bible
Joshua 8;1
do not be afraid do not be discouraged take the whole army with you and go up and attack ai
Christian attitudes to warfare
the Christian attitude to war is to safeguard human life as possible with some other human rights, such as not allowing torture
Christians also aim to make sure that war is limited in its level of violence, combatants are required to use neccsessary force to overcome the enemy they are nort allowed to kill indiscriminantly or kill when a lesser action would stop the enemy
these principles are very important to Christians as they seek to hold in balance Jesus’ teaching love your enemies (matthew 5;43) and at the same time stand up for the oppressed, defend the weak and overcome evil
what church condemns the use of weapons
the Methodist church condemns the use of all weapons of mass destruction, chemical, biological and nuclear
the value of peace
peace helps to limit suffering and develop harmony, and provides oppurtunities to promote mutual respect between peoples. as conflict and war is reduced so are the associated negative impacts such as poverty, homelessness and broken families
chrisitianity supports the high value that can be placed upon peace. this is the peace between god and humans through salvation, humans between each other, including love for enemies and peace between nations
where does it say in the bible that absolute peace will be restored
Isaiah 11;6
the bible speaks of a time in the future when absolute peace will once again be restored
what is pacifism
the belief that there should be no use of military force whatsoever whether the cause is just or not is irrelevant
what do Christians who are pacifists aim to do
they aim to use peaceful methiods to resolve conflict instead of war some methods include sanctions, protests and boycotts
what teaching do pacifists focus on
love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
what is conditional pacifism
is an alternative standpoint and some Christians take this view
from the conditional pacifism standpoint it is the bad consequences of war and violence that makes them unacceptable. conditional pacifists would argue that there are times when an act of war will be less bad than the alternative consequences, in such cases the act of war is considered necessary
what Christian denominations advocatepacifism
the brethren
the amish
the quakers
what churches accept that there are times where force may have to used as the last resort
the catholic church and the Anglican church
what is social justice
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, oppurtunities and privileges within society
what do Christians believe about social justice and how do they work towards it
Christians believe that it is important to work for social justice, achieving the fair treatment for all people as equal and valuable before god
there are many ways Christians can work towards social justice, eg many Christians support the fair trade movement , which ensures the fair prices are payed to producers in developing countries and the salvation army
responses to social injustice
Christians believe they have a responsibility to stand up for the weak or the oppressed, they maintain that njustices in society should not be left unchalleneged
Christians advocate the value and dignity of all human beings. they do not accept that any human beings. they do not accept that any human should possess fewer right or values than another
for this reason all Christians are opposed to any form of social injustice Christians believe that every human has equal value in the eyes of god so they aim to achieve justice for all people
what is the liberation theology
liberation theology is a Christian idea that god has the power to change situations in the world that are unjust
some Christians have taken this belief to mean that it is right to stand up against goverments that oppress their people or where the authorities misuse their powers
in response to lib theo Christians may take part in peaceful protests or actively take part in supporting those harmed by injustice