dialogue between religious and non religious beliefs and attitudes Flashcards
how are the teachings of Christianity and the Christian church embedded in british tradittions and culture
school terms are arranged around the Christian festivals of Christmas and easter
the Christian calender influences other british traditions such as valentines day (a saints day) pancake day(shrove Tuesday) and haloween (the day before all saints day)
the week has seven days reflecting the biblical story of creation of the universe
what does establishment mean
means the church has strong links with the state, that is the government and government led institutions such as the law, education and the military
what is the queen and what does she do
the queen is head of state and the defender of faith
approves the appointment of senior clerics
opens new sessions of the general synod (the churches governing body)
keeps the coronation vow to maintain the church
three examples of Christian services that may be used to mark key events
baptism- which celebrates the birth of a baby and welcomes it into the church
marriage- a ceremony that marks the coming together of two people to start a new family
funerals- when peoples lives are remembered and loved ones can say goodbye to the deceased
what are the four Christian events that are marked by public holidays
good Friday remembers the deathof jesus
easter Monday is the second day of easter it emphasises the importance of easter sunday which celebrates the Christian belief in the resurrection of jesus by allowing workers an extra day off
Christmas day celebrates the birth of jesus
boxing day marks the day on which workers were traditionally given a Christmas box or gift by the people they served
what do the humanist association and the national secular society think about faith skls
the national secular society is not against religion or teaching in Britain but is against the idea of the state promoting religion it opposes the confessional teaching of Christianity in Christian skl
the humanist association opposes religious worship in state skls it says religious worship ignores the right of the children to freedom of belief and conscience .
what is secularisation
is the idea that religious beliefs practices and organisations are becoming less important in society. so secularisation is a process that happens over time as the influence of religion weakens
evidence of secualrisatoin
religious teachings and organisations are no longer respected
we can rely on material comforts for our happiness and so have less need to believe in supernatural ideas
religion has become a private matter and has less influence in public life
causes and effects of secularisation
decline of community
fewer people attend church services
fewer people are willing to work in a church
festivals like easter and Christmas have lost their Christian significance in british society
what is reationalisation
society becomes commited to following practical and provable principles and procedeures such as science politics and economics
what is differentiation
society develops increasingly specialised insitutions and religion is no longer directly relevant to the operation of any of them
what evidence is there that secularisation is not taking place
even though traditional religious beleifs and organisations have lost their appeal most people still hold religious beliefs
religion is very important in many social groups eg muslims
what is humanism
is a way of seeing and reacting to the world using science logic and reason, and rejecting religious beliefs and ideas
what three principles do humansits today share
a scientific view of the universe that j=rejects supernatural beliefs
a concern for the welfare of other human beings and animals
the need for each person to create meaning in their own life without a belief in life after death
c of e view on marriageq
is opposed to same sex marriage teaches marriage can only take place between women and man
CATH view on marriage
doesnt reconise marriage between two peole of the same sex
euthanasia and assited suicide
assisted suicide is illegal under the suicide act of 1961 but public opinion is strongly in favour of euthanasia
euthansai is the deliberate act of ending someones life to relieve thwm of suffering
why do many Christians believe euthanasia is worng
life is precious- it is sacred because it was created by god
euthansia is deliberate killing so its murder - ten commandmets forbids murder
Christians have a duty of care for those who are suffering
what are non religious reasons for opposing euthanasia
a doctors duty is to preserve life not end it
what do people who agree with euthanasia say
that it is not murder murder is commited through anger and hatred euthansia is performed out of love and compassion
do people have the right to die
Christians believe that a persons life is not their own, it is created by god and only god has the right to take it away
therefore no one has the right to end their life or have it ended by someone else
however a patient may refuse medical treatment even if the treatment would save their life
many people including Christians agree with this provided that the individual has the mental capacity to make such a descision
they asy if the patients death is gods will it would be wront=g to interfre
rc view on abortion
opposed to abortion and it considers it to be murder
c of e view on abortion
opposed to it but sees there may be cirumstances where it may be necessary eg if preganacy put womens life in danger
views on therapeutic clonig
catholic against it
it teaches that life starts at conception so the embryo is a human being
so the deliberate destruttion of stem cells and embryos is wrong
views on fertility treatment
Christians may view that their ability to have children is for god to decide they would opt out as they think it is interfering with gods paln
views on ai
church of england teaches that conception should occur in a loving sxual relationship if it cannot happen ai is acceptable
rc believe conceptoion should only happen thru sexual union and therefore ai is unacceptable
whatn is ai
collecting sperm ad inserting it into a womens uterus thru non sexual means
views on ivf
rc opposes ivf because conception does not take palce thru sexual intercourse within a marriage it is absoloutely opposed to research being conducted on embryos
the c of e accepts ivf treatment it evens accepts the use of embryos for medical experimentation so long as it is carried out 14 days of fertilisiation
what is exclusivism
is the view that only one religion is tru and the others are nessecarily false
exclusivists believe that they hold that salvation is possible only through explicit and conscious knowledge of fiath and jesus Christ furthermore those who reject the Christian faith are destined for hell
is the view that chritianity is the only true religion that jesus was god embodied as a human and that his death was a sacracfice to the sins of the world
they believe non Christians can go heaven v=because
god is omnibenevolent and would never make the criteria for salvation as to consist for only Christians
god is wholly good would not be just to condemn people who have not heard jesus
the parable of the sheep and the goat … the righteous will go into ethernal life - says nothing about faith or belief
rejects the idea that god has revealed himself only through j Christ nd that salvation can only be obtained through him
they rejects inculsivist and exclusivists