is a word used by religious people to describe how they feel and act towards god
in worship people show adoration love and honour and respect towards god
what are the three forms of worship
liturgical, non liturgical and charismatic
what is liturgical worship
uses set patterns for services, the congregation responds to the person or people leading the service by reading set words from a service sheet or both
what churches use liturgical worship
the rc church
orthodox xhurch
church of England
what is non liturgical worship
has little pre organised structure there will be a person known as a minister who leads the service but anyone in congregation is allowed to pray
where is non liturgical worship practised
protestant and non conformist churches eg Baptist united reform churches
what is the focus of non liturgical worship
to reinforce the importance of the bible as the authoritative word of god
what is charismatic worship
Christians believe that they receive similar gifts of the spirit whuc can be used in worship including speaking in tongues
doesn’t follow a set pattern, often includes dancing clapping and people raising their hands in the air as part of their worship to god
where is charismatic worship found
Pentecostal churches
what is individual worship
often Christians will spend some time each day in their own private worship
this quiet time might include praer and bible reading
why is individual worship important
its important to beleivers because it is their way of developing their relationship with god they are able to study the bible and to seek specific guidance for them
what is a sacrament
a sacrament is an outward act with an inner spiritual meaning
what are the seven sacrament
baptism eucharist confirmation reconciliation marriage holy orders anointing the sick
which churches only recognise two sacraments
pretestant churches and the church of england
why do the protestant church and c of e church only recognise two sacraments
they were brought into existence by god himself baptism and euchraist
what ar ethe two sacraments only recognised in some churches
baptism and eucharist
what is the eucharist
the eucharist is the bread and wine ceremony in Christian worship that remembers the sacrifice of jesus on the cross. it is one of the sacraments a ritual by which the grace of god is received in Christian worship
how does the eucharist differ in different denominations
catholic churches believe in transubstantiation they believe that the bread and wine are actually transformed into Jesus’ body and blood catholics refer to this as jesus having a real presence during mass
Anglicans believe in consubstantiation, they believe that jesus is spiritually present in the bread and wine as his sacrifice is celebrated
importance of eucharist
the sacrament of eucharist is important in the life of Christians partly because it reminds them of the sacrifice of jesus and the salvation they have received it also brings Christians closer to other members of the Christian community
evidence of transubstatioation
while theywere eating, jesus took the breaf… take it and eat it for this is my body
symbolises a persons admission to the Christian church , water might be sprinkled over a persons head or they might be immersed in water
this symbolises purification and being washed from sin
in what denominations does infnt baptism take palce
rc church
orthodox church
church of england
why don’t Baptist and Pentecostal church do infant baptism
emphasis is palced on the person making a conscious descision to be baptised so people must be baptised as adult
evidence to support adult baptism
adult baptism of jesus and other in new testament
their belief that a person needs to be a believer before being baptised