oneness of god
all knowing
all loving
all powerful
the one unforgivable sin in Islam
worshipping idols
evidence of omnibenevolence in the Quran
surah 1
the infinitely compassionate and merciful
evidence of Allah being beyond human imagination
Surah 6:103
no vision can grasp him
evidence of the teaching of tawhid in the Quran
Surah 112
he is Allah the one
why is the teaching of tawhid is important
because acting against it is the sin of shirk the one unforgivable sin in Islam
Islam follows strict
Muslims are
what do Muslims believe about Allah
has no partners is omniscient is omnibenevolent omnipotent is one god of all time and all human kind
what do the 99 names of Allah reinforce
Muslim belief that Allah is beyond human comprehension
evidence of tawhid in the Shahadah
there is no god but god
an important belief about allah in islma is…
the concept of tawhid, means oneness of god, is the idea hat there is one god and teaches oneness is central to allah.
muslims do not make pics….
or any statue, image or likeness of allah. this is to avoid the danger of idolatry and because allah is far beyond human imagination and cannot be compared to anything or anyone else
what sin is it to depict allah
sin of shirk
evidence for allah being beyond human imagination
Surah 6:103
‘no vision can grasp him’
what are the six articles of faith in sunni islam
tawhid- oneness of allah
risalah- how allah communicates with humans
belief about angles
belief about the holy books (kutub)
belief about the messengers of allah (prophets)
belief about life after death (ahirah)
belief about pre destination (al qadr)
what are the five roots of usul ad din in shia islam
tawhid belief in divine justice belief in prophethood belief in imams belief in the day of resurrection
what do sunni and shias agree on
life after death
what do sunni and shia disagree on
divine justice (al-adl)– shia believe there is an objective rules about right and wrong, sunni believe only that right and wrong is up to allah
shia believe there is no such thing as predestination as humans have free will but they will be judged on jidgement day
shia belief in imams
shia believe that the imams are directly descended from Muhammad and that they are infalliable and that they are protected from sin by allah.
other diiferences between sunni and shia
3 prayer times for the 3 prayers in shia islam whereas sunni muslims perform each prayer sepreately
shia muslims pray placing their heaf on a clay brick emulating Muhammad prating on the ground whereas sunni do not
abu bakr is the first caliph in sunni islam ali first caliph in shia
importance of ali
second person to accept prophet Muhammad as a prophet after Khadija
first leader of the ummah after the death of Muhammad
was an imam therefore is infalliable
features of prophets
role model to the ummah
he is supported by miracle to prove that he is not an imposter
nessecary for conveying gods guidance to people
name three prophets
adam, musa , muhammad
what is risalah
it is prophethood in islam and is one of the six articles of faith
rasul means messenger the prophets deliver divine messages from god teaching people how to live a virtuous life and how to worship god
why was muhammads life important with evidence
it was an example to muslims because he demonstrated how to obey allah
he has the qualities muslims are expected to follow
muslims also belive that Muhammad was chosen by allah as part of the risalah
being sent by allah ensured Muhammad was infalliable making him a perfect role model
he was known as the trustworthy and the truthful
he made the hijjrah to Yathrib where he set up the firsrt ummah. the ummah in yahtrib was built on the muslim principles of tawhid equality and peace and as such muslims try to emulate the qualities and beliefs today
he showed devotion in his beliefs in the way he defended the ummah during the battle with Makkah
then showed compassion when he returned peacefully to Makkah to destroy the idols kept in the Kaaba as a sign of his belief in tawhid
was born in mecca
was known as the seal of the prophets because he provided the final revelation of allah to his people in the form of the quran
laylut al qadr-`
night of power
marks the night in which the quran was revelaed to the prophet Muhammad
this night is the celebration of the arrival of the quran
why is the night of pwer important
muslims regard it as the most importnant event in history in the quran it says this night is better than 1000 months
many muslims think this is a special night when god gives heed to their forgiveness
the 6 prophets
adam musa isa- messiah ismail- Ibrahim son Ibrahim- hanif` dawud
what are the four sources of guidance for muslims
shariah law
the quran
final words of allah
respect- highest book in the room, wash hands before using sunnis believe the quran is eternal
contains the essential message of allah
why is the quran not a good sourceq
not all life problems appear in the quran muslims must try to work out how the message of the quran can be used today
difference in belief in the quran
sunni believ the death of the prophet sealed the quran shut so no more knowledge is requied to lead a good muslim life
shia bleive that imams have special knowledge and can add to the quran, they believe the quran is the essence of allah and as the world continues to unfold the quran can be added to
record of what Muhammad did during his life. a good muslim will try to emulate the prophet in all they do
the record of what the prophet said as a man and not what allah said through him
rules for the bahviour of muslims
angels are created from divine light
they are not free beings and they exist to carry out the will of allah
have no free will
obedient to allah so they are free from sin
name three angels
angel jibrail
chief angel- brought allah message to Muhammad
angel izrail
angel of death and is responsible for the ending of each persons life
angel israfial
angel of the last judgement- he will blow trumpet to announce the day of resurrection
angel mikail
guardian of heaven
why do muslims reject original sin
muslims believe that adam and eve did eat the fruit of the tree but were forgiven by allah
muslims believe that as a just god allah couldn’t hold anyone responsible
muslims belives humasn are judged by niyyah- intention
muslims believe that good intentions are immediately recorded by the angels but bad intentions are not recorded until acted upon because allah is merciful